ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Decode Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
出金リクエストの前は、カスタマー サポートの対応が常に良好でした。
I have played here a few times, I truly do love the platform and the games , coupons they offer to players..
I've always had a good experience with customer support previous to my withdraw request.
I'm waiting on a withdrawal request, I followed all the rules and waiting for the verification documents to be approved by the casino.
I will keep everyone updated with my experience and what happens,🤗🙏🤗
クーポンについては、プレイヤーにとって便利なものはありますか? 出金に関しては、本人確認がうまくできれば、お金がアカウントに振り込まれるのは時間の問題だと思います。
Hello, I am sincerely glad that you are enjoying the casino. It's not every day that players come here and praise a casino, so I appreciate it all the more when someone writes their feelings.
As for the coupons, do they have them convenient for the players ? Regarding your withdrawal, I hope you will be able to verify yourself successfully and then it will only be a matter of time before the money lands in your account.
I will wait for your next post and hope it will be as positive as you are. 😊☘️
出金リクエストの前に、私はそこに約 7 回入金しましたが、他の実際の実店舗のカジノと同様に、この場所の RTP は非常に公平であるように思われます。プレイスルーを完了しそうになることもありましたが、数回達成しましたが、とても楽しい場所なのでプレイし続けました... リクエストがうまく進むことを願っています。今朝、クレジットカードの写真でいくつかの番号がブロックされているというメールを受け取りました。他のカジノでは、ハッカーなどにすべての情報を表示するのは良い考えではないと思うので、そうしなければなりませんでした。しかし、彼らにとって十分な写真であることを願うばかりです。幸運を祈ります... 問題は、オンラインギャンブルをする人のほとんどが、良い経験を語るよりも苦情を共有することが多いことです... だからこそ、このプラットフォーム、casino.guru が必要なのだと思います。みんながもっとポジティブな体験をシェアしてくれるといいなと思います。ネガティブな体験や、勝てなくて怒っている人が多すぎて、カジノの評判が悪くなることもあります... 言いたいことはわかりますよね。いずれにせよ、みんなに最新情報を知らせていきます。また、自分が説いていることを実践する必要があることに気づきました。笑 レッドドッグとカジノアトランティスで素晴らしい体験をしたので、それを公表する必要がありますが、皆さんが素晴らしい一日を過ごせることを願っています。みんなに最新情報を知らせていきます。どうもありがとうございます 😊
Hello Jaro,
As far as coupons yes.. they really have an amazing range of choices for that..
I have deposited there about 7 times, previous to the withdraw request, and I must say, the RTP seems very fair at this place like any other real casino that is brick and mortar.. sometimes I'd get close to making through the playthrough, a couple times I did but I kept playing because it's just such a fun place to play... I'm hoping everything goes well with the request, I did get an email this morning saying that with my picture of my credit card, that some of the numbers were blocked and for other casinos that's what I've had to do because I don't think it's a good idea to have all of your information displayed for hackers and whatnot. However I resent pictures that hopefully are sufficient for them. Crossing fingers... The thing is, most who gamble online, often share complaints more than telling about the good experiences... I think that's why this platform, casino.guru is necessary. I just do wish that people would share more of their positive experiences, I see way too many negative or people upset because they didn't win and sometimes give casinos a bad name...they have issues if you know what I mean.. anyway either way I'll keep everyone updated I also realized that I need to practice what I preach LOL I did have a great experience with red dog and casino Atlantis which I need to go and put that out there but I hope you have a wonderful day and I'll keep everyone updated, thank you so much 😊
Yes, you are right that many players come with unpleasant experiences, but there are also those who praise and I am sincerely glad for that. So I hope everything goes smoothly and you will be able to get your money. Be sure to keep me updated with anything and if you're interested, you can write a user review when everything goes well.
Good luck. ☘️
おはようございます、Jaro 🙂
目が覚めたら、DeCode カジノのアカウントにビットコインによる出金入金がありました。
De code casino に感謝します。また、楽しくて合法で安全にプレイできる別のカジノを紹介してくれた casino guru にも感謝します。
Good Morning Jaro 🙂
I woke up to find the withdraw deposit through bitcoin in my account from DeCode casino..
The customer reps were still top notch throughout the process.
I won $1,700
I must say, this casino is legit, 🙂
Thank you De code casino, and thank you casino guru for introducing me to another fun, legit, safe to play..
Nice win, crypto should be pretty fast too, so as long as you have your money in your account for the foreseeable time, it's perfect.
I'm glad you're still doing well and I saw that you posted a user review, so thank you for that.
I hope you will have more and more comfortable sessions. ☘️😊
Decode Casino の問題について助けてください。こんなことをするのは不公平です。入金を受け付け、キャッシュバックし、すべて順調だったのに、私がその金額を獲得した途端、すぐにブロックされ、アカウントが通過しなかったという何らかの内部チェックが行われました。これは一体何なのでしょうか? なぜ彼らは長い間私の入金を受け付けていたのに、私がお金を取り戻した途端、私を禁止したのです。これはただ面白いだけです。どうか、正義と解体へのあなたの助けを願っています。
please help me with the problem with Decode Casino. Well, it’s not fair to do this, they accepted deposits, gave cashback, everything was fine, as soon as I won that amount, they immediately made a block, and they come up with some kind of internal checks that the account did not pass. what the hell is this? why did they accept my deposits for so long, and as soon as I won back my money they banned me. well, this is just funny, please, I hope for justice and your help in disassembling
苦情を申し立てられたので、必要に応じて当社のチームがお手伝いいたします。しばらく前に Dominika さんがあなたの苦情に返信したのを確認しましたので、彼女の質問にも答えていただけます。
Hey, if you have won a significant amount, then I believe the casino can do some gameplay checking. It's not something that's uncommon, so you'll probably just have to wait until it's over.
Anyway, do I understand that the casino has also blocked your account? Did they give you a reason? Did you play with any bonus or not?
Since you have opened a complaint, our team will try to help you if necessary. I saw that Dominika replied to you in your complaint a while ago, so you can also provide her with an answer to her questions.
I hope this will be resolved soon.
Surprisingly, they said that the documents were fake. How did I get verified initially? Can I upload my documents to you and can you tell me if this is a craft or an original? well this is nonsense
The best thing to do is to leave these things in the complaint you have open and our team will look into it as they deal with your situation. I also find it quite strange that this is the first time you've been verified. Did you send the same documents then?
Yes, of course, only documents. I passed verification, it lasted 14 days, in the end everything was fine, they accepted. But when withdrawing a large amount from the promo code, they suddenly turned out to be fake😉😆
Да, конечно, одни документы. Верификацию я прошел, длилась 14 дней, в итоге все хорошо, приняли. Но при выводе крупной суммы с промокода, они резко стали подделкой😉😆
時間の経過とともに何か新しいことを学んだら、ためらわずに共有してください。 🙂
I am quite curious how it will turn out in the end and I will follow your complaint closely. It's quite a tangle and we'll see where we get to.
If you happen to learn something new over time, don't hesitate to share it. 🙂
Of course, dear Jaro. My opinion is that if the winnings were from my deposited money, there would be no problems, but since this is a promo code from deposits, we see the following situation
Конечно уважаемый Jaro. Мое мнение, если бы выигрышь был с моих денег внесенных, проблем бы небыло, а так как это промокод с депозитов, ситуацию мы видим вот такую
Well, so far I would primarily focus on document verification because verification often comes in casinos on the first withdrawal, so sometimes it doesn't matter if you win with real money or with a deposit.
We'll see where the whole situation goes and if it gets resolved, or what the casino says if it needs to be brought into the conversation.
I'm quite eager to know.
Hi Jaro, I sent Dominica my documents and also wrote my SSN just in case.
Привет Jaro, я отослал Доминике свои документы и написал так же свой SSN на всякий случай.
So let's wait and see where this all goes. Let's see what Dominika will have to say. 😉
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com