信じられません…WBMSC (webmosaic/designhunt) は、正確な日付、時間、すべての金額、カードの最後の 6 桁を送信したにもかかわらず、私を顧客として認識せず、私の取引を見つけることができないと言ってきました。
unbelievable… WBMSC (webmosaic/designhunt) have come back saying they don’t recognise me as a customer, and can’t find my transactions despite sending them the exact date, time, amount of all everything AND the last 6 digits of my card.
I’m going to out them as a result… their website is designhuntco.com I urge anyone who has WBMSC or webmosaic on there statement to report them to the police and demand refunds from them via their email webmosaic624@gmail.com . These utter scumbags even used my card and made a transaction for £5 under ‘dsgnhunt’ after I had stopped gambling with the casino! Yet they don’t know who I am? How did they end up with my details if I deposited through the casino? What an absolute joke. I’ve now raised chargebacks and sent this all to my bank as well as filed a police report
銀行アプリにショッピング支払いという取引がありました。取引情報に入ると、webmosac londonと表示されました。ここでこの会社について誰か情報があるか尋ねたところ、連絡するように言われました。 。
私は銀行に戻り、登録住所である50 Essex Street, London, Englandを調べました。
その後、Chat Gpt に行き、Webmosaic ltd の Web サイトがないため、メールと登録アドレスの関連性を見つけるように依頼したところ、Design hunt という別の Web サイトが表示されました。Design hunts Web サイトの下部に、Webmosaic の連絡先の詳細とメールが表示されています。私は、リンクの証拠をメールで返信しました。
Just an update.
I had transactions on my bank app that said Shopping Payment. When I went into the transaction info it said webmosac london. I asked on here had anyone info on this company and was told to contact them on webmosaic624@gmail.com.
I sent them and email listing transactions times and dates and they basically said I had the wrong company and they have no records of these transactions.
I then went back to my bank and got their registered address which was 50 Essex Street, London, England,
I then went to Chat Gpt and asked to find a connection between the email and the registered address as there is no website for Webmosaic ltd and it brought me to another website called Design hunt. At the bottom of design hunts website it shows these contact details for Webmosaic along with the email. I have now emailed them back proof of their link.
Just a heads up it might be worth contacting your banks and asking for the address on file for these merchants. A search on the address then may bring up contact details
はい、私も同じです。彼らは WBMSC 取引への関与を否定しています。彼らは 100% 関与しています。私がそれを知っているのは、悪党たちが文字通り私のカードを使って自分のウェブサイトで買い物をしたからです。つまり、私がプレイしたカジノが彼らに私のカードの詳細を渡したということです。
Yep same here. They are denying being involved in the WBMSC transactions. They are 100% involved in this and I know this because the scumbags literally used my card to make a purchase on their own website, which means the casino I played with gave them my card details!
無料トライアルは終了しましたが、明日別のメールでサインアップして、確認してみます。Similarweb の操作が難しいと感じている人がいるようです。Cardaq.com ですか?
My free trial has ran out now but I can sign up with another email tomorrow and have a look for yo. I think people have been finding Similarweb hard navigate. Is it Cardaq.com?
私は最近、Cardaq を FDA に報告し、オンブズマンに訴えました。Osh Casino への支払いが銀行取引明細書に Emporium Cs として表示され、Cardaq で処理されました。Cardaq は応答せず、メールは返送され、電話番号も機能していません。Emporium cs は応答せず、Osh Casino は関与を拒否しました。
I recently reported cardaq to fda and raised a case with ombudsman. I had payments to Osh Casino that appeared on my bank statement as Emporium Cs and processed through cardaq . Cardaq do not respond and their emails bounced back along with their number not working. Emporium cs did not respond and osh casino refused to engage
私は誰でも WBMSC からお金を取り戻せるようお手伝いできます。私は彼らから 400 ポンド以上を受け取りました。
I can help anyone get money back from WBMSC I’ve had over £400 from them.
I will let you know if they respond again after my last email to them pointing out their connection that they denied. I also threatened contact fca as they are registered in the UK at companies house.
Their active Director is Igor ELBAKYAN and his country of residence is Georgia
It’s actually a real business in Nottingham poor guy was really confused when I contacted him. His name is Andrew he checked the system and emailed me back to say no record and that was enough for bank to chargeback.
it was same physical address as listed on statement
彼らから直接返金してもらいましたか?それともチャージバックしましたか?私は彼らに 3,000 ポンド以上を支払っています!
Did you get money back direct from them? Or did you do chargebacks? I’ve got over £3000 with them!
what’s your email mate
Through chargebacks with the bank I have concrete proof which the bank couldn’t refuse
I’ve done the same too. Wonder if they’re now deciding not refund direct because a lot of people are surely contacting them all at once?
Ho did you do it. I contacted them and they said there is nothing on there system reflecting my payments and I have the wrong company basically and they cannot help further
I managed to get around €600 refunded directly from them. The claimed they refunded all which came to 950. I went back and forth but they would not budge. Sent fake proof of refunds. I then raised a chargeback on the balance under refund not received. I have to wait until March 12th for the chargeback decision
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com