すべての概要、カジノ ページで自由に利用できます。
データ チームはあなたの提案を検討して決定します。
How about starting with the "update us" feature?
It's at your full disposal on every overview, casino page.
The Data Team will go through your suggestions and then decide.
Have a good one!
This casino ran away at night a few months ago.
We had lost touch with them for a long time, including their license and management company, but suddenly the site was back up and running.
However, my account is blocked and I'm still not connected with support.
I wonder if this casino is trying to hide the fact that they ran away in the night and act as a new casino?
このサイトは URL が同じままなので、新しいカジノを装っているとは言えません。私の意見では、かなり長い間、一時的に閉鎖されていました。これを発見していただき、ありがとうございます。情報が更新されていることを確認します。
さて、あなたのアカウントですが、事前の話し合いなしにブロックされたのでしょうか? さまざまな状況下で多くのアカウントを閉鎖されたことは承知していますが、この特定のアカウントについては確実に確認しておきたいと思います。
hey there!
I would not say this site pretends to be a new casino because its URL remains the same. In my opinion, it was quite long yet temporarily closure. Thank you very much for spotting this, I'll make sure the information is updated.
Now to your account, is it blocked without earlier discussion? I know you have, under numerous circumstances, closed many accounts, so I prefer to be sure about this specific one.
I was digesting a bonus at this casino, but when I tried to complete my wager I got an error and could not complete the wager.
As you can see in the picture, I have 0.01€ left.
If I place a bet of 0.01€, I get an error.
I contacted the casino about this, but there was no answer and eventually I could no longer access the casino.
Just recently the casino site came back up and when I tried to log in, I found that my account had been blocked.
I contacted support, but the mailer-demon informed me that he never received my email.
Hello. I can’t file a complaint, it says verification failed. What to do?
Здраствуйте. Не могу подать жалобу, пишет сбой проверки. Что делать?
I was digesting a bonus at this casino, but when I tried to complete my wager I got an error and could not complete the wager.
As you can see in the picture, I have 0.01€ left.
If I place a bet of 0.01€, I get an error.
I contacted the casino about this, but there was no answer and eventually I could no longer access the casino.
Just recently the casino site came back up and when I tried to log in, I found that my account had been blocked.
I contacted support, but the mailer-demon informed me that he never received my email.
こんにちは。 このリンクを使用して苦情を申し立てて、問題が解決するかどうかをお知らせください。エラーが発生した場合は、スクリーンショットを撮って送信してください。修正できるよう努めます。
Hello. Try to file a complaint using this link, please, and let us know if it works. If you get any error, please make a screenshot and send it to us, so we can try to fix it.
We'll wait for your reply.
I tried to log in to an account that had been there for a while and was blocked.
The casino also has a live chat that only has a button but doesn't really exist, and I don't receive any emails.
I think they may have revived the site just to get people to register and make deposits.
Ok, I understand now. Well, if that is the case, as you think they do, it is good to know, and hopefully there will be other users reading this to make their own decision whether to go to play there.
私はドイツ出身で、カジノ グルのサイトをいつも開けるわけではありません。そうでなければ、もう少し賢く行動していたでしょう。先日 30 ユーロを入金しましたが、お金は入金されませんでした。決済プロバイダーと銀行は、取引が成功したことを確認しました。ライブ チャット ボタンは偽物で、メール アドレスも偽物です。彼らは詐欺師で、私のお金を盗みました。
I'm from Germany and can't always open the casino guru site, otherwise I would have been a bit smarter. I deposited 30 euros the other day and the money was never credited. The payment provider and my bank confirmed that the transaction was successful. The live chat button is fake, as are the email addresses. They are scammers and they stole my money
Ich komme aus Deutschland und kann nicht immer die casino guru seite öffnen,sonst wäre ich etwas schlauer gewesen. Hab die tage 30 euro eingezahlt und das geld wurde nie gutgeschrieben. Zahlungsanbieter und meine Hausbank bestätigten das die transaktion erfolgreich war. Der live chat button ist fake genauso wie die email adressen. Es sind Betrüger und sie haben mein geld gestohlen
This casino robbed me. I deposited 30 euros which were not credited to me. My bank confirmed that the payment was successful
Dieses casino hat mich bestohlen. 30 euro eingezahlt die mir nicht gutgeschrieben wurden. Meine Hausbank hat mir bestätigt das die zahlung erfolgreich war
いずれにせよ、Veronika さんは、これらの手続きは私たちにとっては複雑で解決が難しいと苦情を述べておられます。カジノはご利用いただけませんので、銀行でさらに調査する必要があるのは明らかです。
Hey, why couldn't you discuss it here? I see that the main problem is the deposit that was not credited to your player account. I wanted to ask you if you contacted the casino but apparently no one is answering when neither live chat nor email is ok. This is quite a problem because this way we basically don't know what might be going on. But it was good that you asked if everything is okay from your side and you say yes.
Anyway, Veronika has also written to you in her complaint that these are complicated and difficult processes for us to resolve. Obviously you will need to investigate this further with the bank as the casino is not available to you.
As much as I hate to say it, I'm not sure how much more we could do to help.😕
I read the reviews and I will say that my opinion is different. They have a very good caliper now. I don't know much about computers, but I really like casinos. I've been playing there for a few months and feel safe, and I was able to withdraw a small amount of money. I think everything has changed and it's more pleasant to play there.
あなたがカジノでうまくやると、私も嬉しくなります。出金にどの支払い方法を使いましたか?このカジノの他に気に入っている点は何ですか? 🙂
So it makes me happy when you do well in the casino. What payment method did you use to withdraw? What else do you like about this casino? 🙂
I read the reviews and I will say that my opinion is different. They have a very good caliper now. I don't know much about computers, but I really like casinos. I've been playing there for a few months and feel safe, and I was able to withdraw a small amount of money. I think everything has changed and it's more pleasant to play there.
I played here too and I liked everything, although I couldn't withdraw yet, but I liked the support attitude, I plan to play live games.
I was able to withdraw without any problems. I played bacardi and a couple of live games. Really like the user friendly interface, played in other casinos but didn't feel the ease there.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com