News, I hope to be at the end and in 4/5 days be able to say that everything went well:
I received a message that the payment has been accepted and I just have to wait for the timing of my bank.
I checked and it's already in my account.
So what I can say is that they were slow, with many verification requests but the payment arrived after 4 days and 6 emails of documents sent (one for the record I modified myself to make it as they wanted, otherwise legally a card as requested did not exist)
Good luck to all of you guys and if I can be of any help to anyone I am available
News, spero di essere alla fine e fra 4/5 giorni poter dire che tutto è andato bene:
Ho ricevuto un messaggio con scritto che il pagamento è stato accettato e devo aspettare solo le tempistiche della mia banca.
ho controllato ed è gia sul mio conto.
Quindi quello che posso dire io è che sono stati lenti,con molte richieste di verifica ma il pagamento è arrivato dopo 4 giorni e 6 mail di documenti inviate (una per la cronoca l'ho modificata io per far si che fosse come la volevano loro ,altrimenti legalmente una carta come richiesta non esisteva)
Buona fortuna a tutti voi ragazzi e se posso essere d'auito a qualcuno sono disponibile
Hello, I wanted to ask if any of you can access the site?? Because it won't let me open it since last night, it won't even load the page. I've been registered for two days, made several deposits and I also had a balance inside. Thanks
Salve, volevo chiedere se qualcuno di voi riesce ad entrare nel sito?? Perchè a me non lo fa aprire da questa notte, non carica proprio la pagina. Sono registrato da due giorni, effettuato diversi depositi ed avevo anche un saldo dentro. Grazie
😂😂😂 なんてスキャンダラスなサイトなんだ! せめてアカウントに残っていたわずかな残高を取り戻せたら、そこから逃げ出せると思う。 VPN を使ってアクセスできたのに、なぜ VPN なしではアクセスできないのか分からない。🤦🏻♂️
😂😂😂 what scandalous sites! I hope at least I can recover that little balance I had in my account and then I'll run away. I managed to access using a vpn, I don't know why it wouldn't let me access without it. 🤦🏻♂️
😂😂😂 che siti scandalosi! Spero almeno di riuscire a recuperare quel pò di saldo che avevo sul conto e poi scappo via. Sono riuscito ad accedere utilizzando una vpn, non so perchè non mi faceva l'accesso senza. 🤦🏻♂️
I have emailed Investor Relations and Marketing teams at Juventus and sent them all the Live Chats, transaction details and everything else. I don't care about the money - I just want this site to suffer now. Mastercard have now taken over the case from me so I won't need to chase anymore and await the mythical email.
Hello, I wanted to ask if any of you can access the site?? Because it won't let me open it since last night, it won't even load the page. I've been registered for two days, made several deposits and I also had a balance inside. Thanks
Salve, volevo chiedere se qualcuno di voi riesce ad entrare nel sito?? Perchè a me non lo fa aprire da questa notte, non carica proprio la pagina. Sono registrato da due giorni, effettuato diversi depositi ed avevo anche un saldo dentro. Grazie
You need to use a VPN and connect from outside Europe
However, it is a casino that has many inconveniences and I would not recommend it.
Devi usare una VPN e connetterti da fuori Europa
Comunque è un casinò che da parecchi inconvenienti e non lo consiglierei
Hi, at the moment I managed to access using a VPN even from Italy but with my connection it practically doesn't work anymore. I immediately made the withdrawal of what I had on the site (450 euros). I'll let you know if it goes well, they told me that smaller withdrawals are more immediate (50-100 euros), while for these figures here they make you suffer. We'll see
Ciao, al momento sono riuscito ad accedere utilizzando una VPN anche dall Italia ma con la mia connessione non va più praticamente. Ho fatto subito il prelievo di quello che avevo nel sito (450 euro). Vi farò sapere se andrà a buon fine, mi hanno detto che i prelievi minori sono più immediati (50-100 euro), mentre per queste cifre qua ti fanno dannare. Vedremo
You need to use a VPN and connect from outside Europe
However, it is a casino that has many inconveniences and I would not recommend it.
Devi usare una VPN e connetterti da fuori Europa
Comunque è un casinò che da parecchi inconvenienti e non lo consiglierei
こんにちは。サイトにアクセスしているときに、ランディング ページが表示されるかどうか気になっています。たとえば、「お住まいの国ではアクセスできません」といった内容です。いずれにしても、接続方法を見つけるリスクは冒さないほうがいいと思います。私の意見では、このカジノは良い選択ではありません。
Hello, I was just wondering whether you get some landing page while accessing the site. For example, something like "your country is forbidden." In any case, I would not risk finding ways to connect. In my opinion, this casino is not a good pick.
Hi, at the moment I managed to access using a VPN even from Italy but with my connection it practically doesn't work anymore. I immediately made the withdrawal of what I had on the site (450 euros). I'll let you know if it goes well, they told me that smaller withdrawals are more immediate (50-100 euros), while for these figures here they make you suffer. We'll see
Ciao, al momento sono riuscito ad accedere utilizzando una VPN anche dall Italia ma con la mia connessione non va più praticamente. Ho fatto subito il prelievo di quello che avevo nel sito (450 euro). Vi farò sapere se andrà a buon fine, mi hanno detto che i prelievi minori sono più immediati (50-100 euro), mentre per queste cifre qua ti fanno dannare. Vedremo
土曜日に100ユーロを2回入金しましたが、両方とも私のアカウントから引き落とされましたが、Instand Casinoのプレーヤーアカウントには届きませんでした。彼らはそれを処理中だと言いましたが、唯一の疑問はどれくらい時間がかかるかということです。
I deposited 100 euros twice on Saturday and both were debited from my account but never arrived on my player account at Instand Casino. They said they were processing it, the only question is how long it will take
Hab Samstag 2 mal 100 Euro eingezahlt beides würde mir vom Konto abgebucht aber ist niemals auf mein spielerkonto bei instand Casino Angekommen die sagen sie bearbeiten es frag sich nur wie lange das noch dauert
土曜日に100ユーロを2回入金しましたが、両方とも私のアカウントから引き落とされましたが、Instand Casinoのプレーヤーアカウントには届きませんでした。彼らはそれを処理中だと言いましたが、唯一の疑問はどれくらい時間がかかるかということです。
I deposited 100 euros twice on Saturday and both were debited from my account but never arrived on my player account at Instand Casino. They said they were processing it, the only question is how long it will take
Hab Samstag 2 mal 100 Euro eingezahlt beides würde mir vom Konto abgebucht aber ist niemals auf mein spielerkonto bei instand Casino Angekommen die sagen sie bearbeiten es frag sich nur wie lange das noch dauert
450 の引き出しは時間がかかりすぎたため、最終的にキャンセルしてもらいました。その後、少額 (50 や 100 など) の引き出しを行うと、お金が入金され、場合によっては即座に入金されることに気付きました。しかし、この時点では、そのお金で遊ばない方がよいでしょう。なぜなら、そのお金を保持しておくと、高額の引き出しができない場合、遅かれ早かれそのお金で遊ぶことになるからです。
I finally had the 450 withdrawal cancelled since it was taking too long and then I noticed that by making withdrawals of smaller amounts (like 50 and 100) the money is credited, sometimes even instantly. But at this point it is better not to play with it because by keeping the money one ends up playing it sooner or later if one cannot make a withdrawal of higher amounts.
Io alla fine ho fatto annullare il prelievo da 450 visto che ci stavano mettendo troppo e poi ho notato che facendo prelievi di importo minore (tipo 50 e 100) i soldi vengono accreditati, a volte anche istantaneamente. Però a sto punto meglio non giocarci perchè a tenere i soldi la uno va a finire che se li gioca prima o poi se non può fare un prelievo di cifre più alte.
彼らのサポート チームとの最新の無意味な会話は 2 月 5 日ですが、現在までに誰からもメールが 1 通も届いておらず、今後も届く可能性は低いでしょう。問題を抱えている方は、コスタリカ税務署に証拠を添えて状況を説明するメールを送ることをお勧めします。現地の弁護士が私に説明してくれました。
Latest pointless conversation with their support team - now on the 5th of February - still not a single email received from anyone to date and unlikely to ever receive one. If anyone has a problem then I urge you to send an email to the Costa Rica Tax Office explaining the situation with evidence - a local lawyer there explained this to me.
ところで、あなたがおっしゃった当局と交渉し、コスタリカに何かを送りましたか? 今後の進展、少なくともいつ問題を解決できたか、そしてその結果どうなったか、教えていただけますか?
I see from the screenshots that you didn't get anywhere, and it's probably just a simple response from the casino.
Anyway, have you dealt with the authorities you mentioned and sent anything to Costa Rica? Could you inform us of any further progress or at least when you were able to resolve the matter and therefore how it turned out?
ところで、あなたがおっしゃった当局と交渉し、コスタリカに何かを送りましたか? 今後の進展、少なくともいつ問題を解決できたか、そしてその結果どうなったか、教えていただけますか?
I see from the screenshots that you didn't get anywhere, and it's probably just a simple response from the casino.
Anyway, have you dealt with the authorities you mentioned and sent anything to Costa Rica? Could you inform us of any further progress or at least when you were able to resolve the matter and therefore how it turned out?
I sent an email with evidence of the transactions made to Instant Casino who have a variety of names and are not gambling transactions - online booksellers in Nigeria etc. Because there is a tax on gambling in Costa Rica then not only are they defrauding players and breaching worldwide banking rules, but they aren't paying any tax on these transactions as they should. Money is the only language they understand - they will sure understand when they have no facility to make it anymore.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com