ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Bullsbet.io Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
Hi thanks for the information. I've passed it on to our data team who will take a look at it and will update the bonus if it's correct.
Anyway, did you play with this bonus when you found out?
それが私が聞きたいことです。高速だったときはどのような方法を使用しましたか? 🙂
That's what I like to hear. What method did you use when it was fast ? 🙂
today they blocked my account without giving me any reason, they don't answer emails, they don't answer the phone, and I can't withdraw the money from the account that I won regularly without a bonus and with correct document registration. Be careful
oggi mi hanno bloccato il conto senza darmi nessun motivo , non rispondono alle email , non rispondono al telefono , e non posso prelevare i soldi sul conto che ho vinto regolarmente senza bonus e con registrazione documenti corretta . Fate attenzione
利用規約への 3 件の違反により、アカウント停止通知メールが届きました。アカウントはまだ審査中のため、一時的に閉鎖されたままになります。
Hello Lucio
You have received an Account suspension notice email for three violations of the Terms and Conditions. While your account is still under review it will remain temporarily closed.
We can share more details to administrators for this review if required. As advised if you have any specific question relating to the Account suspension email you can reply to the email directly.
We appreciate your understanding.
today they blocked my account without giving me any reason, they don't answer emails, they don't answer the phone, and I can't withdraw the money from the account that I won regularly without a bonus and with correct document registration. Be careful
oggi mi hanno bloccato il conto senza darmi nessun motivo , non rispondono alle email , non rispondono al telefono , e non posso prelevare i soldi sul conto che ho vinto regolarmente senza bonus e con registrazione documenti corretta . Fate attenzione
嫌なことのように聞こえるかもしれませんが、私たちのウェブサイトを見つけることができてうれしいです。そしてさらに重要なことに、 苦情も提起されたことは素晴らしいことです。
Sounds nasty, so I'm glad you managed to find our website, and more importantly, it's great the complaint was also raised!
According to the complaint itself and the fact that the investigation has just started, I feel it's far too early for some sort of wild speculation.
Simply put, if there is a suspicion, the casino has to respond in order to clear up all doubts before your account is free to use again. I imagine it may be just a strike from nowhere for you now, but try to be patient,please.
As soon as this check is over, your time for a response will come. I hope it's just a formality, yet once initiated, this procedure must be carried out until its very end.
By the way, I have to admit, I'm amazed you were informed about so many details; that's quite unlikely, and I would definitely take that as a bright side showing the casino's willingness to act transparently.
It's a good sign.
Bullsbet.io さん、返信ありがとうございます。でも、昨日 12 時間にわたって私のメールや電話に誰も応答しなかったのはなぜですか?
また、私が規約違反を3回犯したということでしょうか?なぜ ?新しいクレジット カードを 2 枚追加しましたか?それのどこが悪いんだい!それともボーナスの使い方が間違っていたからでしょうか?アカウントで得られた賞金は、ボーナスを使い果たし、ボーナスなしで再度入金した後に得られたものであるため、False となります。それとも、除外された自動車アカウントとの関連性があるためでしょうか?それはどういう意味ですか ?いずれにせよ、獲得したお金は定期的に獲得され、入金とすべての書類の登録が完了しました。今、私は費やしたお金を取り戻す必要がありますが、あなたは理由もなくそれを差し控えています。私のアカウントを閉鎖せずに私に連絡していただければ、私はあなたが知りたいことすべてにすぐに返信し、そのほうが親切だったと思います。
Thanks Bullsbet.io for the reply, but why did no one answer my emails or phone calls for 12 hours yesterday?
Also, are you saying that I committed 3 violations of the terms? Why ? I added 2 new credit cards? what's wrong with that! Or because I used the bonus improperly? False because the winnings obtained on the account were made after having run out of bonus money and having deposited again without bonus. Or because there is a connection with an excluded car account? what does it mean ? In any case, the money won was won regularly, complete with deposits made and registration of all documents. Now I need to recover the money spent and you are withholding it for no reason. You could also contact me without closing my account, I would have responded immediately with everything you wanted to know, and it would have been kinder of you.
Grazie Bullsbet.io della risposta , ma ieri come mai per 12 ore nessuno ha risposto alle mie mail o alle mie telefonate ?
Inoltre voi dite che ho fatto 3 violazioni dei termini ? Perche ? ho aggiunto 2 nuove carte di credito ? cosa c'è di male in questo ! Oppure perchè ho usato il bonus in modo improprio ? Falso perchè le vincite ottenute sul conto sono state fatte dopo aver terminato i soldi del bonus ed aver depositato nuovamente senza bonus . Oppure perchè c'è un collegamento con un conto auto escluso ? cosa significa ? In ogni caso i soldi vinti sono stati vinti regolarmente , con tanto di depositi fatti e registrazioni di tutti i documenti . Ora ho bisogno di recuperare i soldi spesi e voi li state trattenendo sensa motivo . Potevate anche contattarmi senza chiudermi il conto , vi avrei risposto subito con tutto quello che volevate sapere , e sarebbe stato piu' gentile da parte vostra .
Hmm, as far as the cards are concerned, they are yours and you also provided the casino with some documents about them as part of their verification ?
Regarding the excluded account, did you try this process in this casino or is it some other account ?
Either way our team will try to investigate the whole case and so will the casino and you will probably get a final decision later. And that's why I wouldn't like to rush and wait for the facts. If you have something new, let me know.
ある !それらはすべて私のもので、カードの書類は私が提供しました。除外されたアカウントについては、それが何であるのかわかりません。ブルズベットで私が持っている唯一のアカウントはこのアカウントです。他のカジノにとってはどうですか??
Certain ! they are all mine and I have provided the documents for the cards. For the excluded account I don't understand what it's about, the only account I have with bullsbet is this one, what does it matter for other casinos??
certo ! sono tutte mie e ho fornito i documenti per le carte . Per l'account escluso non capisco di cosa si tratti , l'unico account che ho con bullsbet è questo , per altri casino cosa importa ??
正直に言うと、「2 番目の」アカウント、または除外されたアカウントについてさらに詳しい説明を得る必要があります。
To be honest, we need to get a deeper explanation regarding the "second," or better say, excluded, account.
There must be something that triggered the check, though it is impossible to identify the starter.
Now that you mentioned that on your own, it seems like it has something to do with an account in a different casino, am I correct? Well, that's another thing worth investigating through the complaint, if you ask me.
私はすでに数日前にレポートを提出しており、あなたがそれを見てメッセージを承認してくれるのをまだ待っています。しかし、質問したいのですが、なぜ他のカジノでは他のアカウントを持つことができないのでしょうか?私たちの中で複数のカジノでプレイしたことがない人はいるでしょうか? 1 つのカジノでのみプレイしますか?それは私を笑わせてくれる ...
I have already filed the report several days ago and I am still waiting for you to look at it and approve the messages. But I would like to ask you a question: why can't I have other accounts at other casinos? Who among us hasn't played at multiple casinos? Do you only play at one casino? It makes me laugh ...
ho gia fatto la denuncia da diversi giorni e sto ancora aspettando che la guardiate e approvate i messaggi . Ma vorrei farvi una domanda : perchè non posso avere altri account su altri casino ? Chi di noi non ha giocato su piu' casino ? Voi giocate solo su un casino ? Mi viene da ridere ...
きっと 2 つのことを混同していると思います。プレーヤーが複数のアカウントを作成できるカジノは 1 つもありません (匿名カジノは除く)。これはよく知られたビジネス標準です。
もちろん、同じグループ内のすべてのカジノで 1 つのアカウントを作成できます。黄金律は、「グループではなく、カジノごとに 1 つのアカウント」です。
苦情については、 指示に注意することをお勧めします 🙏:
当社の苦情チームからの最初の返答は 48 時間以内に届きますが、12 ~ 24 時間以内に返答するよう最善を尽くします。
各関係者 (あなた、カジノ、または Casino Guru チーム) は、苦情を進めるために応答する必要がある場合、7 日以内に応答する必要があります。返答がないままこの期間が経過した場合、通常は期限をさらに 7 日間延長することを選択します。
苦情を正常に解決するには、多くの場合、三者間で多くのコミュニケーションが必要となるため、合計時間が長くなる可能性があります。問題なく解決された苦情を解決するまでにかかる平均時間は、提出日からおよそ 21 日ですが、これも苦情ごとに大きく異なります。
Dear player,
I bet you're confusing two things together. Not a single casino (anonymous casinos excluded) allows the player to create multiple accounts; this is a well-known business standard.
Of course, you can create one account at every casino within the same group. The golden rule says: One account per casino - not a group.
I hope it is now clear.
And for the complaint, I suggest you pay attention to the instructions 🙏:
"How long will it all take?
The time elapsed between submitting a complaint and the complaint being closed varies greatly. The complaints processed most quickly are those that can be resolved without getting the casino involved or those that are rejected because the casino has not done anything wrong. Other complaints, however, can be very time-consuming.
Here are some rough estimates and time-related information about complaints:
You will get your first response from our complaint team within 48 hours, but we do our best to respond within 12 to 24 hours.
Each involved party (you, the casino, or the Casino Guru team) has seven days to respond when they are required to do so to move the complaint forward. When this period elapses without a response, we usually choose to prolong the time limit by another seven days.
As the successful resolution of a complaint often takes a lot of communication between all three parties, the total time can add up. The average time it takes to close successfully-resolved complaints is roughly 21 days from the date they were submitted, but again, this varies a lot from one complaint to another.
We do everything we can to resolve complaints as quickly as possible, but it's not always a straightforward process. Please be patient and provide all the necessary information to speed things up on your side."
すべてのプレイヤーにこのカジノに近づかないように警告したいと思います。賞金の支払いを避けるために、彼らはあなたが 2 つのアカウントでプレイしているか、あなたの国で許可されていないスロットでプレイしたふりをします (ただし、スロットはブロックされておらず、プレイは許可されています!!)。さらに、支払いの際に、あなたがギャンブル依存症のプレイヤーであるという事実をでっち上げ、あなたを守るために賞金を支払わないのです。お金を失いたくないなら、忘れてください!
I would like to warn all players to stay away from this casino. To avoid paying the winnings, they pretend that you are playing with 2 accounts or that you have played with slots that are not allowed in your country (but the slots are not blocked, they allow you to play!!). Furthermore, at the time of payment they make up the fact that you are players addicted to gambling and therefore they don't pay the winnings to protect you!! If you don't want to lose your money, forget it!
Vorrei avvisare tutti i giocatori di stare lontani da questo casinò . Per non pagare le vincite si inventano che state giocando con 2 account oppure che avete giocato con slot non permesse nel vostro paese ( pero' le slot non sono bloccate, ti permettono di giocare !! ) . Inoltre al momento del pagamento si inventano che siete giocatori dipendenti dal gioco e quindi non pagano le vincite per tutelarvi !! Se non volete perdere i vostri soldi lasciate perdere !
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com