Then don't waste your time trying to deal with if they won't respond to you, thats what these people do here, they can get in touch with the casino, get the casino to prove it that you open up two accounts under the same email.
とにかく、このカジノの経験はありますか? 🙂
Hm I saw that it is quite a more complex case and currently waiting for the decision of the regulator, so I'm curious how it will develop.
Anyway, do you have any experience with this casino or not ? 🙂
カジノ自体が書類を検証しないことは注目に値します。これはサードパーティ サービス Sumsub によって行われます。その一方で、スタッフが不足しているという事実が私を心配させます。顧客の個人情報の正常な取り扱いが確保できないのであれば、原則として深刻なものは扱わない方が良いと思います。
It is worth noting that the casino itself does not verify documents. This is done by the third-party service Sumsub. And on the other hand, the fact that they don’t have enough staff worries me; if you can’t ensure normal handling of clients’ personal data, then I think you shouldn’t deal with serious things in principle.
そうですね、私はサードパーティの検証ツールを、カジノのスタッフを遅らせることなく、より早くアカウントを検証するための中立的な、またはお望みであれば公平な方法として期待したいと思いますが、代わりに支払いの処理に重点を置く可能性があります 🙂。
Well, I'd prefer to see a third-party verification tool as a neutral or, if you like, a fair way to verify accounts sooner and without delaying casino staff, which may focus on handling payouts instead 🙂.
But this is just my opinion, and I'm glad you shared yours.
Do you perhaps have any idea whether this people shortage might be just temporary?
Believe me, it's just an honest question.
Well, that's what I meant. If you outsource such a procedure as checking documents to a third-party organization, this means that you do not spend time on this; therefore, you only make a final verdict based on the data that the verification organization provided you, which should not take much time. And besides, if you look at Fairspin’s rating on your website, it is quite high and it would be funny if such a reputable company has problems with staff. Don't you think so?
それにもかかわらず、あなたの苦情によれば、あなたはなんとか 2 日でお金を確認して引き出すことができました。しかし、あなたは、それが自分にとってあまり都合がよくなかったとも考えており、努力していなければさらに時間がかかったかもしれないと話しています。
It certainly is, I think it was just an idea of what might be behind your delayed verification and not a fact.
However, I also agree with what you said and if it was outsourced to some other organization, the casino would have more time to deal with, for example, withdrawals.
Nevertheless, even according to your complaint, you managed to verify and withdraw the money in 2 days. Yet, you also think that it was not very convenient for you and according to you it could have taken even longer if you had not made the effort.
So finding a faster casino seems to be a topical issue for you, or am I wrong ?
エクストリームカジノ ブランゴカジノ ヤビーカジノなど多数
Haha 10 days what a joke. bro in days id spend that money 10x already.
I don't mess with sites that don't cash me out instantly.
extremecasino brangocasino yabbycasino and alot more
ただし、出金プロセスを解決するためにカジノに 14 日間の猶予期間を与えていますので、何も起こらない場合は、当社に苦情を申し立てることができます。
Hi, did the casino give you a reason why you can't withdraw money ? Do you already have an account verified here, please ? Did you play with the bonus ?
However we give casinos 14 days to resolve the withdrawal process, so if nothing happens, you can file a complaint with us.
I'll wait for a reply
Hi, unfortunately casinos always have an advantage over players who lose their money here sooner or later. It's true, but I wouldn't say right from the start a casino has to be a scam.
Nevertheless, if you feel like you're not doing so well and you're just losing money all the time, it's probably best to take a break and not play, so you don't lose any more money unnecessarily. Or do you have another opinion ?
この親切な推薦で約 10 人のプレイヤーに話しかけたのに気付きました。失礼ですが、引き出しが成功したことを示すスクリーンショットを添付していただけますか?
I noticed you addressed about ten players with this friendly recommendation. Pardon my manners, but could you support it with a screenshot showing your successful withdrawals?
You know, gambling is a very competitive industry, and even though I have no reason not to believe you, I prefer to be straight. Players usually don't act like this, so your cooperation is appreciated.
The last time I saw such a high level of quite similar engagement, no screenshots were provided.
I appreciate your understanding and upholding transparency. 🙏
Fairspin で制限国リストが更新されたようです:
it appears that restricted countries list was updated on Fairspin:
now, many other countries including Poland are not accepted.
So please update it on casino.guru
情報をありがとうございます。弊社のデータ チームに伝え、該当する場合は弊社の Web サイトで情報を更新します。
Thank you for the information. I will pass it out to our data team, and they will update the information on our website if applicable.
Delays on purpose to big withdraws, in order to cancel your request and lose the money back.
Games RTP is terrible, especially in pragmatic's games
If you play with buy bonus function, You will always see something like this:
3K の引き出しには 10 日間待たされました。制限額が低いため、3 つの取引に分割する必要があったからです。最初の 1 つは 5 ~ 6 日後に承認されました... 2 つ目は 48 時間かかったと思います。もちろん、3 つ目はできませんでした。承認されるまで資金をプレイして失ってしまったからです (ちなみに、その間、ランダムに 1 つのゲームも支払いを行っていませんでした)。
I waited 10 days for a 3K withdraw because i needed to split it to 3 transactions because of the low limit. The first one approved after 5-6 days... The second took 48 hours I believe and of course there wasn't a third as until i make it i played the funds and lost them (btw all randomly not a single game was paying in the meantime).
3K の引き出しには 10 日間待たされました。制限額が低いため、3 つの取引に分割する必要があったからです。最初の 1 つは 5 ~ 6 日後に承認されました... 2 つ目は 48 時間かかったと思います。もちろん、3 つ目はできませんでした。承認されるまで資金をプレイして失ってしまったからです (ちなみに、その間、ランダムに 1 つのゲームも支払いを行っていませんでした)。
I waited 10 days for a 3K withdraw because i needed to split it to 3 transactions because of the low limit. The first one approved after 5-6 days... The second took 48 hours I believe and of course there wasn't a third as until i make it i played the funds and lost them (btw all randomly not a single game was paying in the meantime).
RTP に関しても、私にとってはまったく同じ原則が当てはまります。いずれにせよ、このカジノは価値があると思いますか?
Thanks for sharing your point of view.
We all love quick withdrawals, of course, but it does not work out on every occasion, especially when limits get involved, I'd say.
People who want to take that as a deliberate act to make players lose their winnings, will surely do so. Honestly, it would make sense, no wonder this opinion is so common. I respect that.
Regarding the RTP, for me, it holds the very same principle. One way or another, would you say this casino was worth your while?
そんなに単純な話ではないことは確かです。現在のスロットがどのように機能するかを調べたことがありますか? ご希望であれば、お手伝いできます。通常、プレイヤーは、予想よりも勝てなかったり、負けた記憶しか残っていない場合、スロットが改変されたに違いないと考える傾向があります。
I can assure you, it's not that simple. Have you ever investigated how current slots work? I could help you wiht that if you want. Usually, players tend to believe the slots must have been altered if they win less than expected or when their memory only recalls losses.
Well, in any case, I think we all appreciate your willingness to share. Hopefully, you'll be luckier in the future.
Speaking of RTP, do you know the actual value of this game?
Hello everyone.
Dobrý den všem.
おそらくボーナスに関する利用規約には、ボーナス額の 5 倍しか獲得できず、賭け条件が満たされるとそれ以上の賞金はすべて没収されると記載されているでしょう。その後に残った残高で勝った場合は、合計額に関係なくその賞金はあなたのものになります。
It will probably be in their terms and conditions regarding the bonus that you can only win X5 the bonus amount and all winnings above that forfeited once the wagering requirement is met. If you win with the remaining balance after that it's yours no matter what the total.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com