ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Betador Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
こんにちは、この特定のカジノのボーナスについては、 このリンクで見つけることができます。
いくつか試してみますか? 🙂
Hi, if you mean the bonuses for this particular casino, you can find them here on this link.
Are you going to try some ? 🙂
3.5 当社は、オンライン カジノ/スポーツブックおよび/またはそのような使用が違法である Web サイトを誰にも使用させるつもりはありません。オンライン カジノ/スポーツブックおよび/またはウェブサイトの利用可能性は、そのような使用が違法な場所でのオンライン カジノ/スポーツブックの使用を当社が提案または招待するものではありません。当社は、次の国または地域の居住者にはサービスを提供しません: 米国、カナダ、香港、日本、特別行政区、フィリピン、ノルウェー、アイルランド、ブラジル、ハンガリー、オランダ、カザフスタン、スペイン。
They don't accept players from Canada or US as per their T&C.
3.5 We do not intend for anyone to use the Online Casino/Sportsbook and/or the Website where such use is illegal. The availability of the Online Casino/Sportsbook and/or the Website does not constitute an offer or invitation by us to use the Online Casino/Sportsbook in any place in which such use is illegal. We don’t offer our services to residents from following country or territory: U.S.A., CANADA, HONG KONG, JAPAN, S.A.R., PHILIPPINES, NORWAY, IRELAND, BRAZIL, HUNGARY, NETHERLANDS, KAZAKHSTAN and SPAIN.
I had deposited from a restricted country and now I'm having difficulties getting my money out
苦情を提出することをお勧めします。苦情は無料です。私たちのチームがこの問題を解決するために最善を尽くします。必要に応じて、 このリンクをクリックまたはタップしてください。サポートが必要な場合は、お気軽にお問い合わせください。 ここ👈 プロセスに関する役立つ情報もいくつかあります。どうでしたか教えてください。
Hello. I am really sorry you have found yourself in this situation. May I start by asking if you have stated correctly your country of residence in the registration form?
"Many casinos only state the restricted countries in their T&Cs, so it's the responsibility of players to check whether they are allowed to play at them or not.
Whenever someone from a restricted country registers, these casinos allow them to create an account, but only let them know about the restriction when they want to make a withdrawal. As long as a player is losing, the casino is OK with it, but as soon as the player wins and wants to withdraw money, they use the 'restricted countries' rule to decline the withdrawal and block the player's account.
This is, of course, extremely unfair, as players might register without knowing about the restrictions, and casinos are taking advantage of their mistake, often knowingly and intentionally."
We believe that it is not acceptable to let players gamble if a casino knows that they are from a restricted country and if the casino plans to refer to the rule about restricted countries whenever a player requests their first withdrawal. This is completely against the rules of fair play, as the casino is knowingly letting a player wager money without a chance to actually win something in return.
I would like to recommend you to submit a complaint, it is free of charge and our team will try to do their best to help you with this issue. Just click/tap on this link, if you like to do that. If you need some help with it, do not hesitate to contact us. Here 👈 you have some useful information about the process as well. Let us know how did you go, please.
そのメモの中で、苦情チームに返信していただけますか? ここで簡単に行うことができます 👈。ご協力ありがとうございます。
Hello. Thanks to you, we have correctly updated the list of restricted countries on our site. We believe that it is not acceptable to let players gamble if a casino knows that they are from a restricted country and if the casino plans to refer to the rule about restricted countries whenever a player requests their first withdrawal. This is completely against the rules of fair play, as the casino is knowingly letting a player wager money without a chance to actually win something in return. Many casinos claim that this is difficult or impossible to implement into their systems, but it is simply about comparing the player's country of residence with the list of restricted or allowed countries; therefore, we do not consider it to be that difficult on a technological level.
In that note, could you please respond to our complaint team? You can do so easily over here 👈. Thank you for your cooperation.
3.5 当社は、オンライン カジノ/スポーツブックおよび/またはそのような使用が違法である Web サイトを誰にも使用させるつもりはありません。オンライン カジノ/スポーツブックおよび/またはウェブサイトの利用可能性は、そのような使用が違法な場所でのオンライン カジノ/スポーツブックの使用を当社が提案または招待するものではありません。当社は、次の国または地域の居住者にはサービスを提供しません: 米国、カナダ、香港、日本、特別行政区、フィリピン、ノルウェー、アイルランド、ブラジル、ハンガリー、オランダ、カザフスタン、スペイン。
They don't accept players from Canada or US as per their T&C.
3.5 We do not intend for anyone to use the Online Casino/Sportsbook and/or the Website where such use is illegal. The availability of the Online Casino/Sportsbook and/or the Website does not constitute an offer or invitation by us to use the Online Casino/Sportsbook in any place in which such use is illegal. We don’t offer our services to residents from following country or territory: U.S.A., CANADA, HONG KONG, JAPAN, S.A.R., PHILIPPINES, NORWAY, IRELAND, BRAZIL, HUNGARY, NETHERLANDS, KAZAKHSTAN and SPAIN.
I had deposited from a restricted country and now I'm having difficulties getting my money out
ユーザー名 alttttttrine の顧客に関しては、認証済みアカウントなしで当社のプラットフォームに参加し、VPN を利用し、暗号通貨を使用して入金を行っていることが判明しました。その結果、私たちは彼らの位置を確認することができません。
Dear Sir/Madam,
Regarding the customer with the username alttttttrine, it has come to our attention that they have been participating in our platform without a verified account, utilizing a VPN, and making deposits using cryptocurrencies. As a result, we are unable to ascertain their location.
We have duly notified the customer that our team is actively investigating their case and will provide a response within a specific timeframe. Despite reaching out to the customer previously to arrange a refund, we have encountered unresponsiveness via both email and phone, multiple times.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
The Betador Team
アップデートを提供したいと思います。本日、2 月 20 日の時点で、重要な更新と改訂を経て、Betador カジノは次の国からのクライアントを受け入れています: カナダ、香港、日本、特別行政区、フィリピン、ノルウェー、アイルランド、ブラジル、ハンガリー、スペイン。
3.5 当社は、オンライン カジノ/スポーツブックおよび/またはそのような使用が違法である Web サイトを誰にも使用させるつもりはありません。オンライン カジノ/スポーツブックおよび/またはウェブサイトの利用可能性は、そのような使用が違法な場所でのオンライン カジノ/スポーツブックの使用を当社が提案または招待するものではありません。当社は、カンボジア、北朝鮮、ジョージア、スリランカ、フランス、パナマ、オランダ、キュラソー島の国または地域の居住者にはサービスを提供していません。
I would like to provide an update. As of today, the 20th of February, following a significant update and revisions , Betador Casino is now welcoming clients from the following countries: Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, S.A.R., Philippines, Norway, Ireland, Brazil, Hungary, and Spain.
Consequently, the only countries restricted from playing on Betador as of today are Cambodia, North Korea, Georgia, Sri Lanka, France, Panama, Netherlands, and Curacao.
Thank you for your attention to this update. I hope it helps!
Here i will leave the T&C:
3.5 We do not intend for anyone to use the Online Casino/Sportsbook and/or the Website where such use is illegal. The availability of the Online Casino/Sportsbook and/or the Website does not constitute an offer or invitation by us to use the Online Casino/Sportsbook in any place in which such use is illegal. We don’t offer our services to residents from following country or territory: Cambodia, North Korea, Georgia, Sri Lanka, France, Panama, Netherlands, and Curacao.
3.5 当社は、オンライン カジノ/スポーツブックおよび/またはそのような使用が違法である Web サイトを誰にも使用させるつもりはありません。オンライン カジノ/スポーツブックおよび/またはウェブサイトの利用可能性は、そのような使用が違法な場所でのオンライン カジノ/スポーツブックの使用を当社が提案または招待するものではありません。当社は、次の国または地域の居住者にはサービスを提供しません: 米国、カナダ、香港、日本、特別行政区、フィリピン、ノルウェー、アイルランド、ブラジル、ハンガリー、オランダ、カザフスタン、スペイン。
They don't accept players from Canada or US as per their T&C.
3.5 We do not intend for anyone to use the Online Casino/Sportsbook and/or the Website where such use is illegal. The availability of the Online Casino/Sportsbook and/or the Website does not constitute an offer or invitation by us to use the Online Casino/Sportsbook in any place in which such use is illegal. We don’t offer our services to residents from following country or territory: U.S.A., CANADA, HONG KONG, JAPAN, S.A.R., PHILIPPINES, NORWAY, IRELAND, BRAZIL, HUNGARY, NETHERLANDS, KAZAKHSTAN and SPAIN.
I had deposited from a restricted country and now I'm having difficulties getting my money out
アップデートを提供したいと思います。本日、2 月 20 日の時点で、重要な更新と改訂を経て、Betador カジノは次の国からのクライアントを受け入れています: カナダ、香港、日本、特別行政区、フィリピン、ノルウェー、アイルランド、ブラジル、ハンガリー、スペイン。
したがって、現時点で Betador でのプレイが制限されている国は、カンボジア、北朝鮮、ジョージア、スリランカ、フランス、ロシア、パナマ、オランダ、キュラソーのみです。
I would like to provide an update. As of today, the 20th of February, following a significant update and revisions , Betador Casino is now welcoming clients from the following countries: Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, S.A.R., Philippines, Norway, Ireland, Brazil, Hungary, and Spain.
Consequently, the only countries restricted from playing on Betador as of today are Cambodia, North Korea, Georgia, Sri Lanka, France, Russia, Panama, Netherlands, and Curacao.
Thank you for your attention to this update. I hope it helps!
ユーザー名 alttttttrine の顧客に関しては、認証済みアカウントなしで当社のプラットフォームに参加し、VPN を利用し、暗号通貨を使用して入金を行っていることが判明しました。その結果、私たちは彼らの位置を確認することができません。
Dear Sir/Madam,
Regarding the customer with the username alttttttrine, it has come to our attention that they have been participating in our platform without a verified account, utilizing a VPN, and making deposits using cryptocurrencies. As a result, we are unable to ascertain their location.
We have duly notified the customer that our team is actively investigating their case and will provide a response within a specific timeframe. Despite reaching out to the customer previously to arrange a refund, we have encountered unresponsiveness via both email and phone, multiple times.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
The Betador Team
2) フォーラム アカウントは、あなたが代表するカジノ ブランドと手動で同期する必要があります。これらのブランド名とフォーラムのユーザー名 (または電子メール アドレス) を、community(at)casino.guru ( community@casino.guru )。そうすれば、あなたのフォーラム アカウントをすべてのカジノ ブランドと同期できるようになります。また、カジノの公式アドレス、または特定のカジノ ブランドのマーケティング アジェンダを担当する会社の電子メール アドレスから当社に連絡する必要もあります。
Dear Team,
Thank you for getting in touch. In order to be properly recognized as a casino representative, I'd like to ask you to follow these steps:
2) Your forum account needs to be manually synched with casino brands that you represent. You need to send us names of these brands and your forum username (or e-mail address) to community(at)casino.guru (community@casino.guru). Then we'll be able to synch your forum account with all the casino brands. You also need to contact us from an official casino address or from an e-mail address of a company that is responsible for marketing agenda in given casino brands.
Thank you very much in advance!
Much appreciated!
Such updates are always very welcomed, hence, I'd like to thank you for your efforts.
代わりに、ためらわずに新しい投稿を書いてください。 ✔
ご理解のほどよろしくお願いいたします。 🙏
Dear player,
Please do not share the latest updates by updating an older post. There is a pretty good chance no one will notice. And that would be a shame.
Don't hesitate to write a fresh new post instead. ✔
Thank you kindly for your understanding. 🙏
それは完璧なニュースであり、おめでとうございます。 🎉🎉
That's perfect news and congratulations. 🎉🎉
On what basis did the casino give you refunds ?
I also commend you for mentioning it in your complaint.
私のアカウントはギャンブル依存症のため、2024年5月5日に閉鎖されました。しかし、2024年5月6日にアカウントが再開され、4572.10 CADの損失が発生しました。アカウントが再開された後、私はすぐに同じ理由で永久閉鎖を要求するメールを送信しましたが、私のメールは無視され、アカウントは開いたままでした。今日、私はアカウントの閉鎖を要求する別のメッセージを送信しました。カジノは私のギャンブル依存症を利用し、この大きな損失をもたらしました。彼らがギャンブル依存症のルールを順守し、適切なライセンスを受けたカジノとして運営していれば、ギャンブル依存症を明確に述べた私の要求にもかかわらず、私のアカウントを再開することはなかったでしょう。現在、アカウントはまだ開いており、彼らは私だけへのライブチャットをブロックしており、ギャンブル依存症による閉鎖を何度も要求したにもかかわらず、入金履歴を尋ねてもメールに返信しません。
ちなみに、私は Guru からこのカジノに関するプロモーション メールを受け取った後、ベタドール カジノでアカウントを開設しました。良いカジノだと思いました。
My account was closed on May 5, 2024, due to my gambling addiction. However, the account was reopened on May 6, 2024, which led to a loss of 4572.10 CAD. After the account was reopened, I immediately sent an email requesting its permanent closure for the same reason, but my email was ignored and the account remained open. Today, I have sent another message requesting its closure.The casino has taken advantage of my gambling addiction, resulting in this significant loss. If they had adhered to the gambling addiction rules and operated as a properly licensed casino, they would not have reopened my account despite my request, which clearly mentioned my gambling addiction. Now the account still open and they blocked the live chat on me only, they don't reply to the emails even when I asked for deposits history, despite requesting closure due to gambling addiction several times.
By the way I opened an account with betador casino after receiving promotion email from Guru about this casino I thought it is good casino.
その間、オンライン カジノに関するプロモーションを受け取らないために、当社のニュースレターの購読を解除することをお勧めします。残念ながら、プレーヤーがギャンブル依存症に苦しんでいるかどうかは当社ではわかりません。そのため、当社はすべての購読ユーザーにフリー スピンや入金不要ボーナスなどのプロモーションを送信しています。当社は、このようなトラブルに巻き込まれる人を見たくないので、プレイを勧めません。
Sorry about this whole situation at the casino. Do you have any idea who initiated and reopened your account? Have you asked the support about how this could happen, by any chance?🤔
It is good that you have submitted a complaint here with our team and I really hope that they will be able to find out the reason and get your case solved in the best way possible. Now we just need to wait until the casino will react and get some answers to us.
In the meantime, I would recommend to you to unsubscribe from our newsletter in order to not get any kind of promotions regarding online casinos. Unfortunately we are unable to know if a player is struggling with the gambling addiction and we send the promotions, as some free spins, or no deposit bonuses to all our subscribed users. We surely wouldn't like to see anyone to get into this kind of troubles and encourage them to play.
If you need any assistance or help please do not hesitate to write to us, we will be glad to do it.
Thank you for your reply and support. My account still active till today. I have requested to close it permanently due to gambling addiction many time through emails and live chat but nothing happened. The account was reopened after send promotions to me and I asked to reopen as a cash back supposed to be on my account. But the closure was due to gambling addiction on May 5 before the reopening. I mean even of a player asked for reopening casino should not reopen it and that's the right way what other casinos doing, but probably some won't like to follow the policies and rules or their license not real. Really not sure why they did this and took advantage of the gambling addiction. And definitely they were happy because I'm depositing more and more.
They surely are not supposed to reopen any account closed due to gambling addiction. You are right. It is actually sad to see when some casinos do that and players lose their money. It should not happen, and I hope that our complaint team will be able to help you out with this issue. We'll wait for the outcome here.
すでに規制当局に連絡してみましたか? うまくいけば、もっとうまくいくでしょう。🤞
I am really sorry for the outcome of your complaint. Unfortunately, we have our hands tied when it comes to this.
Have you tried to contact their regulator already? Hopefully, you will have more luck there.🤞
Please keep us informed.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com