Sadly, I'd call that a very bad pick. 🙁
As I wrote earlier, I hope the complaint will be heard by the casino.
こんにちは、まだお金を受け取っていませんか?カジノは、あなたの出金がまだ保留中の理由を伝えましたか?出金を解決するためにカジノに 14 日間の猶予期間を与えます。
Hi, you still haven't got your money ? Did the casino tell you why your withdrawal is still pending ? We give casinos 14 days to resolve withdrawals.
However, according to what I have seen, this casino was probably not the best choice, because it has a pretty low safety index.
Nevertheless, I also noticed that you have filed a complaint and our team will try to help you with your situation.
I will wait for your reply.
Ive waited almost 8 days, KYC is confirmed and approved. They are blaming on holiday season thats why it is slow for department to process it. And they dont care…Please help me. Ive evidence
I understand the situation you are in and that it is unpleasant. However, as you mentioned, before the holidays sometimes the casinos are understaffed and if they have too many withdrawals it will probably take some time. I don't want to scare you, but obviously you'll have to be patient.
Besides, our team will be here and will also try to help. I just want to hope that you get your money as soon as possible.
I understand that. But because of the reviews I dont trust them. Also waited 9 days…
I don't blame you because you evaluate according to your experience and surely when a player reads about the experience of others and most of them have the same problem it doesn't add to his credibility.
But I will be optimistic and hope that you will get the money.
Hi, I see you have problems and it's been quite a long time since someone wrote to us about this casino.
So the casino writes you that it has an issue with the payment provider, yes ? They didn't tell you anything else about the situation ? How long have you been trying to withdraw money ?
I also noticed that you have already opened a complaint about this case and our team will try to assist and help you.
I hope you will be successful and get the money, although I would say that this casino was not a good choice because its safety index is very low.
If anything changes, be sure to let me know.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. 🤞
わかりました。暗号通貨を使用して選択した引き出しは拒否されましたか、それともまだですか? カジノには、すべてを整理してプレイヤーに送金するまで 14 日間の猶予があります。すでに半分を過ぎていますので、何も変わらない場合はすぐにカジノに連絡します。それまでにお金が届いていればうれしいので、心配する必要はありません。
I understand and did they reject the withdrawal where you selected using crypto or not yet ? We give casinos 14 days to sort everything out and send the player the money. You are already past the halfway point so if nothing changes we will contact the casino soon. I'd be happy if the money arrived by then so you don't have to worry.
If anything changes be sure to give me an update.
素晴らしいですね。あなたが書いたのはたった 1 か月後ですが、それでも何もしないよりはましです。あなたが説明したように、あなたはまだここでプレイしていますか? 🙂
Excellent, although only after a month you wrote but still better than never. Are you still playing here according to what you describe ? 🙂
今まで経験したカジノの中で最悪のカジノです。カスタマー サービスから入金まで、すべてが最悪です。カスタマー サービスはメールや質問に一切応答しません。ただし、casinoguru が助けてくれても、ここでは何も解決する気がないようです。ただし、期限が切れるまであと 2 日です。それまでは、すべてが批判の対象です。ここでプレイしないでください。
反証されない限りすべては悪いです。現時点では 0/5 です。ただし、苦情に答えるのであれば、このアップデートを変更しますが、そうでなければそのままです。
Worst casino I have ever experienced. Everything is a disaster, from customer service to deposits. Customer service does NOT respond to your emails or questions. However, it doesn't seem to want to solve anything here when casinoguru helps either. But it has 2 days before the time runs out. Until then, everything is under criticism. Don't play here!!
Everything is bad until proven otherwise and right now it's 0/5. But if it answers the complaint, I will change this update, otherwise it will remain.
最高の経験ではなかったようですね。カジノ側がすでに 2 回返信して、状況全体を明確にしてくれることを期待しています。
I see that the experience has not been the best. I hope that the casino will write back when it has already been able to do so twice and clarify the whole situation.
I have also read what the case is about and that the casino did not behave as it should have, which is quite sad. On the other hand, when I see their Safety Index, I am not surprised and probably would not play in such a casino anymore.
I hope that somehow it can be solved.
はい、2 回応答しているので、間違いなく見ています。しかし、この件についてはあと 20 時間残っています。これで評判を守れるかもしれません。評判を守りたいかどうか、見てみましょう。
Yes it has responded twice, so it has definitely seen it. But there are 20 hours left on the case. It could save their reputation. We'll see if it wants to save its reputation or not!
Well the timer has already been moved once so if it expires and the casino does not respond the complaint will be closed as unresolved and the casino will receive black points. It would be good if they would handle it differently especially since they have been in contact with us before. But if they didn't reply two weeks , I probably wouldn't have any big eyes.