This is casino name is lucky legends.
I send alot my document but they said all the time send document. I said already send document but they didn't check on my email. All the time same talking to me .send email ..they never check on my document .so I asking same talking to me ..it's not my fault .they didn't check on my document so all the time same talking to me. Make me tired..because I play another casino same play but they check on my document and send money .same document why they didn't check on my email?I can approve send my document email a lot . And all the time go to chatting room asking when you finish my document and send money . But they said all the time send document so again send document they said soon check
But never send email and nothing to me .can you help me . I don't wanna wasty time .thank you so much help me.im asking another question its ok?do you know can you fast withdraw money casino name?