では、カジノ側が引き出し代金を支払いたいなら、なぜそうしないのでしょうか? 引き出しを約束しながら、実際には決して引き出しをしないのはなぜでしょうか?
Okay, so if casino wants to pay the withdrawal, why don't they just do it? Why keep promising the withdrawal and never actually making it?
では、カジノ側が引き出し代金を支払いたいなら、なぜそうしないのでしょうか? 引き出しを約束しながら、実際には決して引き出しをしないのはなぜでしょうか?
Okay, so if casino wants to pay the withdrawal, why don't they just do it? Why keep promising the withdrawal and never actually making it?
I can't tell you that. But at least it answers and reacts...
Das kann ich dir nicht sagen. Aber immerhin antwortet und reagiert es..
私は世界中の 200 以上のオンライン カジノでプレイしましたが、認証と引き出しで多くの苦労と問題がありました。私がプレイしたすべてのカジノで入金は簡単で非常に迅速でした。私がプレイしたカジノで、最終的に支払いが行われなかったカジノはありませんでした。また、ライセンスのないカジノやコスタリカのライセンスのないカジノでも、数週間の話し合いの後、時にはカジノの専門家の助けを借りて、最後に支払いを受けました。
I still hope they’ll pay me… Otherwise to refund my deposits… That about equal as the amount I requested for withdrawal.
I played in more than 200 online casinos worldwide, en had a lot of struggles and problems with verification and withdrawals. Depositing was easy and very very fast at all casinos I played in. There was no casino I ever had played, that finally really didn’t pay out. Also casinos with no license or A Costa Rica license payed me in the last, after weeks of discussion, and with the help of casino guru sometimes.
しかし、AskGamblers はライセンスが不十分なため、すでに提携を解消しています。
CasinoGuru は私たちがお金を取り戻すのを手伝ってくれますか?
Probably Costa Rica.
But AskGamblers has already terminated the partnership because of the bad license.
Can CasinoGuru help us get our money?
Wohl Costa Rica.
Aber AskGamblers hat schon die Partnerschaft wegen der schlechten Lizenz gekündigt.
Kann CasinoGuru uns helfen, unser Geld zu bekommen?
少なくとも試してみることはできますが、もちろん約束はできません。カジノは新しく、経験もあまりないからです。これまでに苦情が 1 件提出されており、彼らがどのようにコミュニケーションを取るのか、問題を解決しようとするのかはわかりませんが、解決してくれると確信しています。
We can at least try, but of course I make no promises, because the casino is fresh and we don't have much experience. There is one complaint filed so far and I don't know how they will communicate and if they will try to resolve things but I firmly believe that they will.
So if you don't know what to do next feel free to contact our team.
おそらくそうはならないでしょう。カジノのレビューさえ拒否されました。ここでプレイしないよう警告したかったからです。最近、Casino guru は詐欺師全員を再び呼び戻したように感じます。以前はこの Web サイトを信頼していました。
They probably won't. They even rejected my review for the casino, as I wanted to warn people not to play here. Lately it feels that Casino guru has all the scammers back. I used to trust this website in the past.
Hi, I checked out your review and it was rejected justifiably. You were also given a reason and that was more details. When players look at it, it should have relevant information and if you write only that it is a fraudulent casino and that actually the Betsolino group is all fraudulent, it is also not very informative. If you can describe more things when you played there and write something more specific I have no problem to approve your user review.
Okay, maybe they’ll working against you because of illegal activities? The Dutch government is constantly tracking their citizens, and that awful. I withdrawed to Revolut but didn’t receive the amount yet
I’ve spoken to a live chat support agent and she can’t help me with withdrawal issues in live chat. She gave me an e-mailadres of costumer support to ask my withdrawal related questions. When I asked her if I would ever see my money, she said: Yes ofcourse, don’t worry
Well, it literally says on their website that transfers are instant.
送金は即時だとも読んだことがありますが、他のカジノでは間違いなく即時でした。Skrill アカウントに引き出しもしましたが、同じでした。まだお金は受け取っていません。彼らは何も支払わないと思います。預金を返金してもらっても、彼らは何もしてくれません。これは非常に大きな詐欺カジノであり、さらに大きな危険信号です。
He’s I’ve also read that transfers are instant, and with other casinos it definitely was instantly. I also made a withdrawal to my Skrill account, same story! No money received yet. I think they’re gonna pay nothing! Even if we want our deposits back they are doing nothing, it’s a very big scam casino with an even bigger red flag!
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com