Hi all,
Dont know if anyone remembers, but I posted in here a couple months back about my situation. Eventually managed to get most of my money back through chargebacks.
Unfortunately, I went and relapsed again, and have now contacted my bank once more to explain why I am now raising further chargebacks. Only this time, it’s a lot worse. Over £8,000 in the space of a month. Pretty much all of my money. If I don’t get this back, I’m screwed. I’ve also now decided to seek proper help.
One word of advice I would give you all is once you get your money back, you need to seek help. I made the mistake of thinking I could freeroll the casino and now I’m in an even worse position than before. Getting my money back pretty much made me think I was above the casino and now chances are my bank are going to not help me any further. I had been given a lifeline, and I threw it away.
The claims have been raised, but it looks so suspicious and I’m very worried that they’re going to think I’m trying to fraudulently claim once they look at it. I’ve of course, explained this to them but I’m not so confident. It doesn’t help that on my previous chargebacks, they locked my bank account and had to take a look at the claims further to make sure they weren’t fraudulent. There’s 7 claims raised all with multiple transactions on each, and it looks so bad. My statement is a mess.
Getting the money back isn’t the issue for me, as I’m sure it won’t be for most of you here. The issue is addiction, and without proper help it’ll never get better. PLEASE take my situation as an example of what happens if you think you can freeroll the casino. They always get it back.
If anyone has any advice on how I can seek further help, please let me know.
would you be able to help me with bitsent/quickbit
any help would be appreciated
Thank you for sharing your story.
It is so difficult having a gambling addiction, my ex got me I to gambling at arcades but they got mein to 50k of debt as I had the better credit score so was always getting loans or credit cards. I have a trust deed now but the seed was planted.
Do you mind me asking which bank you were with and what you said to them to start the process and how long it took?
Sorry for all the questions.
mrsloty.com を使用した経験のある方はいらっしゃいますか?
Does anyone have experience with mrsloty.com?
They don't respond to the support email at all and I can't log into my account.
According to the reviews, they don't seem very credible.
Probably operates in the UK.
I would be grateful for any information.
Nemá někdo zkušenost s mrsloty.com?
Na support emailu nereagují vůbec a na účet se nedostanu přihlásít.
Podle recenzí nevypadají moc věrohodně.
Pravděpodobně působí v UK.
Budu ráda za jakékoliv info.
Unfortunately you have absolutely no chance of recovering anything from them, the biggest scammers out there, literally fake games. They will also NEVER stop emailing you promotions.
Only chance would be through your bank.
しかし、いずれにせよ、銀行は私の場合と同じようでしょう。pixeleum.lo への取引が 133 件、finnart.lo への取引が 77 件、その他に数え切れないほどあるので、最初の 10 回で商品を受け取らなかった後、同じ販売者から商品を購入しようとし続けるのは、間違いなく疑わしいものになるでしょう。
But surely the banks will be like in my case anyway, there is 133 transactions to pixeleum.lo and 77 to finnart.lo plus countless others surely it would look more Sus that you keep trying to buy goods from the same merchant after not receiving them the first 10 times.
In your case it is a little different yeah! You would have to admit it really.
新たに提起されたチャージバックに対して、私は再びこの手順に従いました。基本的に、明細書に記載されている販売業者からは何も受け取っていないと主張する必要があります。技術的には受け取っていないからです。あなたが支払ったのはカジノのクレジットであり、販売業者が販売していると記載されているものではありません。それでも、あなたがギャンブル依存症であることは認めます。銀行は私の正直さを評価し、それが彼らが助けてくれた理由だと思います。2 回目の請求の進捗状況については、ここで更新情報を投稿します。
Hi, no worries. Ask away and I’ll try help as much as I can.
I bank with santander, they are with Mastercard. The first chargebacks were raised under ‘goods and services not received’. I was actually denied the first time, as they raised it as fraud and then had to reopen them.
I’ve followed this procedure again for the new chargebacks raised. Basically, you should be claiming you never received anything from the merchants shown on your statement, because technically you haven’t. You’ve paid for casino credit, not whatever the merchants are listed as selling. I would still admit you have a gambling problem though, I think the bank appreciated my honesty and that’s why they helped. I’ll post updates here on what happens with my second bunch of claims.
なるほど、私は正直に、ギャンブル取引であり、ギャンブル ブロックがあることを伝えましたが、これらの取引には異なる MCC があるため、ギャンブル ブロックを通過できます。また、保護された信託証書「スコットランド破産」があり、銀行取引明細書を提出する必要があること、これらの取引はすべて小売または請求書と記載されていること、信託証書の担当者にそれを説明できないことも伝えました。いくらか返ってくることを期待していますが、すべての取引を確認すると、約 18k になるはずです。
Ah I see, I've been truthful and told them they are gambling transactions and I have a gambling block but these transactions have different MCC so gets by gambling blocks. I've also told them I have a Protected trust deed "Scottish bankruptcy" which I have to supply bank statements for and all these transactions state retail or bills and I can't explain that to my trust deed people. I'm hoping I get some back, looking trough all my transactions it should be about 18k
You better watch as I had a trust deed if they find out you gambled 18k it might fail as that money should have went towards your debt its meant to be that you have enough to live on and it frees you from debt and you cannot take out loans etc
私は彼らを無視してきました。彼らは調査を行い、私の過去 3 か月の銀行取引明細書を入手したいと言っていますが、私はそれらを送信していません。私はまだ毎月支払いをしていますが、電話に出ていません。最後の取引から 3 か月が経過したら調査を行います。私はこれらの取引のために別の銀行口座を使い始めましたが、彼らはそれを知りません。
I've been fobbing them off, they want to do a review and get my last 3 months bank statements but ve not sent them, I'm still paying them monthly just not answering their calls. Il do a review once the last transaction is past 3 months, I've got another bank account that I started using for these transactions that they don't know about.
Ok just be careful as another bank account can show on credit reports the reviews are stressful I am glad im out of it but it takes about 3 years after it to rebuild your credit score I would never do it again
Awe don't, I know I have 18 months left, this was all because of an ex that basically controlled all the finances and left me in ruins!
Also I've stopped the online gambling I'm sick of it, doing it online doesn't seem real so it's easy to get sucked in. Never again, I just hope that I get some money back!
Ok I hated it I had to do it though as no other way out but it was 5 years due to my equity and years after to rebuild my score I would do a DAS now if I had to stop the online gambling and get help you will get through it all
私自身、ギャンブルをしないで8か月が経ちました。節約したお金で、4年ぶりに家族と素敵な休暇を過ごすことができました!! (住宅ローン以外の借金はありません)。チャージバックはすべて住宅ローンに充てられ、住宅ローンをさらに減らすことができました。
Gone 8 months without gambling now myself. For the money saved, I have been able to buy a nice vacation for me and my family for first time in 4 years!! (I have no debts other than house loan). All of the chargeback went to the house loan, to get that even lower.
A good thing I think about the money, and what YOU actually can do with it.
If that is a travel or just a beer. Everything helps🙂
Do you have an email for them. I never get a response from the email i have
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com