Thank you for your reply, so if you have further experiences with the casino, feel free to share them with us again.
We'll keep our fingers crossed for the best. 🤞☘️
Good morning Jaro, unfortunately yes, after a win, the casino continued to make me lose in a "anomalous" way, I don't want to insinuate anything but in my opinion and often playing only two games I noticed that "something was wrong" and that "something" was very and I mean very obvious. I will stop playing at this casino until normal "algorithms" are restored and not, in my opinion, visibly modified.
Buongiorno Jaro, purtroppo si, dopo una vincita , il casinò ha continuato a farmi perdere in maniera diciamo "anomala" , non voglio insinuare nulla ma a parere mio e giocando spesso solamente a due giochi ho notato che "qualcosa non andava" e quel "qualcosa" era molto e dico molto evidente. Smetterò di giocare a questo casino fino a che non verranno ripristinati "algoritmi" normali e non, a parere mio, visibilmente modificati.
RTP スロットでカジノゲームをプレイしたいですか? 過去にもそのような議論がありましたが、それは非常に困難で、見た目ほど簡単ではありません。しかし、そう感じる場合は、プレイをやめて休憩するか、カジノを変更するのが最善でしょう。
Do you feel like playing casino games with RTP slots? There have been such debates in the past and it would be very challenging and not as easy as it seems. But if you feel like that, it would probably be best to stop playing and take a break or change casinos if you feel like that.
I'll stop for a while thanks, I don't know what RPT slots are though
Smettero per un po grazie, non so cosa sono però le slot RPT
RTP についてあまりよく知らない場合は、知っておくべきすべてのことを説明しているこのガイドをご覧ください。
That's probably the most sensible thing to do.
As for RTP, if you don't know much about it, check out this guide which will explain everything you need to know.
I hope to have a better experience in the future.🙂
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