みなさんこんにちは!BetPanda が私のお金を盗んでからほぼ 3 か月が経ちました。
彼らが私の書類を要求し、私がそれを送った約 2 か月後、彼らからこの返答を受け取りました。
Hi all! It's been almost 3 months since BetPanda stole my money!
Almost two months later, after they requested my documents and I sent them to them, I received this response from them!
Thank you for sending your documents over to us.
Your betting behaviour was flagged as suspicious by our Sportsbook provider and upon further investigation of both your account and betting activities with our Sportsbook provider, it was determined that you have breached our Terms and Conditions.
For this reason, your account that is registered to this email address will be closed permanently. All the funds and pending bonuses have been forfeited.
We understand that this is not the outcome which you were looking for, but our decision on the matter is final and we will not engage in further correspondence regarding this subject."
I didn't break anything! I placed 4 or 5 bets on basketball! They just stole my money! These are scammers, don't deposit your money here! They didn't even give me my deposits back!
とにかく、どこかに苦情を申し立ててみましたか? 助けになるかもしれないリンクをいくつか持っています。興味がありますか?
Hey, I'm sorry. It's a pretty general wording of why they blocked your account and we didn't really get anything specific, which is unfortunate.
Anyway, have you tried filing a complaint somewhere yet? I have a couple of links where they might be able to help. Would you be interested?
I do not recommend this casino. They closed the account when I tried to withdraw. Chat is not helpful, they do not reply to emails. A common scam
nie polecam tego kasyna. Zamknęli konto przy próbie wypłaty. Chat nie jest pomocny na email nie odpisują. Zwykły scam
ということは、カジノが突然あなたのアカウントを閉鎖したということですね。アカウント閉鎖前にサポートやチャットで会話したことはありますか? 警告なしに誰かのアカウントを閉鎖することは、通常、それ以上のコミュニケーションの機会があまりないことを意味しているので、理由があるはずだと考えたいです。
出金が承認されなかった理由を知りたいと思います。馬鹿げているように聞こえるかもしれませんが、知らないと確信していますか? アカウントに再度アクセスしようとしても、メールもチャット メッセージもポップアップも表示されません。
So you're saying the casino has closed your account all of a sudden. Have you ever had any conversation with the support or chat prior to the account closure? I would like to think there must be a reason because closing anyone's account without a single warning usually does not suggest many chances for further communication.
I would expect to see why your withdrawal was not accepted. This may sound ridiculous, but are you certain you do not know? No email, no chat message, and no pop-up when you try to access your account again?
It must be frustrating!
カジノでこのような状況に陥ったのは初めてです。答えがありません。チャットでサポートに誘導されましたが、サポートは私のメッセージを無視しました。カジノに関する意見や苦情を読みました。普通のことです。詐欺です!! このカジノは避けてください。
This is the first time I have such a situation with casinos. I have no answer. Chat directs me to support. Support ignores my messages. I have read opinions about them, complaints. Normal practice. Scam!! Avoid this casino.
Pierwszy raz mam taką sytuację z kasynami. Nie mam żadnej odpowiedzi. Chat kieruje mnie do supportu. Support ignoruje moje wiadomości. Czytałem o nich opinie, skargi. Normalna praktyka. Scam!! Unickać tego kasyna.
So, I take it no clue at all...
One would never imagine things like these happen until they're happenning. 🙁
You provided a good summary of the situation, and the casino's decline in safety is not coincidental. I wish there was something I could help you with here and now.
Betpanda は 100% 操作されたゲームです。ここは最悪です。もう近づかないように警告します。スロットは厳しいので、ブラックジャックでも行かないでください。私の言うことを信じないで、自分で試してみてください。賭け金を上げた瞬間に勝てなくなります。完全な詐欺です。
Betpanda is 100 percent manipulated games. This place is the worst. I am warning you now stay away. Slots are tight as can be and don't even go there with blackjack. Don't believe me try for yourself. The instant you raise your bet you will not win. It is a complete scam.
こんにちは。おっしゃる通りだとどうやってわかったのですか? 不正なゲームは見分けるのが難しい場合があり、そのような場合には不正であるという証拠が役に立つでしょう。何かつかめるものはありますか?
Hello, how did you find out that it is as you say? Rigged games are sometimes quite hard to spot, so some evidence that this is the case would be useful in such cases. So do you have something we could grab hold of?
No matter what I put here you will side with them. I am telling you right now I've played blackjack for 45 years and this is 100 percent rigged. Every single bet increase is a blackjack for them followed by 6 to 10 losses in a row. Every single time you lower your bet suddenly you win 2 in a,row Might I add that winning 2 in a row is a,major accomplishment here. Every single down down a miraculous 21 appears. Every single hit I take is a bust. Every single hit for them is the exact card they need. Blackjack ratio is 12 to 1. Just play for yourself if you don't believe me. You'll see. And quit siding with these scammers.
Support never answers any emails. This place is total crap. Any question you have they direct you to email and NEVER respond.
Even though I'm sorry that you lost money and that you have that impression, I don't think it's possible to say that the games are rigged based on that. It's a casino and you win or you lose. It's not that we need to be in cahoots with the casino. It wouldn't help anything, especially when the safety index of this casino is "low". I'm just wondering that if you had such a bad experience and you saw that you were not doing well and you suspected that something was wrong, why did you play and bet on blackjack there anyway. I would have been immediately discouraged if I felt something was not right.
But I don't think we'll be able to help you with that kind of evidence because it's less than a little. Also, I'm not sure if you contacted an attorney if he would resolve something for you.
However, even if we weren't talking about blackjack right now, I'd probably find a better casino to play at.😕
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