ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、CrownPlay Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
CROWNPLAY カジノをすでに経験してプレイしたことがある人はいますか? 特に出金に関しては本格的なカジノですか?
Good morning
Has anyone already had experience and played with CROWNPLAY casino?..is it a serious casino especially when it comes to withdrawals?
Percaso qualcuno ha già avuto esperienze e giocato con casino CROWNPLAY?..è un casino serio soprattutto quando si tratta di prelievi?
こんにちは、私もそこに登録し、昨日 3 月 16 日に支払いを申請しました。支払いが処理されるまでにどれくらい時間がかかるのか知りたいです。私はあなたに知らせておきます
Hello, I also registered there and applied for a payout yesterday, March 16th. I'm curious to see how long it will take for my payout to be processed. I keep you informed
Guten Tag habe mich dort auch angemeldet und gestern den 16 März eine Auszahlung beantragt bin auch mal gespannt wie lange es dauert bis meine Auszahlung bearbeitet wird. Ich halte sie auf dem laufenden
こんにちは、Manu ... 私は正直に言って、CROWNPLAY で 2 週間プレイしていますが、オンライン カジノとしては本当に美しいと言わざるを得ません ... あとは、彼らが出金に関しても真剣で、大騒ぎしないことを祈りましょう .. . 昨日2回出金しました…また最新情報をお知らせします
Hi Manu ... I honestly have been playing with CROWNPLAY for 2 weeks and I have to be honest it's really beautiful as an online casino ... now let's hope that they are also serious with withdrawals and don't make a fuss ... I made yesterday 2 withdrawals...I'll keep you updated too
Ciao Manu ...io sinceramente è da 2 settimane che ci ho giocato con CROWNPLAY e devo essere sincero è davvero bellissimo come casino online...adesso speriamo che sono anche seri con i prelievi e non fanno storie ...io ieri ho effettuato 2 prelievi...ti tengo aggiornato anche io
一般的な利用規約によれば 3 日間となっておりますが、できれば水曜日にご連絡いただけると幸いです。
According to the general terms and conditions it is 3 days, hopefully the best thing is to get in touch with me on Wednesday.
Kind regards 😉
Laut allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen sind es 3 Tage hoffentlich wir mal das beste melde mich Mittwoch.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen 😉
CROWNPLAY カジノをすでに経験してプレイしたことがある人はいますか? 特に出金に関しては本格的なカジノですか?
Good morning
Has anyone already had experience and played with CROWNPLAY casino?..is it a serious casino especially when it comes to withdrawals?
Percaso qualcuno ha già avuto esperienze e giocato con casino CROWNPLAY?..è un casino serio soprattutto quando si tratta di prelievi?
やあ。あなたの投稿をこのカジノの公式スレッドに移動したので、ここでさらに回答を得るチャンスが得られます。あなたのアカウントはこのカジノですでに認証されていますか?通常、このプロセスが完了するまでに丸 14 日をカジノに与えます。特に最初の出金の場合は、さらに時間がかかる場合があります。
Hi there. I have moved your post to this official thread of casino, so you'll have a better chance to get some more answers here. Is your account already verified at this casino? We usually give casinos 14 full days to get this process done. It may be more time consuming, especially when it comes to the first withdrawal.
こんにちは、私もそこに登録し、昨日 3 月 16 日に支払いを申請しました。支払いが処理されるまでにどれくらい時間がかかるのか知りたいです。私はあなたに知らせておきます
Hello, I also registered there and applied for a payout yesterday, March 16th. I'm curious to see how long it will take for my payout to be processed. I keep you informed
Guten Tag habe mich dort auch angemeldet und gestern den 16 März eine Auszahlung beantragt bin auch mal gespannt wie lange es dauert bis meine Auszahlung bearbeitet wird. Ich halte sie auf dem laufenden
おはようございますロミ。私の投稿を移動してハイライトしていただきありがとうございます。はい、すべて完了しました。書類と必要なものすべてを確認してください。CROWNPLAY...私が読んだ規約によると、出金には 3 日間の確認が必要です。さらに 3/出金された賞金が私の銀行口座に届くまで 5 日かかります...明日か水曜日には出金完了の確認についての回答があると思います
Good morning Romi..thanks for moving and highlighting my post...yes everything was done...check with documents and everything they needed CROWNPLAY...according to the terms I read they need 3 days verification on the withdrawal another 3/5 days because the withdrawn winnings arrive in my bank account... I think that tomorrow or Wednesday I will have answers on the verification of my completed withdrawal
Buongiorno Romi..grazie per aver spostato e messo in risalto il mio post...si è stato tutto fatto ...verifica con documenti e tutto di cui avevano bisogno CROWNPLAY...secondo i termini che ho letto hanno bisogno di 3 giorni di verifica sul prelievo in più altri 3/5 giorni perché la vincita prelevata arriva sul mio conto bancario...credo che domani o mercoledì avrò risposte sulla verifica del mio prelievo completata
更新がありましたら、お知らせください。 🙂
That sounds fair enough in my opinion. So when you see that your withdrawal has been successfully sent, you can let me know.
Also, if it is the other way around and there are any difficulties, you can also contact us.
For now, we can be patient and if the casino responds, I think it could be on the right track.
When you have an update, let us know. 🙂
Hello no, it says verify is not necessary at the moment
Hallo nein dort steht verifizieren derzeit nicht nötig
こんにちは、Jaro..はい、もちろんです。もちろん、CROWNPLAY カジノでプレイしたことがある方、出金に関しても正しいかどうか、またカジノが非常に若いことを考えるとすでに経験がある方に聞きたかったのですが...全体として、私はCROWNPLAYは私を満足させていると言わざるを得ません。私はオンラインカジノがとても好きです。機能..ボーナス..ゲームは本当に無限です...サイトの見た目も美しいです...出金と時間については随時最新情報をお知らせします
Hi Jaro..yes of course..obviously I wanted to ask for those who have also played with CROWNPLAY casino whether it was also correct with withdrawals and who has already had experience given that the casino is quite young...all in all I have to say that CROWNPLAY pleases me I really like the online casino..its functions..BONUS..games are truly infinite...even the way the site looks is beautiful....I will keep you updated regarding withdrawals and times
Ciao Jaro..si certamente ..ovviamente ho voluto chiedere per chi ha anche giocato con casino CROWNPLAY se era corretta anche con i prelievi e chi ha già avuto esperienza dato che il casino è abbastanza giovane ...tutto sommato devo dire che CROWNPLAY mi piace davvero come casino online ..le sue funzioni ..BONUS..giochi ha una vera infinita' ...anche come si presenta il suo sito è bellissimo....vi terrò aggiornati per quanto riguarda i prelievi e i tempi
I've been waiting for my payout for 8 days now. Support just tells me to wait. impudence.
Ich warte mittlerweile seit 8 Tagen auf meine Auszahlung. Support sagt nur ich soll warten. Frechheit.
I've already contacted support twice and they say I should wait
Schon 2 mal den Support kontaktiert und die aussage ist das ich warten soll
3 営業日後にケースをオープンすることをお勧めします。3 営業日経過しても支払いが処理されない場合はケースをオープンします。
Would recommend everyone to open a case after 3 business days I will do it if the payout has not been processed after 3 business days
Würde jedem empfehlen nach 3 Werktagen einen Fall zu eröffnen ich werde es tun wenn die Auszahlung nach 3 Werktage nicht bearbeitet wurde
Today would be the 3rd day since my withdrawal... I think they will give me answers either today or tomorrow... that's how the assistance responded to me
Oggi sarebbe il 3 giorno passato dal mio prelievo..credo che mi daranno risposte o oggi o domani...così mi hanno risposto l'assistenza
引き出しの状況とお金を受け取ったかどうかを教えてください。 🙂
That's okay, some casinos sometimes don't need verification and most of the time it happens if it's a smaller amount. However, if you continue to win, it will definitely be needed I think.
Let me know how it is with your withdrawal and if you got the money. 🙂
こんにちは、Jaro..はい、もちろんです。もちろん、CROWNPLAY カジノでプレイしたことがある方、出金に関しても正しいかどうか、またカジノが非常に若いことを考えるとすでに経験がある方に聞きたかったのですが...全体として、私はCROWNPLAYは私を満足させていると言わざるを得ません。私はオンラインカジノがとても好きです。機能..ボーナス..ゲームは本当に無限です...サイトの見た目も美しいです...出金と時間については随時最新情報をお知らせします
Hi Jaro..yes of course..obviously I wanted to ask for those who have also played with CROWNPLAY casino whether it was also correct with withdrawals and who has already had experience given that the casino is quite young...all in all I have to say that CROWNPLAY pleases me I really like the online casino..its functions..BONUS..games are truly infinite...even the way the site looks is beautiful....I will keep you updated regarding withdrawals and times
Ciao Jaro..si certamente ..ovviamente ho voluto chiedere per chi ha anche giocato con casino CROWNPLAY se era corretta anche con i prelievi e chi ha già avuto esperienza dato che il casino è abbastanza giovane ...tutto sommato devo dire che CROWNPLAY mi piace davvero come casino online ..le sue funzioni ..BONUS..giochi ha una vera infinita' ...anche come si presenta il suo sito è bellissimo....vi terrò aggiornati per quanto riguarda i prelievi e i tempi
メッセージをお待ちしております。 😊🤞☘️
I completely understand that you wanted to find out more information and especially about the withdrawal. We'll see what progress you make and I firmly believe that your money will land in your account as soon as possible.
I will wait for your message. 😊🤞☘️
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com