Unbelievable. The outrageous thing is that it has the highest score here giving prestige to the casino
Increíble. Lo indignante es que tiene la puntuación más alta aquí dando prestigio al casino
Unbelievable. The outrageous thing is that it has the highest score here giving prestige to the casino
Increíble. Lo indignante es que tiene la puntuación más alta aquí dando prestigio al casino
Okok so it's not about losing money right? This morning I contacted support and they said that there are no problems with me since the card is also in my name and yesterday I received a phone call from them saying that my account was completely verified now we wait for next week
Okok quindi non si tratta di perdere soldi giusto? Stamattina ho contatto l assistenza ha detto che con me non ci sono problemi siccome anche la carta e intestata a me e ieri ho ricevuto una loro telefonata che dicevano che il mio conto era completamente verificato ora aspettiamo settimana prossima
通常、カジノには支払い手続きに 14 日間の猶予を与えています。期限が過ぎた場合は、こちらで苦情を申し立ててください。当社のチームが介入します。
That is great that your account is verified now.
May I ask when exactly you requested the withdrawal, though?
We usually give casinos 14 full days to proceed with the payment, so if the time frame passes, please file a complaint here, and our team will intervene.
Here is the link you need to follow to do so, and inform us about any updates for sure.
ここで提出されている請求に関して、MALIMA サポートに苦情を申し立てましたが、彼らは真剣に受け止めてくれなかったので、支払いはされないと思います。すでにお金は失われたと思っています。ここで何らかのサポートが得られることを願っています。
I complained to MALIMA support regarding the claim that is being filed here, they didn't take it seriously, so I doubt they will pay us, I already see my money as lost. I just hope to have some support here.
Me quejen en el soporte de MALIMA respecto al reclamo que se esta presentando aqui, no le tomaron importancia, asi que dudo que nos pagen, mi dinero ya lo veo como perdido. Solo espero tener algun apoyo por aqui.
What they want is for nobody to do anything. Not to continue deceiving more people...the complaint is 5 minutes
Ellos lo que quieren es que nadie hag nada . No seguir engañando a más personas...la queja son 5 minutos
I hope at least they don't keep having the maximum score
Espero que por lo menos no sigan teniendo l a puntuación máxima
Make a complaint...you have nothing to lose.
Pon queja...no pierdes nada
I'm now waiting 14 days if nothing arrives we'll start the complaint thank you very much you are very kind
Io ora aspetto i 14 giorni se non arriva nulla partiamo con il reclamo grazie mille siete gentilissimi
In modern gambling, waiting for a payout for 14 days is a very long time
В современном гемблинге ждать выплату 14 дней это очень долго
And we are very serious about getting our money back. And we are waiting.
А мы очень серьезно намерены забрать свои деньги. И ждем.
苦情を申し立てていただいてもよろしいでしょうか? ただサポートを提供したいだけです。
Hi, I attempted to look through this thread because I believe the complaint is appropriate in these circumstances, but I was unable to determine if you were aware of the concept.
Do you mind submitting the complaint? I just want to offer some support.
こんにちは。マリナ カジノで問題があります。800 ユーロの 3 回の支払いを 16 日間待っていますが、まだお金を受け取っていません。カジノを選択するときに、そのようなカジノは存在しないというエラー メッセージが表示されるため、このサイトで苦情を言うことはできません。マリナさん、お金を受け取れるよう助けてください。
Hello, I have a problem with Malina Casino. I have been waiting for 16 days for 3 payments of 800 euros and I still haven't received the money. I can't complain here on the site because when I have to select the casinos, I get the error message that there is no such casino, Malina, please help me get my money.
Üdvözletem olyan problémám van a malina casinoval hogy 16 napja várok 3 darab 800 eurós kifizetésre es meg mindig nem kaptam meg az pénzt, panaszt nem tudok tenni itt az oldalon mivel amikor ki kell választani a kaszinók azt a hiba üzenetet kapom hogy nincs ilyen kaszino,,Malina,, kérem segítsenek hogy megkapjam a pénzem
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com