Hi there no this was raised by the bank as incorrect merchant coding I have said all that and proved I have no stream account or account with them its incorrect ip address requested Sars etc etc about 36 days ago now chased the bank on Friday just thinking now it must be won
Did they refund you after you wrote that text?
Te hicieron el reembolso después de escribirles ese texto?
了解しました。アカウント設定に関する電子メールのやり取りや受領証明がないことは否定できません。証拠として DSAR を通じてすべての電子メールのやり取りを要求しましたが、明らかにそれらは発生していないため、あなたの主張をさらに裏付けるものは何も提供できないことになります。
Understood. They can't deny the absence of email communications regarding account setup and proof of receipt. I requested all email communications through a DSAR as evidence, but clearly, they never occurred, meaning they won't be able to provide anything further solidifying your case.
通信履歴の証拠を要求します。スキンと呼ばれる仮想商品の購入に関する領収書を私は一度も受け取ったことがありません。スキンが何なのか、スキンが自分に何の役に立つのか、なぜ多額のお金をかけてスキンを購入するのか、私にはわかりません。また、Web サイトも私にはまったく本物らしく見えません。
私はいわゆるアカウント パスワードをリセットしようとしましたが、(メール) のメール受信箱には何も届きませんでした。これは、私がいついかなる時点でもアカウントを作成していないことを証明しています。
また、この種の購入を行うために必要な Steam アカウント (証拠を添付) も持っていません。
GDPR と SARS も証拠として提供していただくようお願いします。
Yes this was my letter below its a different amount as well but not sure if they just object to one of the transactions
Dear Sir/Madam,
I wish to object to the merchant’s letter stating that I received goods from them.
I wish to request any proof of a communication trail; I have never received any receipts at all for this supposed purchase of virtual goods called skins. I do not know what these are or what need I would have for them or why I would spend huge sums of money buying these, the website does not look very authentic at all to me as well.
I request a digital communication trail to prove they indeed sent me these goods in the form of an email or receipt as there is nothing at all in my email inbox. These are falsified documents of which I have no knowledge of participating in.
I had no way of contacting them via email as I never knew what it was as I had not purchased virtual skins in the first place plus nothing was received to my inbox to respond to.
I tried to reset my so-called account password and received nothing to my email inbox for (email) this proves I have made no account with them at any time.
I also do not have a Steam account (evidence attached) which is required to make this type of purchase.
I request a GDPR and a SARS also to be provided to me as evidence.
I also must add that this is not my IP address on the letter provided (screenshots enclosed)
Best regards,
私も販売業者からの偽の請求書に返信し、銀行から返金してもらいました。Revolut で MCC の誤りの訴訟を起こしたかどうかお聞きしてもよろしいでしょうか。もしそうなら、どのように対処しましたか。
I also responded to a fake invoice from the merchant and the bank refunded me. May I ask if you started the case for incorrect MCC with Revolut? And if so, how did you do it?
Anche io ho risposto così ad una fattura falsa del commerciante e la banca mi ha rimborsato. Posso chiedere se hai avviato la pratica per MCC errato con Revolut? E se si, come hai fatto?
Hi there ok well it sounds promising ! it was not Revolut they will not raise any chargebacks at all for me so it is with the FOS for £6000 with that matter
私はチェース銀行に正直に話し、支払いはオンライン カジノに対するものだと伝えました。銀行は私のチャージバック要求を拒否しました。その後、私は銀行にケースを再開するよう依頼し、未配達品ルートをたどりました。もちろん銀行は、マスターカードはギャンブルに対するチャージバックを許可していないと主張して拒否しました。私は銀行口座を開設して以来、GamBlock を有効にしています。この問題をオンブズマンにエスカレートできますか?
I was honest with Chase bank and I told them the payments were for an online casino. The bank rejected my chargeback request. Then, I asked them to reopen my case and I went through the undelivered goods route. Of course the bank refused, arguing that Mastercard doesn't allow chargebacks for gambling. I have GamBlock active since I opened my bank account. Can I escalate this matter to Ombudsman?
私は最終回答書を郵送で送るよう依頼しました。彼らは「あなたの銀行として、この件に関していかなる書面も提供することはできません」と言いました。そして 20 分後、彼らは最終回答書を私の口座に添付していると言いました。それは本当です。
I asked them for a final response letter via post. They said 'As your bank, we can't provide any letter regards to this matter'. Then after 20 minutes they said the Final Response Letter is attached to my account. Which is true.
Unfortunately, we are unable to pursue this for you. In short, the chargeback process is there to
protect customers who have purchased something, and the merchant has not provided the
goods/service, or it has not been completed as described.
In your situation you paid money into a gambling account which was received and provided,
because the merchant completed what you requested, we hold no chargeback rights for these
transactions. I hope you understand our decision.
If that is what they say is the final response letter you can raise it with the FOS to see if there is a case to answer mate
こんなに時間が経ったのに、WBMSC とはまだ連絡が取れていません。銀行取引明細書を送った後も、私の取引を一切認識していないと否定されています。チャージバックの状況についても、まだ何も聞いていません。
I've still not got anywhere with WBMSC after all this time. They are still denying recognising any of my transactions even after sending a bank statement. Haven't heard any update on the chargeback situation yet either.
CSV ステートメントをダウンロードして、トランザクション ID を送信してみてはいかがでしょうか?
How about download csv statement and send them the transaction id ?
I'll ring my bank and see if they can possibly send it over. I can't see a way of getting it through my app
私は最終回答書を郵送で送るよう依頼しました。彼らは「あなたの銀行として、この件に関していかなる書面も提供することはできません」と言いました。そして 20 分後、彼らは最終回答書を私の口座に添付していると言いました。それは本当です。
I asked them for a final response letter via post. They said 'As your bank, we can't provide any letter regards to this matter'. Then after 20 minutes they said the Final Response Letter is attached to my account. Which is true.
Unfortunately, we are unable to pursue this for you. In short, the chargeback process is there to
protect customers who have purchased something, and the merchant has not provided the
goods/service, or it has not been completed as described.
In your situation you paid money into a gambling account which was received and provided,
because the merchant completed what you requested, we hold no chargeback rights for these
transactions. I hope you understand our decision.
Mastercard はチャージバック ポリシーで、ギャンブル、投資、その他の支払いについては、受取口座にお金が振り込まれていない場合にのみチャージバックできると明言しています。
ただし、700 ページほどあるので、読み始める前にお茶を一杯淹れてください。
Sadly, they're not wrong.
Mastercard actively state in their chargeback policies that gambling, investment and maybe some others can only be charged back if the money has no appeared in the receiving account.
You can read through the guide here
It's 700 odd pages though, so make a cup of tea before you start.
However, according the Guardian article I posted above, Mastercard and Visa have signed a voluntary agreement with the gambling commission that states they have a duty to protect UK residents from this kind of scam/fraud/abuse.
You do know legally a company has 1 month to comply to a request for a GDPR request and must send you a acknowledgement receipt. Failure to comply with your request is a criminal offence under the Data Protection Act. They can and will be prosecuted regardless if in UK or Europe. You need to report them to the relevant authorities for failure to comply
Ok no I never knew that I was just hoping to win the chargeback challenge to be honest !
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com