Thank you for your reply, so if you have further experiences with the casino, feel free to share them with us again.
We'll keep our fingers crossed for the best. 🤞☘️
Good morning Jaro, unfortunately yes, after a win, the casino continued to make me lose in a "anomalous" way, I don't want to insinuate anything but in my opinion and often playing only two games I noticed that "something was wrong" and that "something" was very and I mean very obvious. I will stop playing at this casino until normal "algorithms" are restored and not, in my opinion, visibly modified.
Buongiorno Jaro, purtroppo si, dopo una vincita , il casinò ha continuato a farmi perdere in maniera diciamo "anomala" , non voglio insinuare nulla ma a parere mio e giocando spesso solamente a due giochi ho notato che "qualcosa non andava" e quel "qualcosa" era molto e dico molto evidente. Smetterò di giocare a questo casino fino a che non verranno ripristinati "algoritmi" normali e non, a parere mio, visibilmente modificati.
RTP スロットでカジノゲームをプレイしたいですか? 過去にもそのような議論がありましたが、それは非常に困難で、見た目ほど簡単ではありません。しかし、そう感じる場合は、プレイをやめて休憩するか、カジノを変更するのが最善でしょう。
Do you feel like playing casino games with RTP slots? There have been such debates in the past and it would be very challenging and not as easy as it seems. But if you feel like that, it would probably be best to stop playing and take a break or change casinos if you feel like that.
I'll stop for a while thanks, I don't know what RPT slots are though
Smettero per un po grazie, non so cosa sono però le slot RPT
RTP についてあまりよく知らない場合は、知っておくべきすべてのことを説明しているこのガイドをご覧ください。
That's probably the most sensible thing to do.
As for RTP, if you don't know much about it, check out this guide which will explain everything you need to know.
I hope to have a better experience in the future.🙂
I asked the casino to block my account because I am addicted.
Since then they have been sending me even more advertising. I lost my last money there today. A month ago I asked the casino to block my account because I want to go to therapy. They ignored me, now I have no money again. In Germany Oasis blocked me and the casino ignored my request.
My name is Sergej Schwebel. I owe 75 thousand euros.
I have 4 children. I love them more than anything, but I am sick.
If someone is very kind, I ask for help. My family needs it. I don't see a way out, I'm going to go to my daughter today. I've tried to stop, but I can't.
Ich habe das Casino gebeten,dass Sie mein Account sperren,da ich süchtig bin.
Die schicken mir seit dem noch mehr Werbung. Ich habe heute mein letztes Geld da verloren. Ich habe vor einem Monat das Casino gebeten,dass Sie mein Account sperren,da ich Therapie machen will. Sie haben ignoriert,jetzt bin ich wieder ohne Geld. In Deutschland Oasis hat mich gesperrt und das Casino ignoriert meine Bitte.
Ich heiße Sergej Schwebel. Ich habe Schulden 75 tausend Euro.
Ich habe 4 Kinder. Ich liebe Sie über alles,aber ich bin krank.
Wenn jemand sehr lieb ist, bitte ich um Hilfe. Meine Familie braucht die. Ich sehe keinen Ausweg,ich werde heute zu meiner Tochter gehen. Ich habe versucht aufzuhören,Aber es geht nicht.
I don't know about Germany...in Italy there is a free facility that treats gambling addictions. You have to get help yourself, you can't.
Non so in Germania ..in Italia c è una struttura gratuita che cura le dipendenze da gioco. Devi farti aiutare da solo non riesci
I have tried many things, but it is useless.
When you realize that you are lost, then it is over!!!
I have children, but I gamble and lose money. I can no longer control myself. Since my mother and father and my youngest daughter died, I have completely lost control. I have lost over ............ for 4 years. Now I have almost nothing left
Ich habe vieles versucht,aber es ist sinnlos.
Wenn man selber begreift,dass man verloren ist,dann ist es vorbei!!!
Ich habe Kinder,aber ich spiele und verspiele Geld. Ich kann mich nicht mehr kontrollieren. Seit dem meine Mutter und Vater und meine Leine Tochter gestorben sind,ich habe Kontrolle komplett verloren. Ich habe seit 4 Jahren über ............verloren. Jetzt habe ich fast nichts mehr
I feel sorry for your daughter and your parents, you need to take a break from the game otherwise you will go further and further down. I repeat, get help. Good luck
Mi dispiace per tua figlia e i tuoi genitori, devi prendere una pausa dal gioco altrimenti vai sempre più in basso. Ti ripeto fatti aiutare. In bocca al lupo
I wish everyone could bypass casinos and live a normal life.
I'm gone.
Sergej Schwebel was addicted and had no way out.
Best example not to start with this!!!
Casino has 3.7 million euros for 15 years. I have nothing now!!
Ich wünsche jedem Menschen an Casino vorbei zu gehen und normales Leben zu leben.
Ich bin weg.
Sergej Schwebel war süchtig und hat kein Ausweg gehabt.
Bestes Beispiel damit nicht anzufangen!!!
Casino hat 3.7 Millionen Euro seit 15 Jahren. Ich habe jetzt nichts!!
I asked the casino to block my account because I am addicted.
Since then they have been sending me even more advertising. I lost my last money there today. A month ago I asked the casino to block my account because I want to go to therapy. They ignored me, now I have no money again. In Germany Oasis blocked me and the casino ignored my request.
My name is Sergej Schwebel. I owe 75 thousand euros.
I have 4 children. I love them more than anything, but I am sick.
If someone is very kind, I ask for help. My family needs it. I don't see a way out, I'm going to go to my daughter today. I've tried to stop, but I can't.
Ich habe das Casino gebeten,dass Sie mein Account sperren,da ich süchtig bin.
Die schicken mir seit dem noch mehr Werbung. Ich habe heute mein letztes Geld da verloren. Ich habe vor einem Monat das Casino gebeten,dass Sie mein Account sperren,da ich Therapie machen will. Sie haben ignoriert,jetzt bin ich wieder ohne Geld. In Deutschland Oasis hat mich gesperrt und das Casino ignoriert meine Bitte.
Ich heiße Sergej Schwebel. Ich habe Schulden 75 tausend Euro.
Ich habe 4 Kinder. Ich liebe Sie über alles,aber ich bin krank.
Wenn jemand sehr lieb ist, bitte ich um Hilfe. Meine Familie braucht die. Ich sehe keinen Ausweg,ich werde heute zu meiner Tochter gehen. Ich habe versucht aufzuhören,Aber es geht nicht.
また、弊社のグローバル自己排除イニシアチブの一環として、世界中の人々を支援する無料サービスを提供する英国登録慈善団体である BetBlocker と提携しました。弊社のイニシアチブの詳細については、こちら( https://casino.guru/global-self-exclusion-initiative ) をご覧ください。また、BetBlocker の詳細については、こちら( https://betblocker.org/ ) をご覧ください。
7 つの言語をサポートする BetBlocker は、わずか 2 分で複数のデバイスに簡単にインストールできます。インストールすると、84,230 を超えるギャンブル Web サイトへのアクセスがブロックされ、バックグラウンドで静かに実行されます。このサービスは匿名で使用でき、ギャンブルへのアクセスを安全かつ適切に管理するのに役立ちます。完全な制限を意味する場合も、脆弱な期間のアクセスを制限する場合もあります。
さらに、BetBlocker には 824 のギャンブル情報サイトのリストが含まれています。これらのサイトは主に、ギャンブル サービスに関する情報をユーザーに提供し、宣伝しています。ボックスにチェックを入れることで、これらのサイトを制限に含めることができます。ただし、ギャンブル運営者に対して苦情が続いている場合は、このボックスにチェックを入れないでください。チェックを入れると、Casino.Guru の Web サイトにもアクセスできなくなります。
I am really sorry for the whole situation you have found yourself in.
When it comes to this casino, I would surely suggest you file a complaint here, and if they ignore your request, our complaint team will do everything possible to help you out.
Please also see the list of help centers in your area where you can ask for help as your situation got this serious. I hope they will help you to get it under control so you can enjoy life with your family in full.
Also, as part of our Global Self-Exclusion Initiative, we've partnered with BetBlocker, a UK-registered charity providing a free service to support people worldwide. You can find more information about our initiative here (https://casino.guru/global-self-exclusion-initiative) and about BetBlocker here (https://betblocker.org/).
BetBlocker, which supports seven languages, is quick and easy to install on multiple devices, taking just 2 minutes. Once installed, it blocks access to over 84,230 gambling websites and runs quietly in the background. The service can be used anonymously and helps individuals manage their access to gambling safely and appropriately, whether that means complete restriction or limiting access during vulnerable periods.
Additionally, BetBlocker includes a list of 824 gambling information sites. These sites primarily inform users about and advertise gambling services. You can choose to include these sites in your restriction by ticking a box. However, if you have an ongoing complaint against a gambling operator, do not check this box, as it will prevent you from accessing the Casino.Guru website as well.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com