出金には非常に時間がかかりました。最初の 300 ドルはすぐに出金できましたが、その後 2,600 ドルを獲得し、出金を試みましたが、出金には 1,700 ドルのみの制限があり、1 回の出金で 500 ドルに分割されました。待機時間が長く、資金を戻しましたが、もちろんすべてを失いました。
After account was verified they asked a screenshot of my bank account platform .
and the withdrawal took way long time, i was able to withdrawal the first 300$ fast, then i won 2600$ try to withdrawal but there are limit on the withdrawal only 1700$ split in 500 each withdrawal. The waiting was long and i played back the funds and of course losted it all.
I'm really sorry that you lost the money at the end, but may I ask what you reckon is long time for withdrawal, though?🤔
Because if the casino needs to get through some additional checks, it is somehow logical that there would be some delays, I believe.
What do you say?
最初の追加遅延は、最初の引き出しを処理するときに発生しました。身元確認のために追加の書類を要求されたときです。その後、300 ドルの引き出しは比較的速く処理されました (3 日)。その後、私は 2,600 ドルを獲得しました。その後何が起こったかはご存じのとおりです。
the first extra delay was to process the first withdrawal. when they asked extra documents for identity check. after that the 300$ withdrawal were processed relatively fast(3 days). then i won the 2600$ and well. We know what happened after.
Another detail, you don't get notification when you request a withdrawal. neither when the withdrawal has been released.
Yeah, but I still don't get the information on how long you needed to wait for the last withdrawal if you say that the ones before you got paid pretty quickly.🤷♀️
But never mind. It is pretty bad that the casino doesn't send any notification, you are right?
Not even in your account there is no information about it, though?
Yeah, but I still don't get the information on how long you needed to wait for the last withdrawal if you say that the ones before you got paid pretty quickly.🤷♀️
But never mind. It is pretty bad that the casino doesn't send any notification, you are right?
Not even in your account there is no information about it, though?
出金をリクエストすると、出金が保留中であるというセクションがあります。実際、出金が保留中/リリースされたという通知はありません。資金がギガダットに送金され、受領されたときのみです。それ以外は、何もありません。時間については、他のカジノでの私の経験では、最大 3 時間から 48 時間で資金を受け取ります。5 日かかる CasinoRewards ネットワーク カジノを除きます。
when you request the withdrawal there is a section when the withdrawal is as pending. And indeed no notification of withdrawal pending/released. but only when the funds are sent to gigadat and when are received. apart from that. Nada. About the time, in my experience in other casinos i get the funds in 3 hours to 48 hours maximun. Except CasinoRewards network casinos that take 5 days.
他のカジノでの経験では、資金は最大 3 時間から 48 時間で手に入ります。ただし、CasinoRewards ネットワークのカジノでは 5 日かかります。
私は Gamblezen が好きです。これは私の「後ろめたい楽しみ」のサイトの 1 つです。プレイすべきではないことは分かっていますが、プレイするとたいていかなり楽しめます。このため、このスレッドで他のカジノを宣伝することはしません。
(あるいはそうではないかもしれません。どうやらここでは PM は存在しないようです)
in my experience in other casinos i get the funds in 3 hours to 48 hours maximun. Except CasinoRewards network casinos that take 5 days.
I like Gamblezen. It's one of my "guilty pleasure" sites.. places that I know I shouldn't play at, but usually have a decent amount of fun when I do. For this reason, I won't promote other casinos on this thread.
I will PM you, however lol
(or maybe not, cuz it appears that PMs are not a thing here)
Good to see players praising the casino for a change. What do you like most here.
As for PMs, unfortunately our forum doesn't support them. 😕
Altacore はカジノのプレゼンテーションを非常にうまく行っています。同社のすべてのサイト (iWild、Snatch、Gamble Zen など) は、独自のテーマと非常に魅力的なプレゼンテーションの Web サイトを備えています。
これまでに 1 回か 2 回入金したことがある (または入金したことがない) プレイヤーには、かなりの数の入金不要スピンが提供されており、ボーナス資金を賭けながらプレイできるデフォルトの RTP ゲームもいくつかあります。
そうは言っても、支払いを受けるまでにどれくらいの時間がかかるか、そもそも支払いを受けられるのかどうかについてはコメントできません。一度試したのですが、出金リクエストを送信しましたが、確認がありませんでした。数日間放置した後、キャンセルしたところ、さらに賞金を獲得しました。もう一度試しましたが、結果は同じでした。またさらに賞金を獲得したので、KYC 情報を更新して 3 回目の送信をしようと考えました。
カスタマー サービスの応答時間については、間違いなく改善する必要があります。15 ~ 20 分待たされた挙句、チャットのタイムアウトになったと分かったり、ボットからメッセージを残すように指示されたりするのは嫌です。
Altacore has the casino presentation down very well. All of their sites (iWild, Snatch, Gamble Zen, etc) have unique themes and very attractively presented websites.
They offer a decent amount of no-deposit spins for players who've previously made a deposit or two (or maybe none at all), and you can also find some default RTP games to play while wagering your bonus funds.
That being said, I can't comment on how long it takes to get paid, or even IF you'll get paid at all. The one time I tried, I sent a withdrawal request and received no confirmation of it. After letting it sit a couple of days, I cancelled it and ended up winning more. I tried once again, same result. Upon winning more yet again, I figured I'd update my KYC info and send a third time.
I finally gave up and ended up on a losing streak.
They definitely need to address their customer service response times. I don't like waiting around for 15-20 mins only to find out that I've timed out of chat or I get a bot telling me to leave a message.
Thanks for the answer. So I see that the withdrawal of money was not positive on the other hand, which is a shame when you tried 3 times. That's quite enough. Customer support could be more attentive according to what you write, and I also wouldn't want to wait 30 minutes for an answer.
So the casino also has things that can be worked on and also some good things, so we'll see if they improve in some way over time.
If you play here and notice other things, feel free to share them.🙂
現時点では、私のお金を受け取れるカジノは Novibet と Coolbet の 2 つだけです。
私をそれらの宝石から引き離すには、賭け金なしの良い取引と、デフォルトの RTP (96% 以上) で実行されるゲームが必要になります。
If you play here and notice other things, feel free to share them.🙂
At the present time, there are only two casinos that get my money: Novibet and Coolbet.
It'll take a good wager-free deal and games running at default RTP (96% or higher) to pry me away from those gems.
どこでプレイしても頑張ってください。 🙂
I clearly think that you yourself know best where it is worth playing and where it is not. I mostly came across the fact that you said that the casino is a "guilty pleasure" for you, and therefore you play here sometimes, that is, if you had more time for this casino and you had something else to talk about, it would be good share, feel free to do so. It is mainly for other players, who could be helped by such things in making decisions.
But even so, you described your experience or some parameters of the casino well before.
Good luck wherever you play. 🙂
うーん、来月プレイする予算ができたら、その 2 つのカジノをテストします。
mm, i will test those 2 casinos next month when i get the budget to play.
最新情報をお知らせします。1 つはケベック州のプレイヤーに対してブロックされており、もう 1 つは誰かが私の個人情報を使って古いアカウントを使用していたことが分かりました。エスカレーションを行い、現在は偽のアカウントを回復して本人確認を行う作業で行き詰まっています。引き続きお知らせします。
Quick update. One is blocked to Quebec players, and the other i figure it out that somebody was using an old account under some of my personal information. i escalated and now im stuck recovering that fake account and verifying identity . keep you posted.
非常に興味深い内容ですので、ぜひ発見したことをお知らせください。もちろん、複数のカジノが不必要に混在しないように、 該当するカジノの下に記入するのがベストです。
So it can be quite interesting and be sure to let us know what you find out. Of course it would be best if you wrote under the casino in question so that there are not several of them mixed here unnecessarily.
完全に同意します。素晴らしいレビューです。最高のカジノであれば、安物です。簡単に言えば、このようなカジノは避けるべきです。巧妙に仕組まれた詐欺です。GC が IWILDCASINO や SNATCHCASINO のようなカジノをすべてリストアップしてくれたら、とても助かります。そうすれば、生活にストレスがかかりません。1 年経っても、なぜこのようなカジノについて苦情が寄せられるのか理解できません。顧客がいなくなるべきです。
I fully agree..great review...if the best...chepeau...in a few words casinos like them are to be avoided....as well orchestrated scams....It would be very useful if GC listed all the casinos like them like IWILDCASINO...SNATCHCASINO...so we don't have to stress our lives..and I don't understand why after a year..they still give us complaints about these casinos....they should be left without customers.
Concordo pienamente..ottima rencessione... se la migliore...chepeau...in poche parole casino come loro sono da evitare....come truffe ben orchestrate....Sarebbe molto utile se GC ci elencasse tutti i casino uguali a loro come IWILDCASINO...SNATCHCASINO...così non ci dobbiamo stressare la vita..e non capisco perché dopo un anno..su questi casino ci diano ancora lamentele....dovrebbero rimanere senza clienti.
非常に興味深い内容ですので、ぜひ発見したことをお知らせください。もちろん、複数のカジノが不必要に混在しないように、 該当するカジノの下に記入するのがベストです。
So it can be quite interesting and be sure to let us know what you find out. Of course it would be best if you wrote under the casino in question so that there are not several of them mixed here unnecessarily.
Gamblezen Casino のリスク部門があなたの S***A アカウントの審査を完了しました。
S***A アカウント - カジノのセキュリティ チェックに失敗しました。
ゲームセッションのレビュー中に、プロジェクト ルールの違反が見つかりました。具体的には次の通りです:
当社および当社が提供するサービスの利用中、ユーザーは以下の行為を禁止されています: ボーナスまたはその他のプロモーションの不正使用。この場合、管理者がアカウント所有者によるボーナス不正使用 (単独でまたは共謀グループの一員として) を疑う十分な根拠がある場合、管理者は以下の権利を留保します:
ボーナス利用規約(第 9 条)に記載されているとおり、賭け条件が満たされる前にボーナスをキャンセルすることができます。
Hello, 5 days ago this casino locked my account. It has happened when my wagering requirements have been almost met. My wagering progress was around 96% and my balance was around 2000 euro at that moment. I made a deposit on 600 euro there.
Just after my account got locked I asked them about the reason of it via email. This is a response from them:
"Thank you for contacting our Support Service!
Gamblezen Casino's Risk Department has completed the review of your S***A account.
S***A account - failed the casino security check.
During the review of your gaming session, a violation of the project rules was found, namely:
Regarding the company and during the usage of services provided by it, users are prohibited from: abusing bonuses or other promotions; In this case, if the administration has strong reasons to suspect the Account Holder of bonus abuse (either on their own or as part of a colluded group), it reserves the right to:
annul the bonus received by the Account Holder and cancel any winnings from that bonus;
block immediately the Account Holder's account.
As stated in the Bonus Terms & Conditions (Clause 9): Any bonus can be canceled before the wagering requirements are met.
Due to the detected violations, your balance was canceled, and your account was closed without the right to reopen.
According to the rules of the project, you are not allowed to play on this site. The casino is not responsible for you opening a new account and any losses you may incur after opening a new account. We reserve the right to terminate an account created in violation of these rules at any time."
4 days ago I asked them how the bonus has been abused by me but they stopped answering (I repeated the inquiry 2 days ago and today).
I always read the terms and conditions before playing. For sure none of them have been broken by me in this casino.
I would be grateful for your help.
いずれにせよ、Casino Guru は無料の苦情機能を提供しており、それを通じて私たちのチームはプレイヤーに代わってカジノに説明を求めることを目指しています。
このオプションはあなたにとってどう思われますか? このガイドを試して検討してみてください。👈
I fear this is going to be complicated, but don't worry... Let's assess the situation:
Since we do not know what made the casino's risk department consider you to be sort of a bonus hunter or abuser or whatever, we literally have quite limited option. Thus, I suggest a bit of investigating.
May I know how many bonuses have been taken at the casino, please? How many times have you deposited?
In any case, Casino Guru offers a free of charge complaint feature, through which our team aims to ask casinos for explanations on the players behalf.
How does this option sound to you? Try out this guide to give it a thought. 👈
Thank you for your response.
It was first deposit bonus so I made only one deposit there and I received only one bonus from them.
I have already posted my complaint.
I am very curious how they want to explain locking my account, if they decide to do it at all. I see that they are rated good what has surprised me a lot.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com