ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Bons Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
I don't recommend you to play in this casino I deposited 9 days ago and I still haven't received the money, this casino is a big scam
Nu va recomand să jucați in acest cazino am depus acum 9 zile și încă nu am primit banii, acest cazino este un scam mare
こんにちは。これらのケースは解決が非常に困難です。特に、第三者が関与しており、カジノも第三者に依存している場合はなおさらです。しかし、私にとっては 2 週間あれば十分でしょう。
Hello, these cases are quite difficult to solve. Especially when there is a 3rd party involved and therefore the casino is dependent on them as well. However, two weeks would be enough for me.
But don't give up and I saw that you have filed a complaint so our team will try to help you and hopefully it will go well and you will have your deposit as soon as possible.
If anything changes, be sure to let me know.
Well, things have moved forward and we are waiting for a response from the casino, so I believe things will progress and they will get back to us.
Until then, we will have to be patient.
また、暗号通貨で入金したプレイヤーに、18日間待った後、取引で自分のアドレスが見つからないと言われるのは普通なのかと尋ねました🤣🤣 また2秒で見つけましたが、証拠があっても彼らは人々のお金を盗んだことを認めません
I also ask players who deposit in crypto if it's normal that after 18 days of waiting they tell me that they can't find their address in the transaction 🤣🤣 again I found them in 2 seconds and even with proof they don't accept that they steal people's money
intreb și eu jucători care depun în crypto daca este normal că după 18 zile de așteptare să îmi spună că ei nu găsesc adresa lor în tranzacție 🤣🤣 din nou le-am găsito in 2 secunde și nici cu dovezi nu accepta că fura banii oamenilor
I find it quite a sad situation and I thought it would be easy to resolve but I see that there are just more problems. The casino hasn't even responded and the timer has been extended on your complaint. It would have been helpful if they had done so and made the situation more clear to Peter.
But only time will tell and I sympathise with you and the fact that this is quite ridiculous.
I am sorry you are going through this and I hope it will somehow be resolved.
If what is going on continues to happen and the casino does not address any complaints, I assume it will happen.
I'm sorry it turned out this way and I hope you won't have this problem in the future and always check which casino you go to to deposit. 😥
In general, when it seems like a new casino, I come and get information from guru casino the first time, and if I see negative reviews I don't open an account, only this time I didn't
In general când pare cate un cazino nou vin și mă informez de pe guru casino prima dată , iar daca vad recenzii negative nu-mi deschid cont, doar că de data aceasta nu am făcut-o
I understand that sometimes a player might feel that a new casino might be different from the others. The truth is that when we have a casino as fresh and there are no user reviews or complaints, it is hard to have a gaming experience. I would be especially careful in such cases and probably wouldn't play in one until I've seen how others have fared there.
But sometimes learning a lesson is also necessary. 🤔
Almost 2 months have passed since I've been waiting for them to give me the deposited money and what do you think, they say to be patient as they are being checked 😅😅🤣 you have to lower their grade to 1
Aproape 2 luni au trecut de când aștept să-mi dea banii depuși și ce crezi zice sa am răbdare ca sunt în curs de verificare😅😅🤣trebuie sa le scădeți nota la 1
The casino has already received black points so it has already been included in the safety index. This casino has a low rating and I don't know if you will get your money back if it takes so long and nothing happens. I don't understand what could be going on and what the problem is and if they have a third party payment provider. Anyway, if I would deposit somewhere, I would deposit only where the casino is already verified and not like this. 😕
どうやって預金を盗んだのですか?🤔 よくわかりません。
Did you experience anything like that yourself? Would you like to tell us more, perhaps?
How could they steal your deposit?🤔 I'm not sure I understand that.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com