i have just emailed the company you said because the casino isn’t will to help. Have you been successful with getting money back??
i have just emailed the company you said because the casino isn’t will to help. Have you been successful with getting money back??
Also how about the company names:
Payment gateway
Just thinking out loud here and it’s nothing to do with this thread but just feeling really ashamed at giving money to these sites when it is clear there is likely money laundering involved. I just read about a British couple living in Spain who were murdered and the husband was a UK fraud investigator for many years exposing money laundering gangs and they think the murders were revenge by one of the gangs he investigated. It just hits home that it isn’t just a ‘bit of dodgy financial stuff’ as I tried to downplay these kind of sites, potentially very dangerous people are involved in these operations.
まったくその通りです。これらははるかに大きな犯罪組織の一部なので、注意が必要です。皆さんへのアドバイスとしては、自分の管轄区域に登録されているカジノに固執するか、海外でプレイする必要がある場合は、2、3 の最も大きく評判の良いカジノのみで仮想通貨 (面倒ですが) でプレイすることです。ライセンスを確認してください。コスタリカでライセンスされているカジノはどれも怪しく、保護がまったくありません。CEG ライセンスには現在、いくらかの保護があり、トランザクションのマスキングが禁止されています。そのため、Santeda やその他のカジノは、ゲーミング コントロール ボードのあるひどいキュラソーのライセンスに移行しました。
Absolutely - these are part of much larger criminal organisations so need to be careful here. My advice to everyone would be to stick to casinos registered in your own jurisdiction or if you need to play offshore then do it through crypto(which is a pain) with only the 2 or 3 largest and most reputable ones. Check the licence - any casino licenced in Costa Rica is dodgy and has zero protections, CEG licence now has some protections and they have forbidden transaction masking hence why Santeda and the rest moved to the crap Curacao one with the Gaming Control Board.
Hi there I do not know those ones you will find all info in the forum history though they have cropped up
サービスプロバイダーも賢く、VISA と Mastercard の期限を知っているので、銀行から何も恐れる必要がないため、チャージバックの脅しは無駄になります。
All roads lead to Rome.
If the chargeback period has expired and the service providers concerned do not help, then the only option is to file a lawsuit or draw a line under the matter by not pursuing it any further.
The service providers are also clever, they know the deadlines of VISA and Mastercard, so threats of chargebacks are in vain because they have nothing to fear from the banks.
You can write to the casino in a creative way and ask for a refund.
However, this post has shown that some providers eventually stop refunding because everyone wrote with a sample letter that could be found here.
Viele Wege führen nach Rom.
Wenn die Chargebackfrist abgelaufen ist, und die Betreffenden Dienstleister nicht helfen, dann bleibt nur die Klage oder der Schlussstrich. In dem man die Sache nicht weiter verfolgt.
Die Dienstleister sind auch clever, sie kennen die Fristen von VISA und Mastercard, dementsprechend führen Drohungen mit Bezug zur Rückbuchung ins leere, weil sie von den Banken nichts zu befürchten haben.
Das Casino kann man in kreativer weise anschreiben und um Rückerstattung bitten.
Jedoch hat dieser Beitrag hier gezeigt, dass einige Anbieter irgendwann aufhören zu erstatten, weil jeder mit einem Musterbrief der hier zu finden war geschrieben hat.
I have look through the thread and can’t find an example letter.
have you wny idea??
The letter is the problem 😉
Otherwise, be creative yourself, the situation is the same for everyone. MCC code wrong, no gambling license and registered with Gamstop. Accordingly, you can put something together yourself
Der Brief ist das Problem 😉
Ansonsten werde selber kreativ, der Sachverhalt ist bei jedem der Selbe. MCC Code Falsch, Keine Glücksspiellizenz und Gamstopregistriert. Dementsprechend kann man sich da selber etwas zusammenbasteln
Echosyntex will refund you need to email them they don't respond though
Thank you, I take it in the email I need to list all the transactions amounts dates and times, anything else?
これは echosyntex に適しているでしょうか?
また、goldenbet との取引リストをリクエストしましたが、送信されず、私自身が除外されてしまいました。誰がいつ goldenbet に入金したか思い出せません。
Does this look right for echosyntex?
Also goldenbet I've requested a list of my transactions with them but they wont send them and I'm self excluded, I can't remember who or when I done the goldenbet deposits.
Pulsion での体験について詳しく教えていただけますか? 彼らはどのような証拠であなたの主張に反論しましたか?
Are you able to elaborate on your experience with Pulsion? What sort of evidence did they counter your claim with?
Telvon と支払いゲートウェイの詳細を知っている人はいますか? 彼らは私の主張に反論し、最終日に私の銀行のメールを使用して偽のアカウントを作成しました (銀行からの通信だったに違いありません)。私はサインアップに別のメールを使用しています。銀行から送られてきた情報は印刷が非常に小さいため、そこから何も引き出すことができません。
Anyone have details for Telvon and payment gateway? They countered my claim and on last day, however they have created a false account using my banking email (must have been on communication from bank) I use a different email for signing up. The info bank sent is printed so tiny I can’t pull anything from it
I know it's a silly question but did you try and zoom in or magnify the print
It’s printed on paper tiny and blurred, I did try but I don’t know if they have sent paper or the bank have printed this way. I have contacted bank but they are taking an age!!!
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com