1月4日に、カジノからメールで受け取った250%のボーナスで€20のデポジットをしました。私は2つのゲームでたった2ユーロで600ユーロを獲得しました。 。私は彼らのサイトのプラットフォームにドキュメントを投稿しました。支払いを注文して待っています。銀行振込による支払いと引き出し。支払いの進捗状況をお知らせします。そしてどのような結果。
On January 4th, I made a deposit of € 20 with a 250% bonus that I received by email from the casino. I won 600 euros playing only 2 euros on 2 games. . I posted the documents on the platform on their site. I ordered the payment and I'm waiting. payment and withdrawal made by bank transfer. I will let you know what the payout progress is. and what result.
Hello and thank you for sharing with us 🙂.
You mentioned 2 games, can you name them, please?
最初にFruitZen 2euroピアスピンをプレイし、次にクレオパトラの伝説的な2euroをプレイしました。
I played Fruit Zen 2euro peer spin first, and next cleopatra legendary 2euro.
today is 6.01.2022
cashaut status is pending.
avaiable to cancel 🙁
Have you read the terms and conditions of the bonus? I don't know the details, but bonuses have usually max. withdrawal applied to it. The max. withdrawal is usually lower than 600 eur so if you played with the bonus, then it's possible that part of your winnings might be voided. But that's just my guess.
賞金は500ユーロに減額されるとのことでしたが、支払いステータスは承認されました。ボーナスも減ったと最初に書き忘れました。要約すると、20ボーナス50すべて70ユーロをデポジットします。賭けボーナスを終えたとき、私は650を獲得しました。システムは50ボーナスを減らします。 600ユーロ残った。 2日間の引き出しを待つことは保留状態でした。今日はdを500ユーロ(ボーナス付きの最大キャッシュアウト)に減らします。iステータスが承認されました。今、私はお金が銀行口座に送金されるかどうかを確認するのを待っています。
I was informed that the winnings will be reduced to 500 euros but the payout status is now Approved. I forgot to write at the beginning that the bonus was also reduced. summing up: deposit 20 bonus 50 all 70euro.when I finished wager bonus I won 650.when and cash out. system reduce 50 bonus and. 600euro left. waiting two days withdraw was pendinng status.Today reduce d to 500euro (max cashoutwith bonus) i status is approved.Now I am waiting to see if the money will go to the bank account.
Hello, it seems alright now. Waiting eagerly for final confirmation - that you received your winnings 🙂
That's what I thought. Actually, max. withdrawal of 500 from a bonus is very good. When you look at other bonuses in other casinos, the max. withdrawal from a bonus is usually only 100. Let us know when you finally receive the money 🙂
The win of 500 euros was transferred to the bank account before the moment
Very good casino.
I recommend to everyone
Hello and thank you for your information. Do you already have the money available on your bank account, please?
You're talking about a 200% deposit bonus, aren't you? I'd be careful about wagering requirements as well as specific T&C. Deposit bonuses can be tricky.
Anyway, let us know which casino catches your interest, it may be useful for others as well.
注意❗️ユーザーがBcasinoまたはその姉妹カジノに資金を投入することは避けることを強くお勧めします。 Bcasino、Galaxynoカジノ、およびBooカジノ(すべてGreen Feather Online Ltdが所有)は、非常に非現実的なボーナス条件に依存して賞金を無効にし、資金を維持する日陰のカジノです。
BEWARE❗️It is strongly recommended that users avoid placing their funds with Bcasino or its sister casinos. Bcasino, Galaxyno casino, and Boo Casino, (all owned by Green Feather Online Ltd) are shady casinos that rely on extremely unrealistic bonus terms and conditions to void your winnings and keep the funds for themselves.
私は bcasino から受信しようとしていますが、彼らが要求したすべての文書を既に送信しましたが、彼らは引き続き文書を要求し続け、私が賞金を引き出すのを阻止しようとしています。それがお金に変わった これは人生で初めての経験で、初めて苦情を申し立てました 彼らが私にお金を払ってくれるかどうか見てみましょう
I am trying to receive from bcasino I have already sent all the documents they asked for and they continue to ask for documents they are trying to prevent me from withdrawing my winnings at all. it turned into money I've never seen this in my life and the first time this has happened to me I filed complaints let's see if they pay me
Estou tentando receber do bcasino já enviei todos os documentos que pediram e continuam a pedir documentos estão tentando que eu não consiga tirar meus ganhos de jeito nenhum.e tem uotra coisa me deram 400%de bônus e completei o rolover e meu bônus me dado não se transformou em dinheiro nunca vi isto na minha vida ea primeira vez que me acontece isto entrei com reclamações vamos ver se eles me pagam
Hey there.
Are you sure you provided all documents precisely the way you were supposed to? You know, cooperation is the key to passing verification. Did you receive an update concerning what seems to be wrong with the batch you sent? If so, make sure to send or upload documents in the correct format and quality.
Let me know how it goes.
bekassino に入金しました プレイしたデポジットに対してボーナスを受け取りました 勝ちました ボーナスに賭けました ボーナスの必要条件を満たしましたが、賞金はキャンセルされました。彼らは今、すべての賞金がキャンセルされ、2,500 レアルが私のアカウントから消えたというメールを送信しました。
I made a deposit at bekassino I got a bonus for that deposit I played I won I bet the bonuses I fulfilled the necessary requirement of the bonuses but they canceled my winnings. they sent an email now saying that all my winnings were canceled 2,500 reais simply disappeared from my account.
Fiz um depósito no bekassino ganhei um bônus mediante esse depósito joguei ganhei apostei os bônus cumpri o requisito necessário dos bônus porém anularam os meus ganhos. enviaram um e-mail agora falando que todos os meus ganhos foram anulados 2.500 reais simplesmente sumiu da minha conta.
カジノは正確な理由を説明しましたか?たとえば、マックス ベット ルールに違反したり、制限されたゲームをプレイしたり、そのようなことはありませんか?
I'm sorry to hear that.
Did the casino explain the precise reason? Just for instance, the max bet rule violated, restricted games played, anything like that?
Ask the casino if you're unsure and let me know, please.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com