I honestly doubt the honesty of the poker software. My account is minus over € 3,500 for three months of play. The hands I lose are beyond every logical and statistical framework. Namely, whether I was too strong before the flop, on the flop and on the turn, on the river 95% of my hands were lost when I was in the hands of the Ukrainians who recently started playing this poker. I also wanted to post a video on youtube channel. Absurd hands, something unseen that will disgust your poker. I understand that they profit from the rake, but so much so that the bill goes deep into the minus and that with an absolute hand no win can be made against the Ukrainians, that is already too much.
Iskreno sumnjam u poštenje poker softvera. Račun mi je u minusu preko 3500 eura za tri mjeseca igre. Ruke koje gubim su van svakog logičkog i statističkog okvira. Naime da li bio prejak prije flopa, na flopu i turnu, na riveru 95 % ruke su izgubljene kada sam u ruci sa Ukrajincima koji su nedavno počeli da igraju ovaj poker. Htio sam i video na youtube canalu objaviti. Apsurdne ruke, nešto neviđeno što će Vam ogaditi poker. Razumijem da od rejka oni profitiraju, ali toliko da račun ide duboko u minus i da se sa apsolutnom rukom ne može ostvariti pobjeda protiv Ukrajinaca, to je već previše.