お返事ありがとうございます 。理解していますが、自分の思い通りになることを願うのが最善なのか、それともできることはあまりないことを認識するのが最善なのかはわかりません。助けてくれたここにいる皆さんに感謝していますし、これまでに見たコメントの一部が不公平だとは思いません。正当化された。人々はただ忍耐強く、最善を尽くすことしかできないことを認識する必要があります。誰にとってもそうであるように、これは私にとっても大きな金額だったので、私の🤞はそのままにしておきます。最高の結果を望みますが、よく言われるように悪い結果も予想します😊
Thankyou for your reply . I understand but I am not sure if I am best hoping it will go my way or realising that there isnt much that can be done tho I am grateful for everyone here for helping and dont think some of the comments I have seen are not fair or justified. People just have to be patient and realise people can only do their best . I will keep my 🤞 because this was a great deal of money to me as it is for anyone. Hope for the best but expect the worse as they say 😊
はい、おっしゃる通り、全体の状況がどうなるか、そしてカジノがあなたの苦情に応じるかどうかを見てみます。あなたのお金があなたに届いたら嬉しいです。今後数日で何が起こるか見てみましょう。 😊
Yes, just as you say, we'll see how the whole situation develops and whether the casino will respond to your complaint. I would be happy if your money got to you. We'll see what happens in the next few days. 😊
ギャンブル委員会にメールを送って 7bets.io をコピーしたことさえ気にしません!
7bets.io を設定した弁護士に、私のお金はどこにあるのかをコピーしたメールを送ってもらったこともあります。
もしこれを読んでいるなら、そこのマネージャーである 7bets.io アナ…全額返金してください!!!!
I don’t care have even emailed the gambling commission and copied 7bets.io in!
I will do anything in my power to ruin their scam operation!
I have even got the lawyers that set 7bets.io sending them emails with me copied in saying where is my money!!!
It’s a horrible experience but those small wins make it all worth while!
If your reading this 7bets.io Ana who is the manager there … pay us all the money back!!!!!
そうなるといいですね。 😥
I see that you have turned to other instances in addition to the complaint you have filed with us. If you have moved on somewhere and got some answer or new information could you let me know ?
Of course I understand that this whole situation is certainly not pleasant but I want to believe that everything will eventually be resolved.
I hope it will. 😥
ははは、コミカルな話ですが、GB からの他の誰かがアカウントをブロックされています!
承認を待っているお金が 2000 ポンドありましたが、それを受け取るつもりはなかったのですが、7bets.io が私のアカウントを閉鎖しました。お金は戻ってきません!
Hahaha comical has anyone else from GB has their account blocked!
I had £2000 in there waiting for approval not that I was going to get it and 7bets.io have closed my account! No money back to me!
Complete scam! No emails back!
The gambling commission they are with is a fraud aswell! Let’s see if they do anything !!!
こんにちは、私はこのサイトから賞金を受け取った人を知っている人がいるかどうか疑問に思っています。彼らのサイトを見ると、数年間登録されていると主張されています。皆さんと同じように、私も撤退に問題を抱えています。 300 ポンドを入金し、1,000 ポンドを受け取ったのですが、出金が拒否され続けています。「キュー」以外の理由はありません。私の銀行にもこれを詐欺として報告しました。 gamstopに登録されていない、確実に賞金を支払える安全な合法サイトを誰か知りませんか?
Hi all, I am just wondering if anyone knows of anyone ever receiving winnings from this site. I can see on their site it claims to be registered for a few years. Like you guys, I’m also having problems withdrawing. I deposited £300 and have got up for £1,000 and I keep getting withdrawal rejected and no reason behind it other than ‘queues’. I have reported this as fraud with my bank also. Does anybody know any safe legit sites that are not gamstop registered and can reliably pay winnings?
Hello, how long has it been since you were unable to withdraw money ? I see the only reason the casino told you is queues and nothing else yes ? Has your bank said anything about it yet ?
Let me know.
Hello, after an awful few days with this company they have actually refunded l my deposits and blocking my account which is a result. Had to spend a lot of time changing vpns to talk to live chat members but it’s seems like the persistence worked. Hope everyone else can get there money back too
あなたの将来がより良くなり、より良いカジノの選択ができることを願っています。 😊🙂
Well, I'm very glad you finally managed to get a refund. I suppose you will probably avoid this casino and will not want to have anything to do with it anymore.
I wish you to do better in your future and have a better choice of casino. 😊🙂
It has been around a week now, I just keep getting the same response from
live chat about withdrawal queues and then eventually ignored. Their excuse makes no sense, if there was long queues then surely withdrawals would just stay in a pending state and get actioned when top of the list🤷🏻♂️. I reported a fraud report with my bank, they’ve been unable to reimburse me themselves as the bank transfer for the deposit passed their security but they’re going to try and retrieve funds from the counterpart bank….again I’m not holding much hope.
Teddy I need some help … what did you say to get your money back ???
Teddy の投稿の返信ボタンをご利用ください。残念ながら、ジャロはそれに関してはあまり役に立たないだろう。彼は私の同僚であり、あなたが探している選手ではありません。
Please use the reply button on Teddy's post. Jaro won't help much with that, I'm afraid. He's my colleague, not the player you seek.
It has been around a week now, I just keep getting the same response from
live chat about withdrawal queues and then eventually ignored. Their excuse makes no sense, if there was long queues then surely withdrawals would just stay in a pending state and get actioned when top of the list🤷🏻♂️. I reported a fraud report with my bank, they’ve been unable to reimburse me themselves as the bank transfer for the deposit passed their security but they’re going to try and retrieve funds from the counterpart bank….again I’m not holding much hope.
質問させてください: 詐欺報告手続きに関与する代わりに、チャージバックを直接要求できますか?
I'm sorry to hear that. I'd say this is the first time I've seen such a complicated chargeback, though.
Allow me a question: Can you, instead of getting involved in the fraud report procedure, ask for the chargeback directly?
As far as I know from other UK players, it works just like this.
テディ 助けが必要なんですが、どうやってやったのですか?
できるだけ多くの情報を…VPN を使用していますが、まだ見ることができます。本当に衝撃的です!
Teddy I need some help - how did you do this ?
Step by step please …. How much did you have in your account ? What was your deposits?
As much info as possible … have been using VPN but they can see still! It’s absolutely shocking!
ウェブサイトに記載されているように、彼らは認可されたカジノでもありません。ギャンブル手数料がかかると言われています - キュラソー eGaming (「CEG」)
Curaçao eGaming (「CEG」) は、オンライン苦情プラットフォーム (「プラットフォーム」) 経由でメッセージを受け取りました。残念ながら、このメッセージは、CEG 認可を受けたオペレーター (以下「オペレーター」) が運営する Web サイト (「 7bets.io 」) に関連したものではありません。したがって、あなたのメッセージは却下されました。当該解雇の応答は、元のメッセージを受信した電子メール アドレスにのみ送信されています。オペレーターに通知されていないため、CEG はこの問題についてサポートできないため、メッセージをオペレーターに直接再送信することをお勧めします。
これでこの件に関するコミュニケーションは終了し、CEG は現在このコミュニケーションは終了したとみなしています。
キュラソー島 eGaming | ADR部
この 7bets.io を読んでいるなら、お金を返してください - そうしないと、これは削除されません!
Is everyone sitting down ?
They are not even a licensed casino as they state on the website ! They say it’s with gambling commission - Curaçao eGaming ("CEG")
Dear Sir / Madam,
Curaçao eGaming ("CEG") has received a message via its online complaint platform (the "Platform"). Unfortunately, the message does not relate to a website (the "7bets.io") that is operated by a CEG-licensed operator (the "Operator"). Your message has therefore been dismissed. A response of the said dismissal has only been sent to the email address from which the original message has been received. As the Operator was not notified, you are encouraged to resend your message directly to the Operator, as CEG shall not be able to assist you in this matter.
This concludes the communication in this matter, which CEG now considers closed.
Best regards,
Curaçao eGaming | ADR Department
If you’re reading this 7bets.io pay my money back - or this won’t ever get deleted!
今朝、彼らからまったく同じ言葉の返事が来たので、ここからどこへ行くのかわかりません。最近の出金リクエストは 30 時間以上保留されていますが、通常は 24 時間以内に拒否されます。似たようなことをした人はいますか?
I got exactly the same worded response from them this morning so not sure where we go from here. My recent withdrawal request has now been pending over 30 hours, usually gets rejected within 24 hours. Has anyone had similar?
過去 2 週間で、今朝も含めて 10 回ほど、出金がすべて 2 時間以内に拒否されました。
2人のプレイヤーはデポジットのみを返しました(おそらく)。金額は気になります。また、Guru はそれらを「解決済み」としてマークしました。負けたプレイヤーも全員デポジットを取り戻したのでしょうか...間違いなくそうではありません。解決済みとしてマークされるべきではありません。
all my withdraws have been rejected within 2 hours for like 10 times in the last 2 weeks, including this morning.
It really doesnt matter whether if its pending or rejected, if they wont send anything anyways..
Two players have gotten only deposits back(maybe).. I wonder the amounts. Also Guru has marked them as "solved". Did all the losing players also get their deposits back... Definetly not.. They shouldnt be marked as solved.
あなたはそうしてくれるでしょう.. 私もお金を送ってもらえないか、インドのマイクロソフト詐欺師と連絡を取ろうとしています 🙂
You will do that.. Im trying to get in touch with indian microsoft scammers if they could send me some money also 🙂
Im also going to pray.. Close my eyes, say a pray, and then look at my bank, if they have sent winnings.
Thumps up!
Not going to lie .. I wasnt sure of licensing authority as i couldnt find it on their site so i have read T&Cs and found where they state it there... surely a fake statement like that should affect every T&C they have on there and wouldnt curacao be able to do anything about sites falsely claiming to be regulated by them ???
そうは言っても.. 確かにわかりません.. しかし、このような法定通貨を使用した偽のカジノが簡単に通り抜けることができたら、このような詐欺カジノが何万も存在するでしょう.. 達人の人々はよく知っているかもしれません、それらがどれほど簡単であるかプレイヤーのお金だけを受け取り、コンシキュエンスなしで去ること。分かりませんが、カジノ業界には純粋な詐欺、あるいは仮想通貨詐欺はそれほど多くありません。
Curcao cant either do nothing, even if they had licence there, which they dont. The curacao licence is official but its really a sheet of paper when you get in trouble. Curacao licences are only based on trust between casino company and players. Malta and UK different.
That being said.. I dont know surely.. But there would be tens of thousands of scam casinos like this if it was easy to get way with fake casinos using fiat currencies like this.. Guru guys might know better, how easy is them to just take players money and leave without consicuenses. I have no idea, but there are not too many pure scams in casino industry, or they are crypto scams.
Is winmania a sister site ? I have just read a case like mine where the " forbidden game was added later . I have checked sister sites forbidden lists and the game I played is on none of these terms . I believe they added my game later . Anyone thorough enough to screen shot bonus terms ???
There Isn’t even a live chat option for them this morning and also wasn’t last night. I wonder if they’re closing the live chat due to all of us putting them under the pressure they deserve.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com