何らかの理由で支払いが遅れており、phein67 は騙されたと感じているという事実を受け入れましょう。
私はあなたがこのフォーラムの非常に思いやりがあり、協力的なメンバーであることを知っています。そして、この「議論」に関する私の視点を理解してくれることを心から願っています 😉🙏
It's time for me to step in too, it seems.
Let's just accept the fact the payment has been overdue for some reason and phein67 feels cheated.
Honestly, I believe you're more focused on your own picture rather than on the whole situation in general.
I also hate when I'm being ignored or every time I feel any explanation is just vague or out of topic. Since it is all about the payment, I empathize with anyone who is given suspicious or kind of inconsistent responses from the support.
I know you as a very caring and supportive member of this forum, and I deeply hope you understand my point of view on this "discussion" 😉🙏