ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、DundeeSlots Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
私はそのウェブサイトから去ったばかりで、二度と訪れることはありません。ダンディー スロット カジノ。
ALL Lucky Clover 5 で 35 回の無料スピンがもらえると思って登録しました。コードは必要ありません。ボーナスを受け取るには、電話番号とメール アドレスを確認するだけです。
チャット エージェントは、入金不要ボーナスは利用できないと言いました。それで私は、それはばかげていると言いました...NoDepositKings の Web サイトのリンクをクリックすると、サインアップ フィールドを入力できるランディング ページに移動しました。
Ive just come off that website i will never be visiting again. Dundee slots casino.
So ive signed up under the impression of 35 free spins on ALL Lucky Clover 5. No code required. Just verify phone and email to redeem the bonus.
So I go through the whole procedure and what do you know... Nothing happened.
Alright. I contact support and let them know what's happening. Or rather not happening...
The chat agent says to me there's no no deposit bonus available. So I said that's preposterous... I clicked on a link in NoDepositKings website and took me to their landing page with signup fields available to fill.
So how is it not available??
Bro tells me its not available to playwrs in my region and insists i review their Ts and Cs. So i ask for a moment and review said terms only to find that players from Sweden are not allowed in participation of any bonuses.
I'm South African, guys... Not Swedish. All the way on the other side of the globe... I have a transcript of the chat as well.
Please correct me if I am wrong but that is false advertising, lying and baiting.
正直に言うと、これは本当に奇妙な状況です。私たちのサイトで確認したところ、実際には入金不要ボーナスは利用できません。私が見つけたものを見てください🤷♀️ :
This is really weird situation, to tell you the truth. I have checked that on our site, and actually there is really not any no deposit bonus available. Have a look what I found🤷♀️ :
I am now thinking, how come that you have found one, actually.🤔
It's a shame though, especially if you liked this casino, right?
NoDepositKings.com というウェブサイトから、カジノボーナスを宣伝するメールが届き、すぐに 35 回の無料スピンがもらえると書かれていました。
I received an email from a website NoDepositKings.com advertising their casino bonuses and said get 35 free spins off the bat.
When I click on the link, I land here
わかりました。このカジノでボーナスを提供していたのは別のサイトでした。それで、この問題について NoDepositKings に連絡しましたか? DundeeSlots がこのようなボーナスを提供していなかった可能性もあると思います。🤷♀️
Understand. It was some other site offering a bonus at this casino. So have you contacted the NoDepositKings regarding this issue, perhaps? There is some possibility the DundeeSlots did not give out any bonus like this, I reckon.🤷♀️
クレジットカードを使用して入金した際に、出金に成功した方はいらっしゃいますか? 私の最新の出金は、「入金に使用したのと同じ銀行口座に出金してください」と表示され、拒否されました。
Anyone having successfully withdraw when you deposited using a credit card? My latest withdrawal was rejected as they state 'please make withdrawal to same bank account used for deposit'.
Credit cards here in Australia are not directly linked to a bank account, that's just not how they work.
I've contacted my bank and opened a bank account with them under the same details (I was only using them for credit credit card previously) and requested another withdrawal hoping that will work, but it seems unlikely
I've sent an email to their support to clarify the situation, when I tried through live chat the agent just kept disconnecting and repeating the message above with no further help. I've played at the other sites that are owned by same management and the support there has been very helpful, not sure what the go is here
この場合もカード制限が当てはまるのでしょうか? 私の記憶では、オーストラリアはギャンブル関連の銀行取引を禁止していますが、あなたが今説明した内容も、私にはあまり専門的なサポートではないように思えます。
フィードバックを提供したいのですが、フィードバックが見つかりません。すべてのユーザーレビューは少なくとも 1 年前のものです...
Could also the card restriction be the case here? As far as I recall, Australia has banned gambling-related bank transactions, though what you just described also looks like a not pretty skilled support to me.
I would love to provide feedback but could not find any. All user reviews are at least one year old...
Just to get some idea, have the previous withdrawals been sent to the very same card, please?
こんにちは。このカジノで初めて出金しました。他のカジノでは入金にクレジットカードが使用されていましたが、銀行口座への出金には問題なくプレイできました。ここでも同じ管理体制です (Casinonic、Ricky、Queenspins)。出金が承認され、銀行口座に反映されるのを待っているところです。
Hi this is my first withdrawal at this specific casino, I have played and had no issues withdrawing to a bank account while a credit card was used for deposit at the other casinos and also here with same management (Casinonic, Ricky, Queenspins I have a withdrawal approved and just waiting to hit bank account)
The instance above, deposited by credit card and withdrew to a bank account under my name once all documents verified. This has been the case for many of the online casinos I’ve played at, no possible way to withdraw directly to credit cards here, they either needed to be paid using BPAY or direct debit
Depending on the bank, some ban gambling transactions outright, others you have to opt in, some don’t have any tools to block
Just an update, support through email are still insisting to provide a bank account for the credit card… it is just not possible, I will wait until the 13 days as I have a complaint open as I need help progressing and further
Oh my... I'm quite convinced the support is a bit lost here. But I think you're right; it's best to leave the matter for the complaint since the casino is obviously not going to change the perspective.
Hate to say it because here quite likely comes another waiting intermezzo. One way or another, I'd like to stay in touch. Will you keep us all posted?
サポートは実際に私と協力しており、私が使用したクレジットカードの 1 つ (入金には 2 枚使用) では銀行引き出しを使用して直接引き出すことができないことを理解しています。
Support is actually working with me on this, they have understood that one of the credit cards I used (I used 2 to deposit) you cannot directly withdraw using bank withdrawal.
I actually opened a new bank account in the same customer account as my other card to try and withdraw to, but they are asking for a statement showing the deposit, again the same issue as the bank account and credit card are not directly linked.
I have explained this and hopefully I get some clarity on what my options are, it looks like I may have to wait through the complaint period though
I see now.
Glad to see my assessments of the support level of engagement were wrong. Honestly, I encountered quite a similar issue with the virtual card, and I recall it was quite complicated to explain that it does not work like the usual debit card linked to a banking account.
Anyway, it appears that you are now making significant strides. Keeping my fingers crossed!
I've uploaded the latest statement that was generated for the period I've made my deposit which are linked to the winnings. Hopefully this is the last thing so they can process th withdrawal
問題はまだ解決していないのですか? まあ、あなたはとても規律正しい人ですね。私はまだ祈っています。そして、グランドフィナーレが早く終わることを願っています!
The matter has not been resolved yet? Well, you are so disciplined. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed. And I hope the grand finale will be quick!
Yes it has been a very drawn out process, my complaint is open and active I am just waiting on someone from casino guru to help
苦情を確認したところ、重要な 14 日間の期限がもうすぐ終了するようです。ニックが数日以内に返信してくれると思います。
I check the complaint; it appears the crucial 14-full-day time frame is about to end. I expect Nick to get back to you in the next couple of days.
However, if I am not mistaken, the casino now has everything they have consistently requested. Is that correct, please?
彼らは、私が 2 日前に提出した、入金に使用した賞金が記載されたカードの明細書を求めました (これが必要な最後の書類だと言われました)。
They asked for the statement for the card which has the winnings attached to deposit which I have provided two days ago (was told this was last document required).
but now also asking for the other statement for my credit card where the other deposits were made, my statement period is tomorrow for that card so I am about to upload it once it is generated from my bank and that will be all I can give
So it seems tomorrow is the D-day. The casino should finally be ready to start finalizing the process. Hopefully, there will not be any more requests....
「出金は入金に使用したのと同じ銀行口座を使用して行う必要があります」という同じ問題があります。しかし、私は 2 枚のクレジットカードしか使用して入金していません…
So I have uploaded the last document, got the email saying my account is now fully verified and Lo and behold my withdrawal was cancelled.
Same issue citing ‘withdrawal must be made using same bank account used to deposit’. But I have only deposited using two credit cards…
i have updated my complaint and emailed the support person I was originally talking to hoping to get further, this is getting ridiculous now
I have also read through the terms and conditions carefully (https://www.dundeeslots.com/en-AU/terms-and-conditions) and it does not say it is a condition to request withdrawals to same bank account used to deposit anywhere in the Withdrawal Policy or Deposit Policy
And it also says:
You must make deposits only from a bank account, bank cards, e-wallets or other payment methods that are registered in your own name.
Both credit cards and bank account is under my name, I have given up talking to live chat as they have very little information available from what it seems and they just copy and paste responses
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com