ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、LuckyKoala Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
Hey, I think it's always best to check such things before you play in a casino so that nothing like this surprises you until it might be too late. I can see that the casino probably won't be the best choice, but I won't get ahead of myself just yet.
Anyway, did you manage to verify your casino account so you could withdraw money ? How many days is a few days ? Do you communicate with the casino regarding the withdrawal ?
3日以上保留されていましたが、今朝出金が取り消されました。Skrillには「技術的な問題」があったと彼らは述べています。これまで skrill で問題が発生したことはありません。サポートから今回は銀行振込を試すように言われたので、銀行振込を試してみましたが、おそらく再び機能しないと言われるまでさらに 3 ~ 4 日待つ必要があります...どうやって対処するかお知らせします
It was pending for over three days, the withdrawal has been cancelled by them this morning , they said there was ‘’technical issues’’with Skrill. Never ever have i had a problem with skrill before. support have asked me to try a bank transfer this time so i have tried that, now i probably have to wait another three or four days to be told that it doesnt work again…ill let you know how i get on
Thanks for the update. If the casino has technical problems, I would try to be patient, especially when they offer you an alternative. If you are verified and everything is fine on your side, I guess bank transfer will not be a problem.
I will wait for the next news and hopefully it will be more positive.
そうですね、何でしょう、銀行振込では出金できないと言ってまた出金がキャンセルされました。サポートに連絡したところ、再び skrill を使って出金するように言われました。おそらくこの出金はできないと思います。
well guess what, they have now cancelled my withdrawal again saying i cant withdraw by bank transfer, i got on to support who have now told me to withdraw using skrill again..i guess im never getting this withdrawal
うーん、それはちょっとあなたをからかっているように聞こえます。ただし、カジノに出金プロセスを解決するために 14 日間の猶予期間を与えています。そのため、カジノがそれまでに問題を解決できず、まだ新たな問題が残っている場合は、苦情を申し立てることができます。その場合は、当社がお手伝いをいたします。
それにしても、銀行振込で何が問題だったのでしょうか?以前は使用できなかった Skrill が今は大丈夫かどうか尋ねましたか?
Hmm, that sounds a bit like messing with you to me. However, we give casinos 14 days to resolve the withdrawal process, so if the casino fails to resolve it by then and there are still some new issues, you have the option to open a complaint where we will try to help you.
Anyway, what was the trouble with the bank transfer ? Did you ask if Skrill is ok now that you couldn't use it before ?
skrill 経由で出金を受け取ったところですが、1 週間かかったので、リピーターになるとは思わないでください 😃
Just recieved the withdrawal via skrill, took a week so dont think ill be a returning customer 😃
そうですね、やっとお金が入ってきてよかったです。それは最も重要なことの 1 つです。 ☘️☘️🎉😊
Well, I'm glad you finally got the money. That's one of the most important things. ☘️☘️🎉😊
But I also understand if you don't want to come back, but if the casino really had technical problems, then I would think about it. Of course, it's not that I want to convince you and I firmly believe that the next casino you choose will be better and you'll have the money sooner.
Good luck to you.
私の引き出しは、現在約 1 週間保留中です。どうすればいいのかわかりません。
My withdrawal is pending nearly a week now. I don’t know to can I do for that?
Hi Thom, from what i can gather here , it takes around two weeks so dont get too worried yet, i got two withdrawals so far and it took just under two weeks, im still waiting on more withdrawals now but only couple days
I hope they do that in few days time, was it a big withdrawal. Mine is €4000
Still showing pending withdrawal €4000 to bank transfer. As per the review they say €5000 per week
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