Checked for you the traffic tells me that withorb os who you are looking for
Checked for you the traffic tells me that withorb os who you are looking for
This site looks really handy. I can’t get my head around how it works though, I even tried googling it. Could you try and explain again?
ありがとう。これらの取引は 12 月まで遡るので、どのくらい遡ることになるのでしょうか?
Thanks hun how far will it go back as these transactions go back to dec ?
There is a toggle menu on the left side it says click dashboard then it should say somewhere at top website analytics click that and enter website then overview will come up. From there there will be list on the list about halfway down you can click incoming/outgoing traffic
You can search any date range however I would just go to their website and email them. Tell them you have used website analytics and can see they are affiliated with financial institutions that process funds illicitly by using incorrect MCC and are thee
complicit in transaction laundering.
いいえ、LOL、私はある会社から 9 件の取引のうち 3 件の返金を受け取りました。あまり詳しくは言いませんが、彼らは小売業者のふりをしている会社です。私は商品を受け取っていないという道をたどりましたが、彼らは現在、残りの 6 件の取引について妥協策を見つけようとしています。彼らには根拠がないので、残りの 6 件についても返金してもらえる可能性はあると思いますか。
No LOL, I have received a refund for 3 out of 9 transactions from a company. I’m not gonna say too much detail but they are pretty much a company pretending to be a retailer. I went down the route of no goods received and now they are trying to find a comprise for the other 6 transactions. Do you think it’s likely I get the other 6 refunded by them too as they don’t have a leg to stand on.
Yes you should get it all back they know that hence the idle threats
サンタンデールは、NIKOTPF* 加盟店すべてに対してチャージバックを実施しました。Nikotpf* Webops LTD はすでに即時返金済みです。残りの加盟店もこれに続くものと思われます。
Hi all, haven't been active for a few days but had some updates that might be helpful to some:
Santander have raised chargebacks against all NIKOTPF* merchants. Nikotpf* Webops LTD already refunded straight away. I assume the rest will follow.
They've also raised the chargebacks against WBMSC despite me mentioning gambling from the start. I think as long as you show that you've attempted to make contact with the merchant, they will help
私がメールを送ってチャージバックを開始した後、彼らは 3 件を返金しましたが、彼らが主張する残りの 6 件は購入に関連しています。しかし、私は明らかに何も受け取っていませんし、彼らの「利用規約」には、製品が非アクティブのままで購入後 30 日以内であれば返金を受けられるとさえ記載されています (笑)。
well they refunded 3 themselves after I sent an email and initiated a chargeback, but the other 6 they are claiming is tied to a purchase. But I obviously received nothing and it even states in their "terms and conditions" that you can get a refund if they product remains inactivated and within 30 days of purchase lol.
ただ、WBMSC MOT ガレージ (wbmsc.co.uk) はどうやら彼らとは何の関係もないようです。また、この業者は「アート」を販売しているようです。ガレージにメールで連絡して、詐欺師と関係がないことを書面で受け取り、銀行に見せればよいかもしれません。私がやったのはまさにそれです。
Only that the WBMSC MOT garage (wbmsc.co.uk) is apparently nothing to do with them, and that the merchant supposedly sells 'art'. Maybe just contact the garage by email so you can get it in writing that they are not associated with scammers and show your bank. That is what I did
Whats the email to echosyntex? I found info@echoestate.io but email bounce back...
what do you say to the bank when they ask you what you were expecting to purchase if you go through the goods not received route?
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com