ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Elabet Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
Since May 14th I have requested a withdrawal. In addition to asking for the documentation late, in addition to wanting to see the sensitive transaction data, despite having provided everything, I still have not received anything as of May 30th. How many in this situation?
Dal 14 Maggio ho richiesto un prelievo. Oltre a chiedere in ritardo la documentazione, oltre a voler vedere i dati sensibili delle transazioni, nonostante gli abbia fornito tutto, ancora non ho ricevuto nulla al 30 Maggio. Quanti in questa situazione?
こんにちは。カジノには出金や KYC に必要な手続きをすべて済ませるのにちょうど 14 日間の猶予が与えられています。そのため、 苦情を申し立てることができたのは良いステップです。
しかし、検証に合格できましたか、それともまだ合格していませんか? おそらくそれが、まだお金がもらえない理由の 1 つかもしれません。ボーナスを使ってプレイしましたか?
ぜひお知らせください。もちろん、 ここでTomas の質問に答えることもできます。私たちのチームがあなたを助けることができれば幸いです。
Hi, we give casinos exactly 14 days to sort out everything necessary around withdrawal and KYC, so it's a good step that you've managed to file a complaint.
However, did you manage to pass the verification successfully or still not ? Maybe that could be one of the reasons why you still don't have the money. Did you play with any bonus or not ?
Let me know and of course you can also answer Tomas' questions here. I hope our team will be able to help you.
こんにちは。カジノには出金や KYC に必要な手続きをすべて済ませるのにちょうど 14 日間の猶予が与えられています。そのため、 苦情を申し立てることができたのは良いステップです。
しかし、検証に合格できましたか、それともまだ合格していませんか? おそらくそれが、まだお金がもらえない理由の 1 つかもしれません。ボーナスを使ってプレイしましたか?
ぜひお知らせください。もちろん、 ここでTomas の質問に答えることもできます。私たちのチームがあなたを助けることができれば幸いです。
Hi, we give casinos exactly 14 days to sort out everything necessary around withdrawal and KYC, so it's a good step that you've managed to file a complaint.
However, did you manage to pass the verification successfully or still not ? Maybe that could be one of the reasons why you still don't have the money. Did you play with any bonus or not ?
Let me know and of course you can also answer Tomas' questions here. I hope our team will be able to help you.
こんにちは、Jaro。はい、入金前に KYC に合格しました。その後、出金時に、私が送った追加の書類を求められましたが、回答がありません。「書類を受け取りましたので、お知らせします」とだけ言われましたが、何も知らせてくれません。
Hi Jaro, yes I passed KYC before made deposit. Then at the withdrawal they asked me further documents that i sent to them, but they aren't answering. They only said that "we've received your documents and we'll let you know"... but they aren't let me know anything.
Yes, I Played with bonus too, and i converted it into withdrawable money
Great, so I guess we know why you don't have money yet. When they ask you for more documents, I believe they first have to confirm that everything is in order and when that happens, then you should be able to withdraw.
Regarding the bonus, I see that you have fulfilled all the necessary requirements according to your words, so we will have to wait for the casino to come up with an update on the documents.
I firmly believe that it will be as soon as possible.
私もそう願っています。気に入らないのは、出金リクエストからわずか 4 日後に、追加の書類を要求されたことです。そして、書類を受け取った後も、同じリクエストのメールが送られてきて、私はそれを再送信しました。
I hope too. The thing i don't like is that they asked me more documents only 4 days after withdrawal request. And then even if they've received it they still send me email with the same request, and that i've resent.
I've contacted support chat and they told me that they've receveid. But they're taking too much time to do verification.
I understand that sometimes it is not the most pleasant and that you do the additional verification only now during the withdrawal. So you will have to wait and see if everything is okay and if it is, I guess it will not be a problem to withdraw. The good sign is that at least they are answering, so keep a cool head and I believe everything will turn out fine.
The casino doesn't look bad and has a pretty high safety index, so I hope nothing surprises you anymore. 🙂
数日でチェックに合格しました。少なくとも 20 のカジノで最大 3 回です。このような状況は見たことがありません... サポートがまったくないことは言うまでもありません。
私はさまざまなサイトの選択に関して常に Gurucasino を頼りにしてきました。そうでなければ、登録することはなかったでしょうし、結果がどうであろうと、二度とそこに 1 ユーロも支払うことはありません。
In the same boat as you since May 19th, I have also never managed to speak to an operator, apart from the last time. He claimed that the KYC verification took a couple of working days and totally ignored me when I pointed out that 10 had passed…
I passed checks in a couple of days, maximum three in at least twenty casinos! Never seen a situation like this… Not to mention the total lack of assistance!
I have always relied on Gurucasino regarding the choice of various sites, otherwise I would never have registered, certainly regardless of how it ends up, I will never pay a euro into it again.
Nella tua stessa barca dal 19 maggio, inoltre non sono mai riuscito a parlare con un operatore, apparte l’ultima volta. Ha sostenuto che per la verifica KYC ci volessero un paio di giorni lavorativi e mi ha totalmente ignorato quando gli ho fatto presente che ne erano passati 10…
Ho fatto verifiche superate in un paio di giorni, massimo tre in almeno una ventina di casino! Mai vista una situazione del genere… Per non parlare della totale mancanza di assistenza!
Mi sono sempre affidato a Gurucasino riguardo la scelta dei vari siti, altrimenti non mi sarei mai registrato, di sicuro a prescindere da come vada a finire, non ci verserò mai più un euro.
Have you heard from the casino? I ask why you've been waiting longer than me... Are they checking or is it a lost cause?
Hai avuto notizie dal casino? Chiedo perché aspetti da più tempo di me… Stanno verificando o è una causa persa?
こんにちは。カジノには出金と KYC の解決に 14 日間の猶予が与えられているので、カジノ側が少なくともあなたの状況について、またすべての書類が整っているかどうかについて連絡するには十分な時間だと思います。しかし、もし連絡がなかったら、私にとっては決して気持ちの良いことではなかったでしょうし、 苦情を申し立てたのは良い行動だったと思います。
Hi, since we give casinos 14 days to resolve withdrawals and KYC, I think this is enough time for the casino to at least get back to you about your situation and if all the documents were in order. But if they didn't, it would certainly not have been pleasant for me and I think it was a good move to lodge a complaint.
I can see that the ball is in the casino's court, so we will wait and see if they can answer and explain if they have a problem as well, since you are not the only one.
Would it be possible for you to let me know if you hear anything new ?
どうでしょう。彼らは、編集されていない紙の取引のオリジナルの PDF 文書が欲しいと、週に 1 回メールを送り続けています。
Guess what'. They continue to email me once a week that they want the original PDF document of the unredacted paper transactions.
Even though I believe it is clearly illegal, I gave in and still sent him this document 3 more times with all the visible transactions, 3 times, for the entire year 2024 as well. And they keep telling me they want this, even though I've sent it to them 3 other times.
It's clear that they don't want to send the money
Indovina un po'. Continuano a mandarmi mail una volta alla settimana che vogliono il documento originale in PDF delle transazioni su carta non oscurato.
Nonostante credo sia palesemente illegale, ho ceduto e gli ho mandato comunque altre 3 volte questo documento con tutte le transazioni visibili, 3 volte, di tutto l'anno 2024 oltretutto. E continuano a rispondermi di volere questo, nonostante gliel'abbia mandato altre 3 volte.
E' lampante che non vogliano inviare i soldi
Well I'm starting to think so too, they asked me for a photo with their logo nearby (already ambiguous), the front/back photos of the cards and the bank statement. Then disappeared into thin air..
In the end a complaint will have to be made with AAMS, but I don't know if that too can be decisive
Eh inizio a pensarlo anche io, a me hanno chiesto una foto con il loro logo vicino (già ambiguo), le foto fronte/retro delle carte e l’estratto conto bancario. Poi spariti nel nulla..
Alla fine sarà da fare un reclamo con AAMS, ma non so se anche quello possa essere risolutivo
Which I will do, I made myself a special PEC. If we all did this and started sending complaints, maybe something could happen
Cosa che farò, mi sono fatto una PEC apposita. Se lo facessimo tutti e cominciassimo a inviare reclami qualcosa forse si può smuovere
どうでしょう。彼らは、編集されていない紙の取引のオリジナルの PDF 文書が欲しいと、週に 1 回メールを送り続けています。
Guess what'. They continue to email me once a week that they want the original PDF document of the unredacted paper transactions.
Even though I believe it is clearly illegal, I gave in and still sent him this document 3 more times with all the visible transactions, 3 times, for the entire year 2024 as well. And they keep telling me they want this, even though I've sent it to them 3 other times.
It's clear that they don't want to send the money
Indovina un po'. Continuano a mandarmi mail una volta alla settimana che vogliono il documento originale in PDF delle transazioni su carta non oscurato.
Nonostante credo sia palesemente illegale, ho ceduto e gli ho mandato comunque altre 3 volte questo documento con tutte le transazioni visibili, 3 volte, di tutto l'anno 2024 oltretutto. E continuano a rispondermi di volere questo, nonostante gliel'abbia mandato altre 3 volte.
E' lampante che non vogliano inviare i soldi
If I may step in, what comes to mind after reading your post is that you should check the quality and format of the document you are sending over and over. It actually happens many times that one of these is the reason for rejection. You could ask the casino as well about this. Let us know, please.
So they answer you?? Something already! They didn't ask me anything at all! They didn't give me any explanation or anything, it's really absurd! Two weeks since I sent the documents and nothing! It's starting to be really frustrating, how is it possible that certain casinos have a license I just don't understand
Quindi a te rispondono?? Già qualcosa! A me non hanno chiesto proprio nulla! Non mi hanno dato nessuna spiegazione o altro, è veramente assurdo! Due settimane da quando ho mandato i documenti e nulla! Inizia ad essere veramente frustrante, com’è possibile che certi casino abbiano la licenza io proprio non capisco
つまり、... から ... までに書かれた銀行取引明細書がなければなりません。その後、彼らはそれがオリジナルではない PDF だと言いますが、それは絶対に真実ではなく、銀行が私に提供したものです。
そして、まず 1 か月分の取引リストを述べ、次に 3 か月分の銀行取引明細書で状況を訂正します。そして、編集可能な PDF だと言って気に入らないと言います。彼らはあらゆる言い訳をします。
Yesterday they suspended my account, with yet another request for documents, which I sent them for the fifth time!
I contacted the chat and basically they say that the list of transactions that I had from the bank is not good because they want the account statement.
That is, there must be a bank statement written from ... to ... Then they say it's a non-original PDF, but that's absolutely not true, it's the one the bank gave me.
In practice they want a document that not even the bank provides me with!
Then first they say a list of movements for 1 month, then they correct the situation with a 3-month bank statement. And then they don't like it because according to them it's an editable PDF. They make up all kinds of excuses.
Any other bookmaker had no problems after providing him with an account statement.
To extrapolate this information I obviously had to bring it up in the chat. By email they always just send the same reply.
Now I have requested this phantom document from the bank with the wording they want, hoping they will be able to do it. However, I have already provided proof of card ownership, their specific requests are bizarre, aimed only at not disbursing the withdrawal
Ieri mi hanno sospeso il conto, con l'ennesima richiesta documenti, che gli ho mandato per la quinta volta!
Ho contattato la chat e in pratica dicono che non va bene la lista movimenti che mi son fatto fare dalla banca perché vogliono l'estratto conto.
Cioé ci deve essere scritto estratto conto dal ...al ... Poi dicono che é un PDF non originale, ma non é assolutamente vero, é quello che mi ha fornito la banca.
In pratica vogliono un documento che nemmeno la banca mi fornisce!
Poi prima dicono lista movimenti di 1 mese, poi correggono il tiro con estratto conto 3 mesi. E poi non gli va bene perché secondo loro é un PDF modificabile. Si inventano ogni tipo di scusa.
Qualsiasi altro bookmaker dopo avergli fornito estratto conto non ha fatto problemi.
Per estrapolare queste informazioni ovviamente ho dovuto tirarglielo fuori in chat. Per email si limitano a mandare sempre la solita risposta.
Adesso ho richiesto alla banca questo fantomatico documento con le diciture che vogliono loro, sperando riescano a farlo. Tuttavia la prova di titolarità della carta già l'ho fornita, le loro richieste specifiche sono balzane, atte solo a non erogare il prelievo
Prompt via chat and ask what isn't right. Even if I already imagine the answers
Sollecita tramite chat e chiedi cosa non va bene. Anche se immagino già le risposte
また、同じ書類(すでに送信済み)を 2 回要求した後、私のアカウントが停止されました。
They also suspended my account after requesting the same documentation (already sent) twice.
Obviously they are excuses for not paying, since they do it with everyone.
How could we move to protect ourselves?
Anche a me hanno sospeso il conto dopo aver richiesto 2 volte la stessa documentazione (già inviata).
Ovviamente sono scuse per non pagare, visto che lo fanno con tutti.
Come potremmo muoverci x tutelarci?
更新: 自分で調べたところ、移動リストと口座明細書には実際には違いがあり、非常に似ているものの、まったく同じものではないことがわかりました。
https://www.confrontaconti.it/guide-conti/domande-frequenti/qual-e-la-differenza-fra-estratto-conto-e-lista-movimenti.aspx#:~:text=L'estratto%20conto %20%C3%A8%20il でも、最新の残高が報告されています。
しかし、違いは、取引リストはいつでも要求できるのに対し、口座明細書は銀行によって毎年または四半期ごとに提供されるという点です。したがって、銀行がそれを望んでいるとしても、6 月 30 日より前には実行できないことを考えると、彼らの要求はばかげています。
Update: I informed myself and saw that there is actually a difference between the LIST OF MOVEMENTS and the ACCOUNT STATEMENT, they are not exactly the same thing, even if they are very similar.
https://www.confrontaconti.it/guide-conti/domande-frequenti/qual-e-la-differenza-fra-estratto-conto-e-lista-movimenti.aspx#:~:text=L'estratto%20conto %20%C3%A8%20il, also reports%20the%20updated%20balance.
However, the difference is that the list of transactions can be requested at any time, while the account statement is placed ANNUALLY by the bank, or QUARTERLY. Therefore their request is ridiculous, given that, if the bank is willing to do so, it cannot be done before June 30th.
Furthermore, first by sending an email asking for a LIST OF MOVEMENTS, after 4-5 days, they announce that they want an extract of the last 3 months. Which cannot be had at the moment, so their request is absolutely ILLEGAL
Here is some history of the emails received. Note the days of delay between one email and another. I requested the withdrawal on May 14th
I sent that document to him 4-5 times. Only in the last chat did they tell me that it's not good because it's not a bank statement but a list of transactions, and the PDF can be filtered. According to them I would have filtered the movements
Now I can no longer add attachments
Aggiorno: mi sono informato e ho visto che effettivamente tra LISTA MOVIMENTI ed ESTRATTO CONTO, c'è differenza, non sono esattamente la stessa cosa, anche se molto simili.
Tuttavia la differenza è che la lista movimenti può essere richiesta in qualsiasi momento, mentre l'estratto conto viene messo ANNUALMENTE dalla banca, o TRIMESTRALMENTE. Perciò la loro richiesta è ridicola, dato che, sempre che la banca sia disponibile a farlo, non può essere fatto prima del 30 giugno.
Oltretutto prima mandando mail chiedendo proprio LISTA MOVIMENTI, dopo 4-5 giorni, annunciano di volere un'estratto degli ultimi 3 mesi. Cosa che non si può avere al momento, perciò la loro richiesta è assolutamente ILLECITA
Ecco un po' di cronologia delle mail arrivate. Notare i giorni di ritardo tra una mail e l'altra. L'ho chiesto il 14 maggio il prelievo
Quel documento gliel'ho mandato 4-5 volte. Solo nell'ultima chat mi han detto che non va bene perchè non è un estratto conto ma una lista movimenti, e il PDF può essere filtrato. Secondo loro avrei filtrato i movimenti
Adesso non posso più aggiungere allegati
In the meantime, if we report here and each open a complaint, I'm not saying it will be resolved, but at least we'll make a move.
I also have contact with a lawyer who is supposed to be in the industry.
Intanto se segnaliamo qua e apriamo un reclamo ognuno, non dico si risolva, ma perlomeno diamo una smossa.
Ho anche contatti con un avvocato che dovrebbe essere del settore.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com