何も問題がない限りは大丈夫です。 😊
That's fine, as long as there's nothing wrong. 😊
And I used the reply button, see?
何も問題がない限りは大丈夫です。 😊
That's fine, as long as there's nothing wrong. 😊
And I used the reply button, see?
とにかく、フォーラムに日本から参加するプレイヤーが徐々に増えてきているので、どうやって私たちを見つけてくれたのか気になりました。実際にCoolCasinoとそのレビューを通してでしたか?あるいは他の方法でしょうか? 🙂
Anyway, gradually more and more players from Japan are showing up on the forum, so we were wondering how you found us? Was it actually through CoolCasino and its review? Alternatively some other way ? 🙂
Good evening to all! I would like to express to you how I feel all this time with this problem of mine with this particular casino! They have made me feel broken in many pieces by their behavior by their mockery by their lies! I am 41 years old and these people have made me feel like a small child because they played with me they played with the joy of my victory turning it into a great sadness! These 1 month people have done so much damage inside me that I don't know how long it will take me to get over it! These people manage our money while we have been making deposits with them for so many years, we lose our money and when we win they destroy our psychology! Because of these people because they were irresponsible and didn't do their job properly I have to suffer all this! Justice works slowly but I hope when it's all over These people who have done so much harm to so many innocent people will pay with the worst punishment! Disappointment guys Disappointment!!
こんにちは。私もその状況ではおそらく同じように感じるので、あなたの不満はよくわかります。物事が前進するのに 1 か月は十分な時間だと思いますが、カジノがあなたと連絡を取っておらず、新しいアカウントに送金できない合理的な理由を提示できないのではないかと心配しています。
Hi, I absolutely understand your frustration because I would probably feel the same way in that situation. I think a month is enough time for things to move forward, and I am concerned about how the casino is not communicating with you and can't give you a reasonable reason why they can't send money to your new account.
However, I am still optimistic that fair approach will eventually prevail and you will see your money and you won't have to deal with such a situation in the future. I know it's hard, but try to have trust that everything will work out.
For now, I wish you steady nerves.
おはよう!以前のメッセージで述べたように、2023 年 6 月 22 日に 13000 ユーロを引き出して以来、このお金を一度も見ていません。彼らは自分たちで管理しているので、どこにあるのかまったくわかりません。 2023 年 7 月 7 日に私の古い銀行口座に送金が行われたとき、あなたのお金が正常に送金されたというメールだけを受け取りました。つまり、2023年6月22日から今日まで、私のお金がどこにあるのかまったくわかりません、そしてもちろん、10日間メールに応答しませんでした。明確な説明が得られないので、からかわれているように感じます。どのプレイヤーも、一緒にプレイする人がいると私とまったく同じように感じるでしょう。そして特に、それが自分のものであるお金の場合は、自分が稼いだお金の場合は、何年もただの負け犬だったのに、突然幸せになるチャンスが巡ってきたのに、ただ遊ばれているように感じてしまうのです。誰からもこんなことは許されません...とにかく我慢してください!私は今でもこのカジノは良いと言っていますが、私の訴訟を引き継いだ人たちは私を顧客として尊重しなかったため、このカジノの名前を汚しているのです。もちろん、他の会話については言及したくありません。 :-))
Good morning! As I mentioned in my previous messages that since 22-06-2023 when I made my withdrawal of the amount of 13000 euros, I have not seen this money again! They manage them themselves and I really don't know where they are! On 07-07-2023 when they did the transfer to MY OLD BANK ACCOUNT I only received an email saying your money was successfully transferred! That is, from 22-06-2023 until today I have no idea where my money is and of course for 10 days they have not responded to emails! So I feel like they're making fun of me because I'm not getting clear explanations! Any player would feel exactly the same as I do that some people play with them! And especially when it's for money that belongs to you because you earned it because for so many years you were just a loser and suddenly you got a chance to be happy and you just feel like you're being played with, no guys, I don't tolerate this from anyone... Anyway, be patient ! I still say that the casino for me is GOOD but the people who have taken over my case are spoiling the name of this casino because they did not respect me as their customer! And of course I don't want to mention other conversations! :-))
もちろん、あなたが説明したことはすべて理解しています。基本的に、必要な書類をすべて送ったにもかかわらず、カジノは 1 か月間、あなたの銀行口座を新しい口座に変更できませんでした。銀行口座の認証に何がそんなに時間がかかるのか分からず、言葉を失いました。あなたの気持ちはよくわかります。プレイヤーがゲームの歴史の中で一度だけ大金を勝ち取ることができた場合、同じような問題は経験したくありませんが、私たちのチームはあなたを助けるために最善を尽くしようとしています。
Sure, I understand everything you described. Basically, the casino has been unable to change your bank account to your new one for a month, even though you sent all the necessary documents. I am speechless because I don't know what can take so long to verify a bank account and I fully understand how you feel. When a player manages to win a large sum of money once in his entire gaming history he would not want to have similar problems, but our team is trying to do their best to help you.
Besides, I see that the complaint is still open and you are sending Tomas the necessary documents, which is good.
You keep us updated which is also appropriate and I think the way the casino is treating you is unprofessional. I am surprised to see that the casino is still basically a nice place for you, but I think this experience will be the last for you. Or am I wrong? I hope your case will be resolved as soon as possible.
こんばんは!このような特別な立場には言い訳ができないと思います(素人)。これらの人々は、プレイヤーのすべての個人情報を受け入れるため、非常に大きな責任を負っています。これは非常に重大なことです。私は多くのカジノでプレイし、多くのカジノとチャットしましたが、常にまったく問題はありませんでした。この瞬間、私は Vulkan Vegas カジノにおめでとうと言いたいと思います。私は長年にわたって彼らの顧客であり、多くの入金をしてきました。一度も不満を言ったことはありませんが、彼らと接触したとき、彼らと本当に話せて、非常に親しみやすい環境であり、常に意欲的に取り組んでいると感じました私に仕えるために!もちろん、他のカジノと同様に、私が言及した特定のカジノだけでも、それは特別なものでした。ともかく!もう一度プレーするかどうかについては、本当に分かりません。もしプレーするとしたら、安全な場所を選ぶでしょう、それが唯一確かなことです。
Good Evening! I think that such a special position has no excuse (unprofessional). These people have a very big responsibility because they accept all the personal information of the players, something that is very serious! I have played in many casinos I have chatted with many of them and there has always been no problem at all! At this moment I would like to congratulate Vulkan Vegas casino I have been their customer for so many years I have made many deposits I have never complained but when I came in contact with them I really talked with them and felt very familiar environment and always willing to serve me ! Like the other casinos, of course, just with the specific one I mentioned, it was something special! Anyway! As for whether I'll play again I really don't know and if I do I'll choose somewhere I'll be safe that's the only thing for sure!
Vulkan Vegas Casino に関する限り、良い経験を積める場所がまだあることは嬉しいことです。
You're right! I think everyone should be treated as they would like to be treated. That means that if the support you are writing to was in your situation, they probably wouldn't be happy either. I think you are handling this very well for what is basically, from my point of view, a simple matter that can be solved in a shorter period of time.
As far as Vulkan Vegas Casino is concerned, it's good to see that you still have a place where you also have good experience.
Furthermore, when it comes to gambling, I completely understand and think that is the right approach. After situations like this, you think twice about where you deposit your funds and play. I firmly believe that if you decide to play again in the future, you will come across a casino that is honest and you will feel comfortable there without such problems.
For now, we'll keep an eye on the CoolCasino case and see how it works out.
こんばんは!論理は勝つと信じたい!それと、他に何か言った方がいいでしょうか?私は正義を、特にこのような深刻な問題においては正義を信じています。私はいつもガールフレンドに本当にサポートされています!私は本当に非常に悪い精神状態にありました!しかし、打撃は重かったです...現時点では他のいくつかの問題が私よりもはるかに深刻であるため、健康が何よりも重要です。 🙂
Good Evening! I want to believe that logic will prevail! And should I tell you something else? I really believe in justice and especially in such serious matters! I really have my girlfriend's support all this time! I was really in a very bad psychological state! But the blow was heavy.... Health above all because some other problems are much more serious than mine at the moment! 🙂
I also believe in it. I keep my fingers crossed for you in this case and I hope that this case will turn out in such a way that you will be happy in the end.
It is great that others are behind you and I think it gives you strength and hope that everything will work out.
Of course, when it comes to health, that is paramount and it's not worth it ruining it for anything else, even though it is easy to say and harder to do. So stay healthy and try to be confident that everything will be all right.
You're welcome. I'm glad if I can help. Support is the least I can do in this case.
I hope you will continue to update us so we know how your situation is evolving.
Good luck!!
Good Evening! I'm really curious to see what excuses they'll come up with! I am waiting!!!!
All this time I have seen a lot of complaints and got an idea how they move! Of course, whatever they say I will upload it here directly!
いずれにせよ、苦情という文脈では、苦情は有益な情報源の 1 つであり、プレイヤーは他のプレイヤーが経験したことから多くのことを知ることができます。
I have a feeling I couldn't think of another excuse and in this particular case, you've heard enough of them, I think.
Anyway, in the context of complaints, they are one of the useful sources of information and a player can find out a lot from what other players have experienced.
Definitely do so, I'll be waiting.
こんばんは!トーマスが私の古い銀行口座に送金する理由を説明するために電話をかけたところ、Coolcasinoio からメールが届き、いつものように、4 回目も同じ書類を要求されました。今では彼らはもう返事をしません!
Good Evening! When Thomas called them to explain why they are sending the money to my old bank account Coolcasinoio emailed me and as always they asked for the same documents again for the 4th time! Now they don't answer again!
今日、姉妹サイトの 1 つから 3000 ユーロ以上を 1 週間待ちましたが、まだ受け取っていません。アカウントは認証されました。
I've waited for over 3000 eur from one of the sister sites for a week today, haven't got them yet and my account is verified......
こんばんは!ここカジノグルに苦情を提出し、同時に弁護士に知らせることをお勧めします。情報収集はとても大切ですよ! 2023-06-22 からずっと待ってたのに、からかわれているだけなんです!
Good Evening! I would suggest you file a complaint here at casino guru and at the same time inform your lawyer! It is very important to gather information! I've been waiting since 2023-06-22 and they're just making fun of me!
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com