Check with the casinos support, if there is this withdrawal method supported at the casino first. They should give you some answers to your enquire. Have you used it before?
My first withdrawal been fail after pending for a week long, I did received a confirmation email about my withdrawal been completed and it’s actually fail! After I talked to a live agent they said it’s a technical issue, so they asked me to choice another withdrawal method instead of Interac, so I did again with bank transfer, now is back on pending for over 24 hrs already, this time I decided to withdraw full balance amount of $4900 instead of $4300! Hopefully will go through! I been try to send email to customer support multiple times but yet I got 0 reply
何も起こらない場合は、お気軽に再度ご連絡ください。調査させていただきます。 🙂
Hey, I know that players are often worried about their money. But if you just made a new withdrawal via bank transfer the other day, try to be a little patient. If you keep sending them emails I don't think it will make any sense as they probably have nothing to say to you.
Try to hang on for a few days and see if anything moves forward or not.
If nothing happens, feel free to write again and we'll try to look into it. 🙂
Thanks, I will wait for their further update, just feel so frustrated, my first attempt of withdrawal was from june24th and it’s July 3rd now, seems like they don’t wanna payout at all … sigh
大変だと思います。私はもっとひどい経験をしたことがあり、地獄でした。Jaro さんの意見には賛成ですが、心を集中できるものなら何でも試してみる価値はあります。フラストレーションと戦ってください 🙏
I imagine it's hard; I have had far worse experiences, and it was hell. Although I agree with Jaro, anything you can focus your mind on is worth trying. Fight the frustration 🙏
My fingers are crossed for you!
That is really nice to hear. How long exactly did you wait for it, and which payment method have you used, if I may ask?
最初の引き出しは 6 月 24 日に Interac によって開始されましたが失敗しました。その後、別の方法を使用するように求められたため、銀行振込を選択し、最終的に 7 月 4 日にお金を受け取りました。
My first withdrawal was begin on June 24th by Interac but fail, after that they ask me to use other method so I choice bank transfer, end up I got my money on July 4!
わかりました。それでは、それがより良い選択肢です。知っておいてよかったです。😉 ユーザーレビューで自分の体験を説明したい場合は、 このリンクを使用してください。他の人もそれを読むのに役立つかもしれません。
Alright, so that is a better option, then. It is good to know.😉 If you would like to describe your experience in a user review, please use this link. It could help others to read about it as well.
Are you going to stay with this casino now?
This casino withdrawal timeframe way too long, one thing is good about this casino is the winning rate seems higher then other , if anyone don’t mind to wait for like a week up to 10+ days for withdrawal, it’s worth to give a try , also they consistently give out bonus!
for myself, I may not be returning because I don’t like the waiting 😝
Well, let's face the truth here: who does like waiting? Especially to get paid. Right?
How long have you been playing there and have you found a better casino for you? I hope our reviews can help you find something you like.😉
Actually I been give another try to this casino, because the rate of winning seems higher then other casino, and now I been try another withdrawal, last time they fail my withdrawal on Interac, so I try on bank transfer method instead and finally work! But now when I do second withdrawal again, they block me on using bank transfer, only allow me using Interac now , I hope they will fix this problem
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com