You're welcome, if you come here to play, feel free to share how you enjoyed it.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. 🤞
Hi, I made a deposit of €35 on mystake with a post and pay Evolution card, now I wanted to withdraw the winnings but it continues to be rejected even though I put the post office bank account iban, and I tried post and pay iban, I would like to know how to withdraw cabbage
Salve io ho effettuato il deposito su mystake di 35€ con carta post e pay Evolution, ora volevo ritirare la vincita ma continua ad essere respinta anche se ho messo iban conto banco posta, e ho provato iban post e pay, vorrei sapere come poter prelevare cavolo
And I received an email from mystake asking for the deposit account statement in PDF, but I made the deposit with post and pay, that is, first they tell you you can deposit with prepaid cards then after that they don't let you withdraw help
E mi è arrivata un email da mystake chiedendo l'estratto conto dei depositi in pdf, ma io il deposito lo fatto con la post e pay, cioè prima ti dicono puoi depositare con carte prepagate poi dopo non ti fanno prelevare aiuto
こんにちは。私が読んだところによると、あなたが抱えている唯一の問題は、パミネット方式を検証できないということでしょうか?問題は、どうやらプリペイドカードから PDF を取得できないということなので、最終的に勝利を得るために苦労しているのはあなただけではありません。カジノに提供する必要があるのはそれだけで、他のすべての文書は問題ありませんでしたか?
Hi, according to what I've read the only issue you have is that you can't verify the pamynet method yes ? The problem is that you can't get the pdf from the prepaid card apparently, so you're not the first one struggling hard to get wins in the end. Is that all you need to provide to the casino and all the other documents were fine ?
I saw that you have already submitted a complaint and so our team will try to help you in your situation. I firmly believe that this will be possible and you will eventually get your money.
If something new comes up or the casino informs you about something, let us know in the complaint section and feel free to let us know here on the forum also.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. 🤞
こんにちは。あなたの場合は、先に進んで検証を許可されたということですか? それは確かに素晴らしいニュースですが、よくわからないので念のため聞いています。
万が一、状況を解決したり、何か新しいことを知ったりした場合は、 苦情に投稿して、Petronela も概要を把握できるようにしてください。
Hi, do you mean that in your case you moved forward and were allowed to verify ? That would certainly be great and wonderful news but I'm not sure so I'm asking just to be sure.
If by any chance you have managed to resolve the situation or learn anything new, post it in your complaint so that Petronela also has an overview.
I am waiting for your reply.
Hello, I would like to know why it won't let me bet at my Mystake casino, I have activated a bonus and loaded money to play and it won't let me bet, this is what I get
Hola, quisiera saber por qué no me deja apostar en mi casino de Mystake, e activado un bono y cargado plata para jugar y no me deja apostar, me salta esto
このエラーに関してサポート チームに問い合わせましたか? サポート チームなら説明できると思います。ぜひお知らせください。
Have you contacted the support team regarding this error? They should be able to explain, I reckon. Please let us know.
こんにちは。数日前、45 ドルでクオンツを開き、その後、別のクオンツを 10 ドルで開き、その 10 ドルでプレイして 50 ドルの利益を得ましたが、現在カジノからお金を引き出すことができません。どうすれば解決できますか?
Hello, a few days ago I opened a quant with 45 and then there would be another quant with $10 and playing with the $10 I made a profit of $50 and now the casino won't let me withdraw my money, how could I fix that?
Hola hace unos días abrí una cuánta con 45 y luego habría otra cuánta con 10$ y jugando con la de 10$ logré unas ganancias de 50$ y ahora el casino no me deja retirar mi dinero como podría hacer para solucionar eso
Could you tell us what the reason is for not letting you withdraw, please? Did you pass the verification process at this casino?
So how long did you have to wait for the withdrawal, please?
Here's the link where you can submit a user review if you wish.😉
あなたの年齢が要件に一致しないため、プロフィールを確認できませんでした。ご質問がある場合は、プロフィールを確認しようとしている会社にお問い合わせください。 kyc@mystake.email
I created an account, I played, I had fun and when it came time to withdraw the money I got the following error:
Unfortunately, we couldn't verify you
We could not verify your profile as your age doesn't match the requirements. If you have any questions, please contact the Company where you try to verify your profile kyc@mystake.email
I am of legal age and I do not know why this happened, in the same way I wrote an e-mail to the address which was indicated in the error message
I am waiting for the solution to this problem and if any person from the forum, moderator or active member of the community can help me because I need that money and I will give all the information necessary to confirm that I am of legal age and to be able to withdraw my money
Of course, thank you very much to everyone
Me cree una cuenta, jugué, me divertí y ala hora de retirar el dinero me saltaba el siguiente error:
Unfortunately, we couldn’t verify you
We could not verify your profile as your age doesn't match the requirements. If you have any questions, please contact the Company where you try to verify your profile kyc@mystake.email
Soy mayor de edad y no se porque ocurrió eso, de igual forma le redacte un e-mail a la dirección la cual se indicaba en el mensaje de error
espero la solución de este problema y si alguna persona del foro, moderador o miembro activo de la comunidad puede ayudarme porque necesito ese dinero y daré todos los datos que sean necesarios para confirmar que soy mayor de edad y para poder retirar mi dinero
desde ya muchas gracias a todos
こんにちは。登録フォームで生年月日かそれに似たものを選択しましたか? 認証時に ID を送信しましたか? それとも認証しようとした途端にこのエラーが表示され、カジノに何も送信できなくなりましたか?
Hi, did you select your date of birth or something similar in the registration form ? When you verified did you send your ID or as soon as you tried to verify it threw you this error without the possibility to send anything to the casino ?
Of course, you did the right thing to write to the email listed in the screenshot and we will wait to see what reply you get from the casino. Maybe this is just some misunderstanding and you will solve it together without any further problems.
However, if that is not the case, feel free to contact us and we will try to assist you.
Let me know when you have an answer.
Hey, I don't think it depends on the country, unless we were talking about the UK being restricted in a casino. That's not a concern.
Anyway, how long have you been waiting for a withdrawal ? Is this your first one ? Have you been able to verify or it was not needed yet ?
この経験の後も、ここでプレイし続けると思いますが、そうでしょうか? 🙂
See. Sometimes you just have to be a little patient and not worry right away. The withdrawals according to what a lot of players write are usually not immediately in order, but as long as it was within 24 hours, then it's perfect I would say.
I suppose after this experience you will continue to play here, am I right ? 🙂
Yes I would I have no issue thankfully . Had so many issues with sites was worrying . But it was for nothing . Thanks
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com