ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Instaspin Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
ただし、あなたの経験が最高ではなかったことはわかります。かなりのお金を失った場合は、休憩を取るか、すでに検証済みのカジノでプレイする方が良いかもしれません。カジノであればあるほど、問題が発生しやすくなります。 😥
さらに新しいニュースがありましたら、ぜひお知らせください。これからも頑張っていきます。 🤞
Hi, since this is also a quite new casino, it's not really possible to comment on it from my side.
However, I can see that your experience has not been the best and I think that if you have lost quite a lot of money, it might be better to take a break or play in a casino that you have already verified, because the newer the casino is, the more prone it can be to problems. 😥
Of course, these are just my recommendations and I strongly believe that you will do well.
When you have more news, be sure to let us know. I will keep my fingers crossed. 🤞
退会についてはどのような方法で、どのくらいの時間がかかりましたか? 🙂
Hi, I'm so pleased you had a good experience here.
Regarding the withdrawal, what method did you use and how long did it take ? 🙂
このカジノでも引き続きプレイしますか? 🤔
I think in this case everything is fine and I would probably stay with such a casino, because not everywhere it is, let's say, so fast.
Will you continue to play at this casino as well ? 🤔
Evolution Gaming のいくつかのライブ ゲーム ショーで、多くのラウンドのプレイ中に異なるバランス (かなりの qwin) が蓄積されました。しかし、x ユーロのボーナス ラウンドに勝った後、この金額は私のアカウントに入金されませんでした。奇妙なことですが、時々このようなことが起こり、しばらくするととにかく資金が口座に到着します。
残念ながら、これは依然として事実ではなく、カジノは私の現在の残高 0 ユーロは正しく、私が行ったいくつかの賭けはキャンセルされ返金されたと主張しています。カジノ側のこの主張は、賭けが拒否されず、ラウンドを最後までプレイして勝利を得ることができたので、私がプレイ中に見た内容と矛盾しています。
Evolution Gaming によると、賭け金と勝敗は 2 ラウンドを除いて正しいものです。彼らはそれを調べるでしょう。
そこで私は今、苦情を提出しました。Instaspin カジノが私を支援し、これらの「間違い」に対する適切な解決策を見つけてくれるとは思えないため、Casino Guru チームが支援できることを願っています。
Well I tried to give this place a chance, but I am afraid I will regret it.
During many rounds of play I accumulated a different balance (quite a qwin) during several Live Game shows from Evolution Gaming. However, after winning a bonus round with x euros this amount did not get credited on my account. Weird, but sometimes this happens and after a while the funds reach the account anyway.
Unfortunately, this is still not the case and the casino claims that my current balance of €0 is correct and that several bets I placed got cancelled and refunded. This claims from the casino made are contradicting what I saw during my play, as the bets did not get rejected and I was able to play the round in full and obtain the win.
According to Evolution Gaming the bets wagered and wins/losses made are correct except two rounds. Which they would look into.
So now I have submitted a complaint and hope that the Casino Guru team can assist as I doubt Instaspin casino will assist me and find a suitable solution for these 'mistakes'.
(The weirdest part is that almost all bets that the casino claims to be cancelled/rejected where the ones where the player did win money on..)
これは通常、最も時間がかかる部分であり、特に新しいカジノはプレーヤーの満足度に高い関心を示すことが期待されます。 🤔
Hi there.
I'm sorry we are meeting again under such obnoxious circumstances...
If I'm not mistaken, the games you played are from separate game providers, not developed directly by the casino, am I assuming correctly?
In my opinion, the feedback from the game provider will be the most important part. Just in case I somehow missed the information earlier: Did the casino mention or suggest getting in touch with the provider?
This is usually the most time-consuming part, and I would expect especially fresh casinos to show a high level of interest in the player's satisfaction. 🤔
奇妙なのは、Evolution からのゲーム ログとカジノからのゲーム ログがまったく異なり、金額も大きく異なることです。
今日も同じことが起こりましたが、今回はスクリーンショットを撮ることができました。今日は賭け金が少なかったので、ラウンドがキャンセルされたのではなく、お金が消えただけであることも証明できます 🙁
The game provider is doing an investigation and will provide all game rounds I played to the casino. From the casino side they are looking into it with the screenshots I sent them so I wonder what the outcome will be.
One odd thing is that the game log from Evolution and from the casino are quite different with a big difference in the amount of money.
Today the same happened but this time I was bale to screenshot it and as I had less bets today I can also proof that the rounds did not get cancelled but the money just disappeared 🙁
To be continued..
Thanks for the clarification.
However, I probably wouldn't have continued playing in the casino but waited for the whole situation to be resolved, so as not to complicate it unnecessarily even more. I guess when the provider and the casino are checking these things, it can take some time. Of course, it's certainly appropriate that you took screenshots of the relevant stuff to back up your claims, and I'm sure they'll be appropriate.
For now, I would recommend to be patient and wait to hear what information the game provider comes up with. When you find out something new, be sure to let us know.
I understand your point Jaro. However, the mistake I made is rely on my previous experiences when playing this game which always led to a pay out of my wins on a live game. This is the first time it occurred without a payout so far and a casino denying claiming my bets got cancelled (while the money did not get refunded).
ゲームプロバイダーの結論が、問題のすべてのラウンドに関するより詳細な概要をもたらすことを本当に願っています。各ラウンドはその ID で認識される必要があり、その後 (カジノ側ではなく) ゲームプロバイダー側で取得される結果は、賭けの受け入れを含めて明確である必要があります。
I really hope the game provider's conclusion brings a more detailed overview, concerning all the rounds in question. Each round should be recognized under its ID then the outcome captured on the game provider's side (not the casino's) should be clear, bet acceptance included.
These are my expectations.
Frankly, we have to wait for that...
Hello, i just put in a complain about instaspin cause 1080€ was suddenly vanished, the complain is resolved cause they refunded my account with the missing money but i dont know how to remove the complain, the casino is legit en trustable Since i got my money back, regards steven
It's great that the casino solved the problem. Don't worry about the complaint, though. There is no need to remove it since it is visible to the whole community and anyone can see that the issue was addressed by the casino.
It's an important part of the link to openly provide honest information about each casino.
Thank you for your concern, though!
ここに合計 400 ユーロを入金し、スロットのみをプレイし、0.40 ユーロ/0.50 ユーロのベットでプレイしましたが、その 400 ユーロではシングル ボーナス (4 ユーロを支払いました) しか得られませんでした。何か怪しいことが起こっているような気がします。
I deposited a total of €400 here and only played slots, played with bets of €0.40/€0.50 and I only got a SINGLE BONUS (which paid €4) with those 400 euros.... feels like something shady is going on
すべてのカジノのゲームがどのように機能するかを知っていれば、「何か怪しいことが起こっている」と疑う必要はまったくないと言えます。より良いアイデアを得るために、 この記事をお勧めします 👈。カジノでプレイすることの良い点は、いつでもやめられることです。運は味方ではないということです。そうじゃないですか、どう思いますか? 🤔
I could say, that there is no need to have any kind of suspicion about that "something shady is going on", if you know how games at all the casinos work. Just to have a better idea, I would recommend this article 👈. The good thing about playing at a casino is, that you can stop anytime, you see, that the luck is not on your side. Isn't that right, what do you think? 🤔
先週良いニュースが届きましたが、Evolution Gaming がゲーム ログで私の主張を裏付けてくれたおかげで、問題は解決されました。
Good news came in last week that is has been resolved thanks to Evolution Gaming backing my claims with the game logs.
Complaint also has been resolved which makes this casino safe to play so far.
ここに合計 400 ユーロを入金し、スロットのみをプレイし、0.40 ユーロ/0.50 ユーロのベットでプレイしましたが、その 400 ユーロではシングル ボーナス (4 ユーロを支払いました) しか得られませんでした。何か怪しいことが起こっているような気がします。
I deposited a total of €400 here and only played slots, played with bets of €0.40/€0.50 and I only got a SINGLE BONUS (which paid €4) with those 400 euros.... feels like something shady is going on
「投稿の編集」ごとに最新の更新情報を共有しないでください。私が言える限り、おそらく私以外に変更された投稿をキャプチャする人はいないでしょう。 🙏 もちろん、新しい投稿ごとに追加のニュースを広めていただくことは大歓迎です。
Hey there.
Please do not share the latest updates per "edit post" As far as I can say, most likely, no one else besides me would capture the post changed. 🙏 You are, of course, more than welcome to spread any additional news per fresh post.
Thank you for keeping us updated!
先週良いニュースが届きましたが、Evolution Gaming がゲーム ログで私の主張を裏付けてくれたおかげで、問題は解決されました。
Good news came in last week that is has been resolved thanks to Evolution Gaming backing my claims with the game logs.
Complaint also has been resolved which makes this casino safe to play so far.
あなたの問題を解決するのに役立ったので、ここのカジノで今後もプレイし続けると思いますか? 🙂
Hi, it's good to see that everything was sorted out fair and you got your money. It took a while, but the important thing is that it had a happy ending.
Do you think you will continue to play here in the casino, since it helped to solve your troubles ? 🙂
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com