今までプレイしたカジノの中で最悪のカジノの 1 つです。入金してウェルカム ボーナスを受け取ったのですが、数分後には消えてしまいました。理由を尋ねたところ、キャンセルしたのかもしれないと言われましたが、キャンセルしていませんでした。出金に時間がかかりすぎます。チャットの人たちもプロ意識に欠けています。
One of the worst casinos I've ever played at, I deposited, got the welcome bonus, a few minutes later it disappeared, I asked them why and they said maybe I cancelled it, which I didn't, withdrawals take forever. And the people in the chat are unprofessional
Unu dintre cele mai rele cazinouri in care am jucat vreodată, am depus am luat bonusul de bun venit la câteva minute mi-a dispărut, i-am întrebat de ce și au zis că poate l-am anulat eu,lucru pe care nu l-am făcut, retragerile durează o veșnicie. Iar cei din chat sunt neprofesioniști