Do not worry about it at all. Have you got any update regarding this, by any chance?
Do not worry about it at all. Have you got any update regarding this, by any chance?
それで、同じことが再び起こり、お金を受け取れなかったとしたら残念です。しかし、代わりの支払い方法があるかどうか尋ねて、別の方法を試してみましたか? または、銀行に連絡して、何か問題があるかどうかを確認しましたか?
So I'm sorry if the same thing happened again and you didn't get the money. But didn't you try to ask if there would be an alternative payment method and try some other one ? Or have you contacted the bank to see if they have any problems ?
Anyway, since you have an open complaint, our team will try to help you in your situation and I firmly believe that you will get the money as soon as possible. If anything changes, let us know.
Hello team.
Well I contacted them, unfortunally there is no alternative way as they clearly advise in their reply to keep the say payment method of the deposit also besides bank transfert there a lot of crypto currency methods that I don't use and withdrawal to your credit card which obviously not my case. I paid with debit card from my bank account and their payment provider accepted it immediately 4 times. This what also frustrated me and I really don't know what's happening with them if they are bluffing or what as I read a lot reviews in the internet and seems to be their method of getting money from players iam really confused.
By the way today I did again the same withdrawal request and I will keep you all updated and let's see .
Thx again for your support ❤❤
結論を出さず、辛抱強くお待ちください。そうすれば、当社のチームがお客様のケースに取り組み、この問題の解決策を見つけることができます。 苦情の中で Veronika が要求した情報をすでに送信しましたか? 送信してください。そうすれば、彼女がお客様を支援できるでしょう。必ず、ここで最新情報をお知らせください。
Hello and thank you for the update. I reckon that if you used the bank transfer for the deposit, you should be able to use it to withdraw the money as well, or the casino should give you some other option, which is available to you, actually.🤷♀️
Please do not get into any conclusions, and try to be patient, so our team can work on your case and find a solution to this issue. Have you sent the information Veronika asked for in your complaint yet? Please do so, and hopefully she will be able to help you out. Keep us updated here, for sure.
Bankonbet は私の出金をキャンセルし、もう 5 日間キャンセルし続けています。しかも解決策も示してくれません。2600 ユーロを引き出したいのですが、入金したときは何も問題がなかったのに、今引き出すのに問題があり、お金と解決策が欲しいです。助けてくれてありがとう
Bankonbet cancels my withdrawals and has been canceling them for 5 days now. And they don't give me a solution. I want to withdraw my 2600 euros because. When I deposited the money it never gave me a problem and now to get it out it gives me a problem and I want my money and a solution. Thanks for helping
Bankonbet me cancela los retiros lleva ya 5 días cancelándomelos . Y no me dan una solución. Quiero retirar mis 2600 euros porque . Cuando ingresaba el dinero nunca me ha dado problema y ahora para sacarlo si me da problema y quiero mi dinero y una solución . Gracias por ayudarme
ただし、このプロセスに関連するすべての問題を解決するためにカジノに 14 日間の猶予を与えており、カジノがそれを達成できない場合は、当社のチームが調査を行い、カジノに連絡することを付け加えておきます。
Hi, and the reason why you can't withdraw money, did the casino tell you or not? Are there any delays or problems with the payment provider?
I see that you have already managed to file a complaint, so if the problems persist, the team will try to help you.
However, it should be added that we give the casinos 14 days to resolve everything relevant to this process, and if they fail to do so, then our team will come in and investigate and contact the casino.
For now, however, we will have to be patient and I would certainly try to keep myself informed.
If you have something new, be sure to let me know.
こんにちは🙋♀️ 私もビットコインでの支払いを5日間待っています... サポートは親切でフレンドリーですが、24時間年中無休ではありません(エラー!Zendeskは利用できません)。 私も支払いを受け取れないと思います🙁。 スクリーンショットを何度も撮りましたが、Casino Guruの評価が良い理由がわかりません... あなたがこのカジノにたくさんのポイントを与えたので、そこでプレイしただけです。私はCasino Guruを本当に信頼しています。
Hello 🙋♀️ I've also been waiting for my payout via bitcoin for 5 days... Support is nice and friendly but not available 24/7 (ERROR! Zendesk is not available). I don't think I'll get my payout either 🙁. I've taken endless screenshots and don't understand the good rating of Casino Guru... I only played there because you gave this casino so many points, because I really have a lot of trust in Casino Guru.
Hallo 🙋♀️ warte auch seit 5 Tagen auf meine Auszahlung per bitcoin … Support ist nett und freundlich aber auch nicht 24/7 erreichbar (FEHLER! Zendesk is not available) . Ich denke auch nicht das ich meine Auszahlung noch erhalte 🙁 . Habe Screenshots ohne Ende gemacht und verstehe die gute Bewertung von Casino Guru nicht … habe nur dort gespielt , weil ihr diesem Casino soviele Punkte gegeben habt , weil ich echt großes Vertrauen zu Casino Guru habe .
しかし、出金に関して、カジノ側はなぜ遅れているのか説明しましたか? これは初めての出金ですか?
Hi, the good news is that the casino handles their complaints and addresses their problems.
However, when it comes to your withdrawal, did the casino tell you why it has a delay? Is this your first withdrawal?
I would have thought that if it was bitcoin, it might be faster, but there might be something in the way that you don't have the money for yet. On the other hand, I wouldn't be skeptical as long as the casino also writes you off and lets you know. If nothing happens and nothing happens in 14 days and you don't have your money, then let us know and we will certainly try to help you as well. 🙂
こんにちは、はい、これは私の最初の支払いです... 私に与えられた理由は、財務部門が非常に忙しく、私が待機リストに載っていたということでした。 12日以内にご連絡し、何か変更があればフィードバックさせていただきます... ご協力ありがとうございます。これ以上先に進むことはできません... PS: 今日、私は再びフリースピンを提供されましたが、当然私はそれを受け入れませんでした。そうでなければ、私の支払いはキャンセルされていたでしょう (すべて非常に誤解を招くものです)
Hello, yes, it's my first payout... the reason given to me was that the finance department was very busy and I was in a waiting list. I'll be happy to get back to you in 12 days and give feedback if anything changes... Thanks for the help, I really can't get any further here... PS: today I was offered free spins again, which I obviously didn't accept, otherwise my payout would have been cancelled (all very misleading)
Hallo , ja ist meine erste Auszahlung … als Grund wurde mir genannt , die Finanzabteillung wäre stark ausgelastet und bin in einer Warteschlange .ich meld mich gerne in 12 Tagen wieder und gebe auch Feedback falls sich was ändert … Danke für die Hilfe , komm hier echt nicht weiter … ps : heute wurden mir schon wieder Freispiele angeboten, die ich nartürlich nicht angenommen habe , ansonsten wäre meine Auszahlung storniert wurden ( alles sehr irreführend)
You were right not to take the bonus. Eventually, I wouldn't have gambled with the money and waited for the situation to be resolved. I would also try to check in once in a while to see what's going on with my withdrawal, and if nothing relevant happens, then I would file a complaint.
The casino also has a pretty high safety index, so I would expect it to be resolved soon and you will get your money.
I'll be waiting for news.
こんにちは🙋♀️ jarooo さん、あなたに手紙を書くと幸運が訪れます🍀 ついにお金が届きました… 会話をありがとう!事件は解決しました。
Hello 🙋♀️ jarooo writing to you brings luck 🍀 now the money is finally here... thank you for the conversations! Case solved.
Hallo 🙋♀️ jarooo das Schreiben mit dir bringt Glück 🍀 jetzt ist Geld endlich da … vielen Dank für die Gespräche! Fall gelöst .
とにかく、あなたはまだここでプレイすると思いますか? 🙂☘️😊
You couldn't have brought anything better news. I'm glad you got your money and that it didn't take any longer. Sometimes you just have to be a little more patient and everything will work out.
Anyway, do you think you'll still be playing here? 🙂☘️😊
😃どんな状況でも、このカジノで再びプレイすることはありません... 待ち時間と疑念があまりにもストレスになりました。 今のところ、カジノからは離れています。 追伸: 改めて感謝します。本当に幸運をもたらしてくれたと思います 🙋♀️🌻✌🏻 そして、Casino Guru が存在してよかったです!
😃Under no circumstances will I play in this casino again... the waiting and doubts stressed me out too much. I'm taking a break from the casino for now. PS: thank you again, I really think you've brought me luck 🙋♀️🌻✌🏻 and I'm glad that Casino Guru exists!
😃auf garkein Fall , werde ich in diesem Casino noch spielen … hat mich zu doll gestresst das warten und zweifeln. Ich mach erstmal Casino Pause . Ps : vielen Dank nochmal , ich glaub wirklich, du hast mir Glück gebracht 🙋♀️🌻✌🏻und bin froh das es Casino Guru gibt !
Thank you for your reply.
If you ever need luck again and have a problem in the casino, feel free to share it and write. Maybe I'll bring it to you again. ☘️😊
Have a nice weekend.😁
20.10 以来、このカジノで出金リクエストを出していますが、保留中になっています。オンライン チャットでは、支払いが遅れていることが伝えられ、謝罪し、顧客に対して忍耐強く対応しているだけで、それだけです。
I've had a withdrawal request at this casino since 20.10, it's simply pending. The online chat informs me that there is a delay in payments, apologizes and is patient with the customers and that's all!
My money is in their safe, that's all!
What gets me is that this casino delays payments to see if the customer cancels and loses everything!
I can't understand it! They don't even ask me for documents, I even took the liberty of sending them by email and everything is the same today! Lamentable.
Tenho um pedido de levantamento neste casino desde 20.10, está simplesmente pendente. O chat on-line informa que há um atraso nos pagamentos, pede desculpa e paciência aos clientes e nada mais!
O meu dinheiro está no cofre deles, só isto!
O que me passa pela cabeça é que este casino atrasa os pagamentos para ver se o cliente cancela e perde tudo!
Não consigo entender! Nem me pedem documentos, até tomei a liberdade de os mandar por mail e tudo na mesma à data de hoje! Lamentável.
また、カジノ側に必要な手続きを行うために 14 日間の猶予を与えており、カジノ側が資金を送金しない場合は、ぜひご連絡ください。私たちがサポートいたします。
Hi, when I looked at the case of the player who wrote before you, he also had a rather long delay. I would say it could be a tactic but it doesn't have to be, obviously only the casino knows.
Anyway, I would recommend not to do anything with the money, don't cancel the withdrawal or gamble with it if there is a chance of getting it.
I would also add that we give casinos 14 days to sort out what is needed and if they don't send you the money, then by all means get in touch and we will try to help.
So could we make a deal like that?
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com