皆さん、こんにちは。約束通り、この投稿をできるだけ早く更新しておきたいと思います。私の問題は、この Immerion カジノで 3.5k 勝ち、1 日あたり 950 ドル (制限のため) を引き出そうとしたのですが、2 日連続で引き出そうとしたところ、3 日目にすべてのお金が通知や警告なしにプレーヤー アカウントに戻されました。チャット サポートに連絡したところ、私がプレイしたゲームについて調査しているのはプロバイダーで、14 日かそれ以上かかると言われました。このカジノについて誰も信頼していないことがわかったので、残高が 0 になるまで、残りの金額をすべてプレイすることにしました。それで、残高が 0 ドルになった後も、アカウントは調査中のままでしたが、今日になって「引き出し」エリアがロック解除されていることに気づきました。一方、何人かのプレイヤーが引き出しに成功し、状況が正常に戻っているとここで読んだので、このカジノをもう一度試してみることにしました...wth🙂)今日、4回目の入金ボーナス「125%°と100fs」を使用して1回の入金を行いました。もちろん、最初に自分のお金でプレイしてから、ボーナス(IMRコイン)を有効にしました。40ドルのボーナスのために2800ドル以上を賭けなければなりませんでした...「古いゲーム」が再び支払われたので、それほど難しくはありませんでした🙂)そのため、現在、約300ドル(IMRコイン相当)あり、引き出しを試みるか、これが何であるか、どのように機能するかを確認する必要があります。ええと、私はコンピューターの専門家ではありませんが、初心者でもないので、どのような可能性があるかを調べました。一度、IMRをUSDT暗号通貨に変換する必要がありました。わかりました。それを済ませた後、Binance アカウントにログインしました (信じてください、私はこの分野に不慣れです 🙂) 笑)。そこでウォレットを検索しましたが、見つかりません...。それから、Google で検索して、この問題を解決しようとしています 🙂) 何をしなければならないかがわかった後、ウォレット アドレスを見つけることができました。そのアドレスをコピーしてカジノ セクションに貼り付け、ネットワークも選択してから、25 ドルの USDT (必要最低額) を送信して、どこに送信されるかを確認してみました。すべて順調で、USDT は数分でそこにありました。暗号通貨に変換せずに IMR を引き出す方法は他になく、暗号通貨ウォレットに送信できます。私もそうだったので、ほとんどのユーザー/プレーヤーにとってはイライラすることでしょう。KyC は必要なく、必要な場合にのみ必要であることがわかりました。したがって、暗号通貨に興味がなく、その「世界」を使用しない場合は、プレイする場合は IMR ボーナスを忘れてください。 Binance からどうやって出金するかはわかりません 🙂) でもそれはまた別の話です。それまでは暗号通貨に投資します。他にやることがありません 😀
Hi guys, i just want to keep this post updated as is promise earlyer. So my isue was that i won 3.5k to this Immerion casino,and tryed to withdraw 950$/day (due the limit), i have done that 2 days in a row,and after that,on the third day all my money were back into my player account without notice or warning. After i reach out the chat support,they have told me that its the provider who is dooing investigation about the game that i played,and it will be somewere between 14 days or more.After i saw here that nobody is to confident about this casino,i decided to play all that amount left,until 0. So i have done that,after i had my 0 $ balance,my account was stil under the investigation,until today,when i realised that that "withdraw"area is unlocked. Meanwile i have read here that some players managed to succeed withdraws and things are going back to normal,i decided to give this casino another shot...wth🙂) Today i made 1 deposit,using the fourth deposit bonus '125%°and 100fs. Of course i played my money first,then i activated my bonus ,wich is an IMR coin. I had to wager over 2800$ for my 40$ bonus...that wasnt that hard sience my "old game"payd again 🙂)so now i was in the situation that i have almoust 300$(worth in IMR coin) and have to try to withdraw,or see what is this,how is it works. Well..im not a computer guru,but im not beginer also, so i studied whate are the posibilityes. Once i had to convert IMR to USDT crypto money. Okay,after i have done that,i loged into my binance account (belive me im so new into this🙂)lol) and i searched for my wallet there,i cant find it...then i am searching google to help me with this 🙂) after i saw what i have to do,i managed to find my wallet adress, i copy and paste the adress on the casino section to do that, after i selected the network aswell,and tryed to send 25$ USDT (minimum required) just to see if goes where it should go. All good,the USDT were there in few minutes. There is no other posible way to get out IMR without converting to crypto,and u can send then to your crypto wallet. Its kind of fustrating for moust users/players im sure because it was for me also. I find out that the KyC isnt necesary,only if they require that. So if you are not into crypto,and dont use that "world" forget about the IMR bonuses if u play. IDK how to withdraw from Binance 🙂)but that is another story i have to learn. Until then i invest in crypto,nothing else to do 😀
私も個人的には暗号通貨にはあまり興味がありませんが、公平に言えば、これがカジノがプレイヤーに賞金を出金させる最も簡単な方法だと理解しています... それでも、別のオプションが利用可能であればいいと思います。
Well, what possibly remains to be said here?
I just find it very curious that in this casino it is the game provider who seems to step willingly into the withdrawal process and investigates the players without being asked. Am I close?
Ok, how about submitting the complaint?
I'm personally not very into crypto either, but to be fair and square, I understand this is the easiest way for a casino to let its players withdraw the awards... Still, I would prefer another option available.
そして、はい、暗号通貨の世界は忙しくて簡単ではありません。最大限の注意を払うことをお勧めします。私はカジノから現金を出し入れする古典的な方法も好みます。しかし、Stake カジノは現金ではなく暗号通貨を好むタイプのカジノの 1 つなので、プレイヤーは両方の方法をそこで使用できます。
苦情を申し立てても何か解決するかどうかはわかりませんが、予想外の決定を伴う長いプロセスです。少なくとも、彼らが望むなら支払うことができることはわかりました。次回この Immerion カジノでプレイして、ボーナスなしでリアルマネーで賞金を獲得したら、キャッシュアウトを許可してくれるかもしれません 🙂) もし彼らが「プロバイダー調査プロセス」を再び導入し、私の賞金を再びロックしたら、私は間違いなく苦情を申し立てて最後までやり遂げます。
You got a good point there,but my guess is that ,not the game provider is the one steping in always,i mean i play on several casinos cross the years and never encounter a similar situation. Its verry less probably that even the game provider are investigating the casino,not the player, or its the casino dooing this,and blaming on the provider 🙂),and the player hopefull will not have the patiente to wait,and will play the amount. Just a hunch.
And yes, the crypto world is a bussy one and not easy,max caution is advised. I prefer also the clasic methods of cashing in and out from casino. But if you now the Stake casino,is one of the kind who prefer crypto aswell instead of money, players can use both methods there.
Idk if a complain will solve enything,long process with unexpected decisions,at least i now that they can pay if they want. Maybe next time i play at this Immerion casino and earn some winnings from real money without bonus,they will allow me to cashout🙂) if they will come againd with that "provider investigation process" and lock my winnings again, i will sure make a complain and go until the end with that .
That was precisely my question!
I have come across many situations involving game providers investigating gameplays. To me, it appears it is somehow quite a modern trend to say it was the game provider who has decided to investigate the player's actions. I find that partially weird. Such actions typically occur at the time the withdrawal request is made. How would the game provider be aware that the request had been made? Would a casino really need to inspect low-sum withdrawals with a game provider? I don't know.
For me, this is just a peak and of course, I can be completely wrong.
Though I wish your and others complaints provided deeper insights on this.
支払いを受けたことをお知らせします。またもや困難に直面しましたが、すぐに解決できました。週ごとの制限があるため、あと 2 週間待たなければなりません。
Hi all,
I would like to inform you that im getting paid. We had some difficulties again, but we managed to solve it quickly. I have to wait two more weeks because of weekly limitations.
it was a long, tough journey i must say 😂🫣
支払いを受けたことをお知らせします。またもや困難に直面しましたが、すぐに解決できました。週ごとの制限があるため、あと 2 週間待たなければなりません。
Hi all,
I would like to inform you that im getting paid. We had some difficulties again, but we managed to solve it quickly. I have to wait two more weeks because of weekly limitations.
it was a long, tough journey i must say 😂🫣
Hey! Congratulations!
I would like to know if it began last year (September complaint) or if you were so fortunate as to experience another delay.
Trying to figure out how long the casino is so slow in paying out.
It all started when i won. That was on 6. Sept. First i waited one month to get first withdrawal. Then i managed to withdraw around 13k and then again in november, when they wanted verification..it took more than three months for them to verify me😂😂😂 unbelievable experience.
気をつけてください。もしかしたら、彼らはあなたが二重アカウントを持っているとでっち上げるかもしれません。そして、それで終わりです 🙂) 一度私に起こったことがあります。私は 50 ドルのボーナスで 12,000 ~ 13,000 ドルを獲得しましたが、彼らは偽の二重アカウントの申し立てで私を全滅させました... 信じられないですが本当です... その時、Casino Guru が私を助けてくれて、私は 1 回限りの支払いだけを受けることができました。それは約 2,500 ドルでした... 最初の賞金の 10% です
Be carefull, maybe they will invent that u have double account ,and then its over 🙂) It's happened to me once, i won around 12-13k from 50$ bonus , and they wiped me out,with fake double account acusations... Unbelivble but true.. Was then when Casino Guru helped me out, and i managed to get one time payment only,it was around 2.5k$... 10% from initial winnings
It all started when i won. That was on 6. Sept. First i waited one month to get first withdrawal. Then i managed to withdraw around 13k and then again in november, when they wanted verification..it took more than three months for them to verify me😂😂😂 unbelievable experience.
Really? That long? Wow. I admire your patience, really.
So, did you get all the amount already, or are you still waiting on some?
I can actually see that you stopped responding to our team regarding your complaint, so we haven't learned the outcome of all that.
That is what you have left from the whole amount in your complaint, right?
I am really glad that you have managed to get it, for sure.
Please let us know whenever you receive the remaining balance. Will you?
こんにちは。私も同じ問題を抱えています。2025年1月25日以降に賞金を出金しようとしているのですが、プロバイダーが私のプレイスタイルをチェックしていると言われています。メールを何通か送っても、答えは「もう少しお待ちください」と同じ。この件をカジノ グルにエスカレートするつもりだとすでに伝えています。
Hi i have the same issue with them. I am trying to withdraw my winnings since 25/1/2025 but they still say that the provider is checking my play style. Several emails and yet the same answer "please be a little bit more patient". I already informed them i am going to escalate the case to casino guru.
Looks like every player have the same isue "under Provider verification" ,now we now that they are fake anounced that,and the game provider have noclue about no investigation 😀
Next week is over(i think🫣)
i have 669$ left for the next week.
こんにちは。私も同じ問題を抱えています。2025年1月25日以降に賞金を出金しようとしているのですが、プロバイダーが私のプレイスタイルをチェックしていると言われています。メールを何通か送っても、答えは「もう少しお待ちください」と同じ。この件をカジノ グルにエスカレートするつもりだとすでに伝えています。
Hi i have the same issue with them. I am trying to withdraw my winnings since 25/1/2025 but they still say that the provider is checking my play style. Several emails and yet the same answer "please be a little bit more patient". I already informed them i am going to escalate the case to casino guru.
Please do so at any time, and our team will intervene in your case as well.
Here is the link for you where you can submit your complaint.
Just please know that when a game provider is asked to check your game play, it can take a little bit longer to be finished, and many times the casino is not able to do anything about it.
I hope that it won't take too long to be done, though.🙏
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com