こんばんは。この(BDMbet)オンラインカジノから出金をリクエストしましたが、ネガティブな体験についてのファイルを読んだのですが、それでもこんなに悲惨なのでしょうか? 強制的な14日間の待機を避けるために、送信します。名誉声明などは見当たりません。ありがとうございます。
Good evening, I requested a withdrawal from this (BDMbet) online casino, but I read a file about negative experiences, is it still this tragic? To avoid some kind of forced 14-day waiting, I will send, I don't see a statement of honor or something. Thanks.
Zdravim vecer sem si zazadal o vyber z tohoto(BDMbet) online kasina, no ale docitam se spis o negativnich zkusenostech je to furt stale takhle tragicky?Da se predchazet nejakymu silenymu 14denimu cekani zaslanim ja nevim vypisu z uctu nebo tak neco Díky.
こんばんは。この(BDMbet)オンラインカジノから出金をリクエストしましたが、ネガティブな体験についてのファイルを読んだのですが、それでもこんなに悲惨なのでしょうか? 強制的な14日間の待機を避けるために、送信します。名誉声明などは見当たりません。ありがとうございます。
Good evening, I requested a withdrawal from this (BDMbet) online casino, but I read a file about negative experiences, is it still this tragic? To avoid some kind of forced 14-day waiting, I will send, I don't see a statement of honor or something. Thanks.
Zdravim vecer sem si zazadal o vyber z tohoto(BDMbet) online kasina, no ale docitam se spis o negativnich zkusenostech je to furt stale takhle tragicky?Da se predchazet nejakymu silenymu 14denimu cekani zaslanim ja nevim vypisu z uctu nebo tak neco Díky.
Hi, I think waiting will hardly affect the players. If the casino does not need documents from you, then you do not need to send them, it will only be appropriate when they ask you to verify yourself.
So if you made a selection, it will be important that you be patient and you can calmly communicate with the casino and ask them how long it should take and so on, even though sometimes it is better if they don't give you a certain time and then they don't fulfill it.
I would be happy if it were different in your case and you would receive the money earlier.
However, have you used any bonus to play here? Is it your first choice?
Ahoj, myslím, že čakanie hráči len ťažko ovplyvnia. Pokiaľ kasíno od teba nebude potrebovať dokumenty, tak ich posielať nemusíš, vhodné to bude až vtedy, keď budú chcieť od teba aby si sa verifikoval.
Ak si teda zadával výber, bude dôležité aby si bol trpezvlivý a kľudne môžeš s kasínom komunikovať a spýtať sa ich na to koľko by to malo trvať a podobne aj keď asi niekedy je lepšie ak ti nedajú určitý čas a potom by to nesplnili.
Bol by som rád ak by to v tvojom prípade bolo iné a peniaze by si dostal skôr.
Avšak, používal si tu nejaký bonus na hranie? Je to tvoj prvý výber?
I have been waiting for a few days, the status is still under review, the account is verified
Чакам няколко дни, статуса е все още в проверка, акаунта е верифициран
弊社はカジノに、問題を解決してプレイヤーに送金するまで 14 日間の猶予を与えています。ですから、辛抱強く待って、出金ステータスが変わるかどうかを確認してください。何も起こらず、情報もない場合は、弊社にお知らせください。お手伝いさせていただきます。
We give casinos 14 days to resolve and send the money to the player. So try to be patient and check if the withdrawal status changes. If nothing happens and you have no information, let us know and we will try to help you.
私もおそらく同じように感じると思いますので、14 日間の期間も適用されます。お金がなく、カジノがあなたを無視する場合は、必ず私にメールしてください。私たちは支援するよう努めます。
I would probably feel the same way, so the 14-day period also applies, and if you don't have money and the casino ignores you, definitely write to me and we will try to assist.
Asi by som to mal rovnako, paltí teda tiež lehota 14 dní a pokiaľ nebudeš mať peniaze a kasíno ťa bude ignorovať, určite mi napíš a pokúsime sa asistovať.
I got my first withdrawal. I released it on the evening of the 26th and received it this morning on the 28th
Получих първото си теглене. Пуснах го на 26 вечерта и днес сутринта 28 го получих
そうですね、結局のところ、忍耐はバラをもたらします。また撤退しますか? 🙂
Well, you see, after all, patience brings roses. Do you have another withdrawal there? 🙂
Waiting for the next ones to be processed
Да очаквам следващите да бъдат обработени
Understood. Be sure to let me know how long it takes for that money to arrive as well. 😉
おはようございます。BDM Bet でこれまでにない奇妙なことが起こっています。昨日は出金したいのですが、出金が何度も拒否されました (出金は初めてではありません)。チャットに連絡すると、出金するには入金額の 3 倍をプレイする必要があると言われました (ボーナスは使用していません)。
これについては聞いたことがありませんでしたが、結局プレイして運良く勝ち、なんとか 3 倍の入金額を超えることができました。
今日、私はすべての利用規約、すべての引き出し条件を読み、アシスタントとチャットで 1 時間過ごしましたが、利用規約のどこにもこのルールは見つかりませんでした。
50 を入金した場合、引き出す前に少なくとも 150 回プレイする必要があることを知りたいです。同様に、50 を入金して 100 を獲得した場合、引き出すには全額を使い切る必要があり、その場合、他に賞金はありません。
Good morning, a strange thing is happening that has never happened before with BDM Bet and not only, yesterday I want to withdraw but my withdrawal is refused several times (it is not the first time I withdraw), I contact the chat and I am told that to withdraw I must have played x3 the amount of the deposit (I do not use Bonus).
Never heard of this, but in the end I played and got lucky and won and managed to get past that x3 deposit.
Today I read all the Terms and Conditions, all the withdrawal terms, I spent an hour with the assistant in chat, and nowhere in the terms and regulations is this rule found.
The chat assistant also looked for it and couldn't find it, until he told me that he would have the specialist team contact me.
(I have chats and screenshots of everything, including the rules)
I don't think it's right to make a deposit without this information being communicated.
If I deposit 50 I would like to know that I have to play at least 150 before I can withdraw. Likewise if I deposit 50 and win 100, I have to finish all the money to be able to withdraw, in which case I have no other winnings.
I find it really extreme being real money and not Bonus.
Thanks if anyone has any information.
Now I'm also waiting for a response from the casino, but it seems strange to me to put rules that are not found in the terms and conditions.
Thanks for your help
BUongiorno sta capitando una cosa strana che prima non era mai successa con BDM Bet e non solo, ieri voglio prelevare ma mi viene rifiutato più volte il prelievo (non è la prima volta che prelevo), contatto la chat e mi viene detto che per prelevare devo aver giocato x3 la somma del deposito (io non uso Bonus).
Mai sentita questa cosa, comunque alla fine ho giocato e sono stata fortunato vincendo e riuscendo a superare quel x3 del deposito.
Oggi mi sono letta tutti i Termini e le condizioni, tutte i termini per il prelievo, sono stata un'ora con l'assistente in chat, e non si trova da nessuna parte nei termini e il regolamento questa regola.
L'ha cercata anche l'assistente della chat e non l'ha trovata, finché mi ha detto che mi avrebbe fatta contattare dal team degli specialisti.
(ho chat e screen shot di tutto anche del regolamento)
Non trovo corretto fare un deposito senza che venga comunicata questa informazione.
Se deposito 50 vorrei sapere che devo giocare almeno 150 prima di poter prelevare. Nello stesso modo se deposito 50 e vinco 100, devo finire tutti i soldi per poter prelevare, nel caso non ho altre vincite.
Lo trovo davvero estremo essendo soldi reali e non Bonus.
Grazie se qualcuno ha qualche informazione.
Ora attendo anche una risposta dal casino, ma mi pare strano mettere regole che poi non si trovano nei termini e condizioni.
Grazie per l'aiuto
こんにちは。デポジットをロールオーバーすることはますます一般的になっていますが、多くの場合、カジノは 1 倍に頼っています。3 倍の場合もあれば、5 倍の場合もあります。私にとってはかなり多いです。とにかく、利用規約を確認しましたが、20 秒で見つけたときにエージェントがどこを探したのかわかりません。
その情報はここのポイント 7.6 で見つかります 🙂
Hi, I wanted to say that it is becoming more and more common to roll your deposit but many times casinos resort to 1x. Sometimes it's 3x and some places you can even meet 5x, which is quite a lot for me. Anyway, I looked at their Terms and Conditions and I don't know where their agent looked when I found it in 20 seconds.
You can find that information here point 7.6 🙂
But are you waiting for some withdrawal now or did you want to know about this? 🤔
今、私は BDM に情報を尋ねたとき、自分が正しかったと確信しています。重要なのは、私たちが今日それを書いたので、人は預金するかどうかを決めることができるということです。
この場合、出金する前に 3 回プレイしなければならないのは意味がなく、出金の可能性が大幅に低下するため、BDM のアカウントを閉鎖する必要があると思います。
助けてくれてありがとう、Jaro 🙂
LOL thanks for your reply Jaro, I'll forward you the screenshot sent in chat to the BDM assistant and I assure you it didn't say that. It was modified yesterday/today ... That's why it wasn't there. And I also have the saved chat (from 05.12.2024) that can prove it. Point 6 said x1 not for x3 (yesterday afternoon at 16:00)
Now I am sure that I was right, when I asked BDM for information. The important thing is that we wrote it today, so that a person can decide whether to deposit or not.
In this case I think I should close my account on BDM because it makes no sense to have to play x3 before being able to withdraw, it reduces the possibility of a withdrawal too much.
Thanks for the help Jaro 🙂
LOL grazie per la tua risposta Jaro, ti giro lo screenshot inviato in chat all'assistente di BDM e ti garantisco che non diceva così. E' stato modificato ieri/oggi ... Per questo che non c'era. E ho anche la chat salvata (del 05.12.2024) che lo può dimostrare. Il punto 6 diceva x1 non per x3 (ieri pomeriggio alle 16.00)
Ora ho la certezza che avevo ragione io, al momento che ho chiesto info a BDM. L'importante che lo abbiamo scritto oggi, in modo tale che una persona può decidere se depositare o meno.
In questo caso ritengo di chiudere account su BDM perché non ha senso dover giocare x3 prima di poter prelevare, riduci troppo la possibilità di un prelievo.
Grazie per l'aiuto Jaro 🙂
何か助けやアドバイスが必要な場合は、お知らせください。 🙂
You're welcome. I didn't expect them to fix it or change it. But I guess players can make up their own minds about it and also, as you said, decide if it's suitable for them and they will play here despite such a restriction.
According to what you write you won't be one of them, so I hope that at least the account closure will go fine.
If you need any help or advice, let me know. 🙂
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com