Thank you for informing us. Please continue to do so, we would like to learn the outcome.
また、ライブ チャットに関する情報もありがとうございます。データ チームに渡して確認していただきます。
We'll see, so far the casino is fresh according to our review so anything can happen. But it's not the best start if they ignored us and didn't try to solve anything.
Hopefully you'll be successful with the licensing authority.
Also, thanks for the info about the live chat, I'll pass it on to the data team to take a look.
I'll keep my fingers crossed that you get a response and that the answer will be a positive one.
I wonder how these kind of casinos have license and they do such thing and they don't care about the reputation.
If I may add my point of view, it is quite easy. A license still works the same way as a purchaseable product. Some companies even offer a ready-to-go casino, so getting the license is not so complicated. 🙁
確かにそうですが、ライセンス機関はカジノが信頼できるかどうかを確認する必要があります。したがって、カジノはウェブサイトを作成してプレイヤーをだましたり、お金を奪ったりするべきではありません。これは本当に悪いことです。多くのカジノが、非常に低い RTP や検証の問題、引き出しの問題を抱えながらこれを行っています。最も重要なのは、ギャンブルの責任オプションと真剣さです。
Sure, but the licensing authority should make sure that the casino is reliable. So casino shouldn't just create a website and takes advantage of players or just take their money. That's really bad because lots of casinos are doing this with their very low RTP or verification issues or withdrawal issues, and the most important is the gambling responsibility options and seriousness.
Even though I agree that it should be as you say and approach it seriously in the online world we can see that things change from time to time and not everyone is about being honest and player-oriented.
There are a lot of scam casinos that have been running for maybe a couple of months or so, so you always have to check where you are depositing. Seek as much information as possible, player experience, to avoid any unpleasantness. I'm not saying that even in the best casino nothing can happen, but it's certainly less likely.
After my complaint to the licensing authority, the casino has refunded all my deposits back.
Guru での私の苦情がなぜ解決済みと表示されるのかわかりません。ライセンス機関によって行われたため、解決済みとしてマークされるべきではありません。したがって、他の Guru メンバーは、ここでの苦情では問題が解決されなかったことを知っておく必要があります。カジノは苦情やメールに返信すらしていませんでした。
I don't know why my complaint here at guru now shows solved. Should not be marked resolved, because it was done by the licensing authority. So other Guru members should know the issue was not resolved by the complaint here. As the casino was not even replying to the complaint or emails.
こんにちは!またお会いできて嬉しいです 🙂
いずれにせよ、これは技術的な問題です。これは Safety Index に直接影響するため、そのタイプを可能な限り基本的なものにする必要があります。これであなたのケースは解決しました。さらに 2 つのサブオプションがあります。拒否と未解決です。私の意見では、これらのいずれも結果に当てはまりません。
この苦情は、フォーラムのこのスレッドに従って、キュラソーゲーム管理局に問題がエスカレートされた後に解決されました: https://casino.guru/forum/casinos/betador-casino---general-discussion/2#post-118432
Hi there! Nice to see you again 🙂
It's anyway more of a technical matter. As it directly affects the Safety Index, we must make its types as basic as feasible. Your case was thus settled. There are two more sub-options: rejected and unresolved. None of these, in my opinion, fit the result.
To be honest, even though the authority needed to hear about your concerns, the Team took some time to address them. Since we can't do that on any player's behalf, you had to take the step on your own. Nevertheless, by handling the complaint procedure, the team helped you, in my opinion.
Because we care to be transparent though, this is the complaint's summary:
"Dear everyone,
This complaint has been resolved after the issue has been escalated to the Curacao Gaming Authority, as per this thread on our forum: https://casino.guru/forum/casinos/betador-casino---general-discussion/2#post-118432
Therefore, we are marking this complaint as resolved."
I think it makes sense.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com