Good morning,
I made two withdrawal requests on Posido a week ago and I still have nothing in my bank account, I contact them every day via online chat and they say every day to be patient and I the financial department will process my request as quickly as possible, but still nothing, it's starting to worry me a little
J’ai fait deux demandes de retrait sur Posido il y a une semaine et je n’ai toujours sur mon compte en banque, je les contacts tous les jours via le chat en ligne et ils disent tous les jours d’être patient et je le service financier va traiter ma demande le plus vite possible, mais toujours rien ça commence à m’inquiéter un peu
連絡を取るには support@posido.comまた、チャットで説明や助けを求めたところ、彼らは協力的でした...
Get in touch with them via support@posido.com and also via chat asking for clarification and help, they were cooperative with me...
Entra em contacto com eles através do support@posido.com e tambem pelo chat a pedir esclarecimentos e ajuda , comigo foram cooperantes ...
I tried to contact them by email but I got no response to the email I sent.
J’ai essayer de les contacter par mail mais je n’ai eu aucune réponse au mail que j’ai envoyer
それでも、カジノには 14 日間の猶予が与えられています。私だったら不安になりますが、お金が入金されるかカジノから最新情報が届くまでもう少し待つようにしてください。
It's pretty sad if they don't communicate with you and don't reply.
Nevertheless, we give casinos 14 days and even though I would be nervous if I were you, try to wait a little longer for your money to come in or for the casino to give you an update.
If not, then I will recommend the next step, which is to submit a complaint and we will try to help you.
Anyway, did you ask the casino what is behind the delay ?
OK thanks,
when I ask why it takes so long they tell me it's because they have a lot of requests to process
Ok merci,
quand je demande pourquoi c’est si long ils me répondent que c’est parce qu’ils ont beaucoup de demande à traiter
You're welcome, I hope it will be resolved before our team intervenes.
As for the casino, I understand that sometimes this can happen, so I wonder when you will get the money and if there will be problems or not.
However, do you also have a verified account or was it not necessary ?
You're welcome, I hope it will be resolved before our team intervenes.
As for the casino, I understand that sometimes this can happen, so I wonder when you will get the money and if there will be problems or not.
However, do you also have a verified account or was it not necessary ?
そうですね、カジノ側が書類の提出を求めなければ、出金自体が不可能かもしれません。出金が遅れる原因の 1 つになる可能性があるため、質問しただけですが、おそらくあなたの場合はそうではないでしょう。
Well, if the casino doesn't ask for any documents, it might not even be possible. It was just a question because that can be one of the things that holds up withdrawals, but it's probably not your case.
おはようございます。今日、引き出しが完了したというメールを受け取りましたが、銀行にお金の動きがありません。引き出しは 06/27 に行われ、今日処理されました!!!
Good morning, today I received this email that the withdrawal was completed but money yok there is no movement in the bank. The withdrawal took place on 06/27 and was processed today!!!
Καλημέρα, εγώ σήμερα έλαβα αυτό το email ότι η ανάληψη ολοκληρώθηκε αλλά λεφτά γιοκ δεν υπάρχει κίνηση στη τράπεζα. Η ανάληψη πραγματοποιήθηκε στις 27/06 και διεκπεραιώθηκε σήμερα!!!
おはようございます。今日、引き出しが完了したというメールを受け取りましたが、銀行にお金の動きがありません。引き出しは 06/27 に行われ、今日処理されました!!!
Good morning, today I received this email that the withdrawal was completed but money yok there is no movement in the bank. The withdrawal took place on 06/27 and was processed today!!!
Καλημέρα, εγώ σήμερα έλαβα αυτό το email ότι η ανάληψη ολοκληρώθηκε αλλά λεφτά γιοκ δεν υπάρχει κίνηση στη τράπεζα. Η ανάληψη πραγματοποιήθηκε στις 27/06 και διεκπεραιώθηκε σήμερα!!!
Hi, if it was processed today, I would give it a few more days and wait and I hope everything comes to you.
If it doesn't, of course you can get in touch and let us know and we'll try to help but I think at this stage it's only a matter of time.
Will you hang in there ?
Yes, we ate the donkey and the tail remains. What can I say, this is unacceptable. Instead of saying 1-3 days, better let them say 10-15 days to be in. Let's see how many days it will take to get the money.
Ναι τον φάγαμε τον γάιδαρο και μένει η ουρά. Τι να πω όλο αυτό είναι απαράδεκτο. Αντί να λένε 1-3 ημέρες καλύτερα ας πουν 10-15 ημέρες για να είναι και μέσα. Άντε να δούμε πόσες μέρες θα χρειαστούν για να μου βάλουν τα χρήματα.
そうですね、出金を入力した時間を見ると、27.6 と書いてあるので、すぐに苦情を申し立てることもできますが、処理済みであれば、あなたに届くと思います。2 週間は確かにお金を待つのに楽しい時間ではありませんし、気に入らない場合は別のカジノに切り替えることができます。😕
Well, when I look at the time when you entered the withdrawal and you write that 27.6, so you could file the complaint right away, but if it has been processed, I think it should go to you. 2 weeks is certainly not a pleasant time to wait for money and if you don't like it, you can switch to another casino. 😕
First of all, what I will do and in which casino I will play is my matter and you have no reason to, 2nd I did not make any complaint, I simply posted my experience in the delay in payment of the winnings I had from this particular casino. Also, when a casino is considered good and reliable, it makes sure to pay the winnings immediately within three days at the most. All the other casinos I have happened to play make the payouts either at the same time or in 1-2 business days at most.
Πρώτα απ όλα το τι θα κάνω εγώ και σε ποιο καζίνο θα παίζω είναι δικό μου θέμα και δεν σου πέφτει λόγος, 2ον εγώ δεν έκανα καμία καταγγελία απλά ανάρτησα την εμπειρία τη δική μου στην καθυστέρηση καταβολής των κερδών που είχα από το συγκεκριμένο καζίνο. Επίσης όταν ένα καζίνο θεωρείται καλό και αξιόπιστο φροντίζει να κάνει τις καταβολές των κερδών άμεσα εντός τριών ημερών το πολύ. Όλα τα υπόλοιπα καζίνο που έχει τύχει να παίξω κάνουν τις καταβολές ή την ίδια στιγμή ή σε 1-2 εργάσιμες το πολύ.
出金にかかる時間に関しては、カジノごとに異なりますが、これは例外的な状況ではありません。そのため、出金に最大 3 日間かかるカジノでプレイしたことがある場合は、このカジノは自分に向いていないことがわかります。🤷♂️
Yes, I didn't mean that you have to do what I say. What I meant was that if you don't like somewhere and you see that you are waiting a long time for the money, then this casino is probably not for you.
Secondly, I told you that you can file a complaint if you feel you need help, I didn't say that you have an open complaint or that you have to do it.
As far as the time to withdraw is concerned, each casino is individual and believe me, this is not an exceptional situation. So if you have played in casinos where withdrawals have lasted a maximum of three days, then you know that this particular one is not for you. 🤷♂️
Since 12.07 I have been waiting for my payouts at posido casino, the support always says patience patience, the finance department has been informed but nothing happens
Seit 12.07 warte ich auf meine auszahlungen bei posido casino , im support wird immer gesagt geduld geduld, die finanzabteilung wurde informiert aber es passiert einfach nichts
引き出しに関する問題を解決し、それをプレイヤーに送るためにカジノに 14 日間の猶予を与えていることを付け加えておきます。それが実現しない場合は私に知らせてください。私たちは支援に努めます。
ところで、もう 1 つ質問ですが、すでに認証済みのカジノ アカウントをお持ちですか、それとも必要ありませんでしたか?
Hey, I see you've been waiting a week for your money. All the casino told you is to be patient and nothing more ? From the fact that I wrote off the other player a week ago, it looks like they have a delay and you will have to wait a bit longer.
I would like to add that we give casinos 14 days to resolve the situation around the withdrawal and send it to the player and if that doesn't happen then let me know and we will try to help.
Anyway, one more question, do you already have a verified casino account or was that not necessary ?
Yes, thanks, but I've never had anything like that at other casinos.
Well, not really yet, but I haven't had to do that yet.
ja danke , aber so lanie das hatte ich bei andere casinos noch nie gehabt.
also noch nicht richtig, aber bis musste ich das auch nicht tuen.
How long should I wait? I mean, since Wednesday they've been saying that it's in the final phase, the finance department knows this and that. It just feels like I'm being kept waiting, and I still have a lot of balance on it, which I'd also like to pay out.
wie lange soll ich noch warten? ich meine es wird seit mittwoch gesagt ,es wäre in der endphase , die finanzabteilung weiß bescheid dies und das. man fühlt sich halt extrem hingehalten, dazu habe ich auch noch einiges an balance drauf. was ich auch auszahlen möchte
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com