まさにその通りです 🙂 私のは 15 日でした。それでは、次の 2、3 日でうまくいくことを祈っています。
Spot on 🙂 Mine was on 15th. So fingers crossed next couple of days then.
まさに私が言った通りです。以前は 1 ポンドの賭け金で 100 回の無料スピンがもらえて、賭け金も不要でした。それで私たちはすっかりだまされてしまいました (笑)。
Exactly what I said. It used to be 100 free spins at £1stake and wagerless. We’re taken to cleaners with it lol.
回答ありがとうございます。他のプレイヤーにも役立つことを願っています。もう 1 つ質問があります。ここでもう一度プレイすると思いますか、それとも十分に苦しんだので、別のカジノに行くか休憩しますか? 🙂
Thanks for the answer, I hope it will be useful for other players as well. I have one more question, do you think you will play here again or have you suffered enough and would you rather go to another casino or take a break? 🙂
あなたが何を言っているのか正確にはわかりません。ボーナスであることはわかっていますが、あなたにとって適切ではないことを答えています。しかし、私に説明していただければ、できる限りお答えします。ボーナスの問題は何でしたか? カジノがあなたに支払いたくない理由ですか? それとも、ボーナスを使ってプレイしたために遅れる可能性があると感じていますか?
I don't know exactly what you're talking about, I know it's a bonus, but you answered something that wasn't for you. But if you explain it to me, I'll try to answer as best as I can. What was the problem with the bonus? Is it the reason why the casino doesn't want to pay you out? Or do you feel that it might be delayed because you played with the bonus?
I get it. But you said some came early and some came late. How long are you willing to wait? 😀
Hi I’ve had the usual long wait for money however they’ve emailed to say my bank declined the transaction (Natwest) tried with Monzo and they’ve also declined the transaction so can’t get paid, anyone had this issue? Thanks
このカジノは、レビューですべての情報を確認できるため、あまり信頼性が高くありませんが、 ユーザーレビューでは、プレーヤーがお金を引き出すことができたことがわかります。
And is there any other payment method you can use to withdraw your winnings?
This casino is not very reliable, as you can see all the information in its review, but you can see in the user reviews that players were able to withdraw their money.
Please update us about your situation as soon as possible.
プレイヤーがウォレットから引き出せる最大合計金額は、入金額合計の250%を超えることはできません。T&C 9.11.2
just an update on my original post..
I had been waiting on a withdraw since September.. after a lengthy wait I did receive a response, Netflix could not process my request as I did not meet one if the criteria that being
the maximum total amount that any one player may withdraw from his or her wallet cannot exceed 250% of the total amount deposited. T&C 9.11.2
Because the requested amount exceeds this limit, your withdrawal request has been rejected.
the minimum and maximum amount for NZ is $800
hi they have told me they sent to my barclays account nearly 1 month ago now? still not received the funds, when i ask them they say everything went ok their side. did yours clear on their side? they gave me some information but everytime i ask barclays they say thy have no way of tracking it....at a loss
プレイヤーがウォレットから引き出せる最大合計金額は、入金額合計の250%を超えることはできません。T&C 9.11.2
just an update on my original post..
I had been waiting on a withdraw since September.. after a lengthy wait I did receive a response, Netflix could not process my request as I did not meet one if the criteria that being
the maximum total amount that any one player may withdraw from his or her wallet cannot exceed 250% of the total amount deposited. T&C 9.11.2
Because the requested amount exceeds this limit, your withdrawal request has been rejected.
the minimum and maximum amount for NZ is $800
Well, they probably could have let you know sooner than after 2 months that this is a problem. So did you enter a new withdrawal that also meets this requirement? I wonder if it will pass when the withdrawal is smaller.
あなたの前のプレイヤー、wengy7187 も、あなたが説明したように撤退しました。また、私の記憶が正しければ、彼にはこのオプションしかなく、他のオプションはありませんでした。
出金ができるようになることを願っています。また、ご興味があれば、当社に苦情を申し立てることもできます。100% 解決するとは言いませんが、少なくとも試してみることはできます。
The player before you, wengy7187, also withdrew as you describe. Also if I remember correctly he had only this option and not another.
Anyway, there is no alternative for you how to withdraw otherwise if this failed? Did you ask them?
Regarding this casino though, I would definitely think twice about playing here. It has a low safety index, and there are a lot of problems with withdrawals from what I've seen lately.
I hope you will be able to make a withdrawal and if you are interested you can also file a complaint with us. I'm not saying it will help you 100%, but at least we could try.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com