こうした状況は面倒であり、避けるべきであることには同意します。しかし、常に何らかの落とし穴があります。このようなメールがアフィリエイト パートナーやプロモーション パートナー経由ではなく、カジノの公式メールから送信された場合のみ、支援を試みることができると考えています。第三者は、どう思われるかもしれませんが、私たちの手の届かないところにあります。
メーリングリストに関しては、GDPR の遵守を監督する地方自治体に問い合わせると、何か見つかるかもしれません。
As I posted in the other thread, the situation is getting really desperate.
It was just last Wednesday during a call focused on complicated player issues when my colleagues mentioned the increasing trend of such massive group promotions and casinos inability to ensure excluding addicted players from email campaigns once their accounts have been closed due to addiction.
We agreed such a situation is troublesome and should be avoided. However, there is always some catch. We believe we can try to help only if such emails are sent from the official casino email, not through affiliate partners or promo partners. Third parties, despite how it may sound, are beyond our reach.
I can imagine the same may be happening with many more previously closed accounts; it does not matter whether the addictions were involved or not. Also, I have already heard that such accounts have not been, in many cases, technically fully closed. Just as you said, "under review" or something similar.
When it comes to the mailing lists, perhaps asking the local authority overseeing GDPR compliance may lead to something.
In any case, feel free to submit a complaint about that. In my opinion, permanent account closure is a reasonable request and the casino should be - within reasonable borders - acting accordingly.