ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Golden Genie Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
こんにちは。出金にかなり長い時間待たされているようですね。カジノには出金手続きを整理するために 14 日間の猶予が与えられています。ところで、カジノのアカウントはすでに認証されていますか? まだお金を受け取っていない理由は説明されましたか?
Hi, I have a feeling you've been waiting quite a while for your withdrawal. We give casinos 14 days to sort out the withdrawal process. Anyway, do you have a verified casino account yet? Did they tell you why you haven't received the money yet?
Nevertheless, since the time I mentioned has expired, I would recommend you to file a complaint and our team will try to help you.
You can open a complaint on this link.
Do you think you'll go for it ?
ライブチャットオプションで出金プロセスの説明を求めましたが、毎回自動応答が送信され、処理には 7 ~ 21 日かかると説明されます。サイトには銀行振込の処理に 24 ~ 48 時間かかると記載されていると指摘しましたが、出金が承認されるまで 48 時間かかり、その後処理にさらに 21 営業日かかると返答されました。これまで複数のカジノサイトを利用したことがあるのですが、この問題は一度もなかったので、本当に理解できません。
私はお金を騙し取られたのでしょうか、それとも引き出した 565 ポンドを受け取る方法があるのでしょうか?
I have been waiting for a withdrawal of £565 from goldengenie.com since the 26th of April.
my account is fully verified, I was not using bonus funds only my own money and I have never made a withdrawal from this site before.
I keep trying to contact through the live chat option but I am continuously cut of after asking a singular question. How do I actually get this withdrawal as I have seen some people have managed to do so?
I have asked on the live chat option to for the withdrawal process to be explained to me but they just send an automatic response each time explain it’ll take 7-21 days to progress, I pointed out it states on the site a bank transfer will take 24-48h to process but They responded saying it’ll take 48h for the withdrawal to be accepted then a further 21 working days to be processed? Truly don’t understand this as I have had multiple casino sites before none with this issue.
have I been scammed out of my money or is their a way for me to receive the £565 I have withdrawn?
今までに、カジノから出金に関する最新情報は受け取っていますか? 実際には、特に最初の出金の場合、カジノには支払い処理に 14 日間の猶予が与えられます。おそらく、カジノ側から追加の書類の提出を求められたことがありますか?
Have you gotten any updates from the casino regarding your withdrawal by now? We actually usually give casinos 14 full days to process the payment, especially when it comes to the first withdrawal. Have they asked for some additional documents from you, perhaps?
They haven’t asked for any additional documents on as the verification of my account is done in full. It has been over the 14 days. On Friday it’ll be the 21 working days finished! But no I’ve not receive it still.
I thought you had requested the withdrawal on April 26th. Isn't that right?🤔
Never mind, it is probably really stressful for you to wait, I can understand that.
Hello, has anyone managed to withdraw money from this casino?
Because after the opinions I see, there is no point in counting on a payout :)
Witajcie i komuś się udało wypłacić pieniądze z tego kasyna?
Bo po opiniach widzę tu raczej nie ma co liczyć na wypłatę 🙂
あまり期待できそうにありません。🤷♀️ どれくらい待っていますか?
It does not look very promising, I would say.🤷♀️ How long are you waiting?
That is a really long wait. I'm sorry you have to experience this. Just try to be more careful when choosing an online casino. 🙏
残念ながら、私は以前は Guru Casino のウェブサイトを知りませんでした。もっと早くここに来ていたら、Golden Genie をプレイしていなかったでしょう :)
Unfortunately, I didn't know the Guru Casino website before. If I had been here earlier, I wouldn't have played Golden Genie :)
Niestety wcześniej nie znałem strony Guru Casino. Jak bym wcześniej tu trawił to bym nie zagrał na Golden Genie 🙂
Better late than never, we say. Right? 😉
If you need anything, do not hesitate to ask.
読んでわかるように、詐欺師のせいなのでお金は支払われないのです xD
A little update for those interested, I received an email from goldengenie
As you can read from it, it's the fraudsters' fault and that's why they don't pay out the money xD
Well, I'll try again
Mała aktualizacja dla zainteresowanych, dostałem od goldengenie e-mail
Jak można z niego przeczytać to wina oszustów i dlatego nie wypłacają pieniędzy xD
No cóż spróbuje jeszcze raz
苦情を申し立てて、当社のチームがカジノに再度連絡し、カジノの対応を確認してみてください。どう思いますか? 苦情を申し立てるためのリンクはこちらです。
One month is a really long waiting time.
Were you able to verify your account there?
I don't like the look at their safety index and the warnings included in our review at all👈.
What reason for this delay did they give you?
Try to file a complaint so our team can contact the casino once again to see how they will act. What do you say? Here's the link for you where you can submit it.
We'll wait to see how it all unfolds.
Well I really wish I had come here before I used the casino
it looks like they just ignore your complaints like they have been ignoring me
I do not think that I am going to get the money the site is a scam
I just want to know can we report this to someone?
I’ve read on here that their licence is fake so no point complaining to their licence but there must be someone else?
I want to contribute to them getting shut down it’s my consolation
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com