Okay then, so if you have any other experience you can let us know.
Good luck. ☘️😊
Okay then, so if you have any other experience you can let us know.
Good luck. ☘️😊
このカジノでの経験から、私は誰にも登録を勧めません。まず、彼らはあなたに支払いをせず、あなたのアカウントを閉鎖する理由を探し、あなたの家族に応答せず、彼らのサイトのプレイヤーを気にかけていません。私は 10 点満点中 0 点を付けます。
After my experience with this casino, I do not recommend anyone to register with it. Firstly, they do not pay you, they look for reasons to close your account, they do not respond to your family, and they do not care about the players on their site. I give it 0 out of 10.
詳細をさらに深く掘り下げてみてはいかがでしょうか? 私の意見では、他の人もさらに理解を深めてくれるとありがたいと思います。
Truly an unpleasant thing to experience.
How about you delve deeper into the details? In my opinion, others would appreciate understanding further.
For example, what reasons has the casino come up with to close your account, and how is it related to your family, please? If you seek help, let us know, please. Maybe there is a way to get to the bottom of this.
「当社の利用規約の1.16項に従い、お客様のアカウントには最大賭け金の制限が設定されています。1.16. 当社は、独自の絶対的な裁量により、最小または最大の賭け金を制限する権利を留保します。」
So i made a deposit of 446euros to betmaster on 28th january 2025 via my crypto wallet and the deposit was pretty much instant since it was ripple and they barely take more than 1minute to reflect. So i didn't receive any bonuses and went straight to placing my sport bets upon which i doubled my stake to roughly about 1000euros after 1hr. When i tried to make other bets i found out that it was impossible since my stake limits had been drastically reduced. So i contacted the help team and all i got was;
"According to the paragraph 1.16 of our Terms and Conditions, there is a limit set at your account for the maximum bet amount: "1.16. The Company reserves the right to limit the minimum or maximum Bet amount at its sole and absolute discretion."
This amount can vary for different events and sports. Those limits can be imposed and removed by our Security Department.
We have escalated your request to the representative department and once we receive an answer, we will let you know.
At the moment the restriction can not be removed. We apologize for the inconvenience caused."
So after that i just applied for a withdrawal to get my funds out. My withdrawal was accepted but after some time i saw that they had opened the verification page and i needed to verify myself which i started and passed the first stage of verification which was personal verification. I now needed to complete the advanced verification where i was requested to upload documments indicating proof of address. I sent countless documents of my utility bills, internet bills , bank statement upon which they kept on rejecting. After i couldn't now lay hands on any documents to provide since all the documents i provided clearly indicated my address , i decided to just tell them that those are the only documents i had and they even viewed some details that were quite confidential. So they said that they have sent the information to their specialist and after hours i got a message that my verification was complete and i just thanked them for doing that. And here are where things started getting intresting. My earlier pending withdrawal didn't go through and the coins returned back to my gaming account as of today 30th. So i contacted them asking them why the funds were returned to my account and the chat assistant wasn't even aware if they were returned to my gaming account i don't know if its a bot am talking to or a real human. The help team keep on giving me contradicting information regarding cancelation of my withdrawal. The latest ones being;👇👇
Your withdrawal request is currently being processed. We have sent an additional request to our team for further review. Please check again later; the status will be updated soon. If any further action is required, we will notify you promptly.
Thank you for your patience".
"I will let you know as soon as withdrawals are resumed so that you can try again. If you try to withdraw now it's likely the withdrawal will get canceled again, so no worries, your balance will remain untouched unless you decide to continue using it. Thanks for your time".
"No, there's no problem with the withdrawal system, there's a pending review which I am sorry just so happened to be required while a withdrawal is happening. We'll let you know as soon as you can withdraw again."
Luckily i decided to wager a portion of the returned funds and won again and then went to create another partial withdrawal of the amount to my crypto wallet and untill now 8hrs down the line nothing has been received in my crypto wallet.
Am just angered by all this unprofessionalism coming from this shady bookie. I regret depositing my money on this platform without doing some background check. I hope that i can get my funds out of this site one way or another soon.
いずれにしても、「レビュー」については通知されましたか? これが解決されない限り、引き出しが処理されるとは思いません。おそらく何かを見落としているのでしょう。
Well, to me, the answers do not look so weird or contradictory as I was expecting.
For example, if the check is applied, it is not an issue with the system and makes sense to suggest notifying the player once the withdrawal possibility is resumed. Yes, betting companies may change the limits too. Not saying it is convenient for players, but I pretty much take it as quite common in the sports betting sector.
Have you been informed about the "review" anyway? Unless this is cleared out, I won't expect any withdrawal to be processed. Perhaps I overlooked something.
In any case, good luck with all checks and withdrawals.
Hello again. So today i received that what they were checking was over and was told that i can now create a withdrawal request. I said thank you to the help agent and proceeded to create a withdrawal request. Its been 8hrs and i decided to inquire why the funds aee taking long to be sent to my crypto wallet address, and guess what i receive another mail that they want me to send a screenshot of my transaction deposit i did through my crypto wallet to proof that the crypto wallet belongs to me which is so funny and stupid and also send a selfie of myself holding my identity card near my face next with photo of the chat in the background. Mark you i had already uploaded my personal documents previously to prove my identity and address which was successfully verified. So i really don't know what's wrong with this bookie and doing all these things just for one to withdraw his legal funds is soo stressful indeed.
今のところ何かアップデートはありましたか? 良いニュースを持って戻ってくることを願っています。
Your frustration is completely understandable here. Especially if your withdrawal is by crypto. Right?
Has there been any update by now, perhaps? I hope you come back with some good news.
仮想通貨ウォレットのアドレスが自分のものであることを証明する自撮り写真とスクリーンショットを送信した後に受け取った最新情報は、全体のプロセスに 5 日かかり、その後すぐに更新されるというものでした。ええ! スクリーンショットと自撮り写真を見るために 5 日もかかるなんて、笑い事ではありません。さらに、アカウントは開いているので、その間は賭けを続けることができるとも言われました。つまり、彼らは私がギャンブルで全財産を失ってすべてを失うことを期待して、自分たちのために時間を稼いでいるようなものです。これらのカジノは、勝ち金を払わないようにするために、彼らを子供の遊びに巻き込むのは愚かだと考えることがよくあります。
The update that i received after sending the selfies and screenshot proof that the crypto wallet address is mine is that the entire process takes five days after that they will update me promptly. Yeah! five days just to look at screenshots and selfies is beyond laughable and guess what they told me also that my account is open that i can continue placing bets in that duration of time. So its like they are buying time for themselves in the hope that i can gamble away the entire money and loose everything. These casinos often think that people are stupid to put them through child's play so as to try and not pay them their winnings.
Speaking of which, do you plan to stay there? I always find it quite intriguing when casinos tend to "verify" crypto payments. These are considered to be the fastest because the nature of the cryptocurrency goes, the way I see it, beyond centralization, aka verification.... I understand it feels weird.
正直に言うと、そこに留まりますか? ええ、それはとても奇妙で不適切です。 人が他の人の暗号通貨ウォレットを使用して入金する方法はありません。 暗号通貨ウォレットはプライベートであると考えられており、それがすべてのポイントです。 暗号通貨ウォレットが私のものであるかどうかを確認したいと言うのは意味がありません。 私は彼らが私にすぐにすべてのお金を引き出させることを望んでいます。なぜなら、私はお金を失いつつあるからです。
Stay there, honestly would you? Yeah its so weird and uncalled for. There's no way a person would use another's crypto wallet to make a deposit . Crypto wallet are considered to be private that's the point if it all. Saying that you want to verify if the crypto wallet belongs to me just doesn't make sense. I just hope they make me withdraw all my money soon because am loosing it.
Well, it's up to your decision, of course. You know what's best for you.
There are players, though; they would use someone else's wallet or card to make deposits, simply because they maybe don't know that it is not allowed.🤷♀️
Update us, for sure, about it.
残念ながら、私もこの会社でプレイしました! 友達の多くがプレイしていて、出金は即時だと教えてくれました! それで昨日370ユーロを出金したのですが、それ以来何も起きていません! チャットにメッセージを送信すると、自動的に返信が来ません! スペシャリストがあなたの出金リクエストを審査中です。昨日は技術的な問題のため、出金は数分以内に受け付けられると言われました! 嘘です! 今待っているのですが、同じことを言われます! あなたのリクエストはスペシャリストによって審査中です。しばらくお待ちください、などなど! これらは詐欺師であり、支払いたくないのは明らかです! できれば! 私はお金を受け取ることができないことはわかっているので、出金をキャンセルし、すべてをプレイしてアカウントを閉鎖します! 370ユーロは良い金額なのでごめんなさい
Unfortunately, I also played with this company! Many of my friends played and told me that their withdrawals are instant! So I made a withdrawal of 370 euros yesterday and since then nothing! I send a message to the chat and they answer me automatically! The specialists are reviewing your withdrawal request, yesterday they told me due to a technical issue, your withdrawal will be accepted in a few minutes! Lies! Now I'm waiting and they tell me the same thing! Your request is being reviewed by the specialists, be patient, etc.! It's clear that these are scammers and they don't want to pay! If possible! I know that I'm never going to get my money so I'm going to cancel the withdrawal, play it all and close my account! I'm sorry because 370 euros is a good amount
Δυστυχώς έπαιξα κι εγώ σε αυτή την εταιρία ! Έπαιζαν πολλοί δικοί μου οι οποίοι μου έλεγαν ότι οι αναλήψεις τους είναι στιγμιαίες ! Κάνω λοιπόν μια ανάληψη 370 ευρώ χθες και από τότε τίποτα ! Στέλνω στο τσατ μου απαντάνε αυτοματοποιημένα ! Οι ειδικοί εξετάζουν το αίτημα της ανάληψης σου , χθες μου είπαν λογω τεχνικού ζητήματος , η ανάληψη σου θα γίνει δεκτή σε λίγα λεπτά ! Ψέματα ! Τώρα αναμένω και μου λένε τα ίδια ! Το αίτημα σου εξετάζεται από τους ειδικούς κάνε λιγη υπομονή κλπ ! Είναι ξεκάθαρο ότι πρόκειται για scammers και δεν θέλουν να πληρώσουν ! Αν είναι δυνατόν ! Ξέρω ότι δν πρόκειται να πάρω ποτέ τα λεφτά μου οπότε θα κάνω ακύρωση ανάληψης , θα τα παίξω όλα και θ κλείσω το λογαριασμό μου ! Λυπάμαι γιατί τα 370 ευρώ είναι ένα καλό ποσό
あなたのアカウントはすでに認証されていますか? 認証されていない場合、彼らは多くの不必要な文書を要求し、それぞれの認証に 5 日かかると言います。これは、あなたがイライラして賞金をギャンブルで失うことを願っての不条理なことです。ですから、もうプレイせず、彼らが要求するものをすべて提出するように勧めます。私は彼らが要求するものをすべて提出し、彼らは私のアカウントが認証されたので引き出しを進めることができると言いました。幸運にも、13 時間後に私の暗号通貨ウォレットに送金されました。そこから資金を引き出すだけで十分なフラストレーションを感じたので、二度とそのサイトでプレイすることはありません。
Is your account already verified? if not they'll request for alot of unnecessary documents then tell you that verification for each takes five days which is absurd with the hopes that you get impatient and gamble away your winnings so id urge you NOT to play anymore and just try to submit all the things they want. I submitted all the things they wanted and they told me that my account is now verified and i could proceeded with withdrawal which luckily they sent to my crypto wallet after 13hrs. Am never playing on that site again because the frustration have gone through just to withdraw my funds from there is enough.
残念ながら、私もこの会社でプレイしました! 友達の多くがプレイしていて、出金は即時だと教えてくれました! それで昨日370ユーロを出金したのですが、それ以来何も起きていません! チャットにメッセージを送信すると、自動的に返信が来ません! スペシャリストがあなたの出金リクエストを審査中です。昨日は技術的な問題のため、出金は数分以内に受け付けられると言われました! 嘘です! 今待っているのですが、同じことを言われます! あなたのリクエストはスペシャリストによって審査中です。しばらくお待ちください、などなど! これらは詐欺師であり、支払いたくないのは明らかです! できれば! 私はお金を受け取ることができないことはわかっているので、出金をキャンセルし、すべてをプレイしてアカウントを閉鎖します! 370ユーロは良い金額なのでごめんなさい
Unfortunately, I also played with this company! Many of my friends played and told me that their withdrawals are instant! So I made a withdrawal of 370 euros yesterday and since then nothing! I send a message to the chat and they answer me automatically! The specialists are reviewing your withdrawal request, yesterday they told me due to a technical issue, your withdrawal will be accepted in a few minutes! Lies! Now I'm waiting and they tell me the same thing! Your request is being reviewed by the specialists, be patient, etc.! It's clear that these are scammers and they don't want to pay! If possible! I know that I'm never going to get my money so I'm going to cancel the withdrawal, play it all and close my account! I'm sorry because 370 euros is a good amount
Δυστυχώς έπαιξα κι εγώ σε αυτή την εταιρία ! Έπαιζαν πολλοί δικοί μου οι οποίοι μου έλεγαν ότι οι αναλήψεις τους είναι στιγμιαίες ! Κάνω λοιπόν μια ανάληψη 370 ευρώ χθες και από τότε τίποτα ! Στέλνω στο τσατ μου απαντάνε αυτοματοποιημένα ! Οι ειδικοί εξετάζουν το αίτημα της ανάληψης σου , χθες μου είπαν λογω τεχνικού ζητήματος , η ανάληψη σου θα γίνει δεκτή σε λίγα λεπτά ! Ψέματα ! Τώρα αναμένω και μου λένε τα ίδια ! Το αίτημα σου εξετάζεται από τους ειδικούς κάνε λιγη υπομονή κλπ ! Είναι ξεκάθαρο ότι πρόκειται για scammers και δεν θέλουν να πληρώσουν ! Αν είναι δυνατόν ! Ξέρω ότι δν πρόκειται να πάρω ποτέ τα λεφτά μου οπότε θα κάνω ακύρωση ανάληψης , θα τα παίξω όλα και θ κλείσω το λογαριασμό μου ! Λυπάμαι γιατί τα 370 ευρώ είναι ένα καλό ποσό
ところで、出金にどの支払い方法を選んだか教えていただけますか? 暗号通貨でしたか?
May I ask which payment method you choose for the withdrawal, though? Was it crypto, by any chance?
I actually do not understand your point here, to tell you the truth.
If there have been some technical issues, as they said, you should wait a bit until they fix it, and then they will be able to send you the money.
So why would you want to play your money down, I don't understand? 🤔
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