Same thing, my email sends me the notification that it is impossible to deliver the message, even with another mess with the emails same thing, always gone and luckily I had already verified everything, but if I try to send email the same thing happens, but the live chat does not work for me, just if I click the pop-up nothing happens, otherwise I would have sent the documentation in live chat, but now like this I really don't know how to send him the documents
Stessa cosa, la mia email mi rimanda la notifica che è impossibile recapitare il messaggio, anche con un altro casino con le email stessa cosa, sempre andato e per fortuna avevo gia verificato tutto, ma se provo a mandare email succede la stessa cosa, peró la chat live non mi funziona, proprio se clicco il pop-up non succede niente, altrimenti avrei spedito la documentazione in live chat, ma ora cosi non saprei proprio come mandargli i documenti
昨年は問題なくstelario casinoで認証しましたが、今は連絡が取れません。しかし、すでに認証して出金も成功しています(一昨日でも)ので、問題は関係ありません。しかし、smokaceでは認証が必要なので問題です。認証されるまでは、もちろんもうプレイしません。
they have the contacts, only that with my email I don't know why I can't send them the documents, no that's exactly why I wanted to verify successfully before playing,
because on stelario casino I verified without problems last year, but now I can't contact them either but I have already verified and withdrawn (even the day before yesterday) successfully, so the problem is irrelevant, but with smokace that I have to verify it's a problem, until they verify I obviously won't play anymore
i contatti li hanno, solo che con la mia mail non so perche non riesco a fargli avere i documenti, no appunto per quello volevo verificare con successo prima di giocare,
perche su stelario casino ho verificato senza problemi l’anno scorso, ma ora anche loro non riesco a contattarli peró ho gia verficato e prelevato (anche l’altro ieri) con successo, quindi il problema è irrilevante, ma con smokace che devo verificare è un problema, fino a che non verificano io non gioco piu ovviamente
新しいメール アカウントを開いて、そこから書類を送信し、状況を説明して、両方のメール アドレスに返信するように依頼して、少なくともメールが届いたら返信できるようにしてみてはいかがでしょうか。
Why don't you open a new email account and send the documents from there and explain to them the situation and ask for them to reply to both email addresses so at least you can reply if they email you.
Exactly, I had thought about this too and I think I will try to do it like this soon.
Esatto avevo pensato anche a questo e credo che a breve proveró a fare così
jaro 私のメールがなぜか分からないので、カジノに連絡してもらう必要があると思いますが、カジノのメールが機能せず、メッセージが送信されません。書類を送信する方法はありますか?
jaro I think I need you to contact the casino because my email I don't know why, but with their email it doesn't work and it doesn't send me the message, do you have a method with which I can send them the documents?
jaro mi sa che ho bisogno di voi per contattare il casino perche la mia email non so come mai, ma con le loro email non funziona e non mi spedisce il messaggio, avete un metodo con la quale io possa fare avere a loro i documenti?
こんにちは。認証に関して当社の苦情チームのサポートが必要な場合は、 こちら から苦情を申し立ててください。彼らはこのカジノの問題を解決するために可能な限りのことをしてくれると確信しています。
Hey. If you need the help of our complaint team with your verification, please file a complaint here, and I am sure that they will do whatever is possible to solve the issue at this casino.
Keep us informed on how everything goes.
Hello and I've been trying to withdraw for months, I had 2500 reais, it took a while, they asked for doc and everything by email, checked my account and it was ok, but nothing to withdraw, I sent an email in fact several, until they asked me for the model or number where I was trying to withdraw, I sent it to them, and in 4 days they paid me, but now I've been trying for 4 days and nothing has disappeared even the option to withdraw by pix, but I'm doing everything, because I have 83K there, I find it difficult for them to pay
Olá e estou tentando sacar a meses estava com 2500 reais , demorou pediram doc e tudo mais por email, verificou minha conta e estava ok, porém nada de sacar , enviei um email na vdd varios , até que me pediram o modelo ou número de onde estava tentando efetuar o saque , mandei para eles , e em 4 dias me pagaram, mais agora estou a 4 dias tentando e nada sumiu até a opção de sacar por pix, mais estou fazendo de tudo , pois estou com 83K lá , acho difícil eles pagarem
こんにちは。pix が利用できない場合に引き出す代替手段も提供されましたか? なぜこのようなことが起こったのか、どのくらいの時間がかかるのかを尋ねましたか? 引き出しには制限がありませんでしたか?
Hello, did they also give you an alternative to withdraw if pix is not available? Did you ask them why this happened and how long it should take? Wasn't there a limit on the withdrawal?
Try answering my questions please and we'll see what we can do.
good evening, I have never had problems on this site, but now that I wanted to access it it gives me server problems, as if they had closed them or maybe even suspended them for maintenance, could you contact them and ask them for an explanation about it?
buonasera, non ho mai avuto problemi su questo sito, ma ora che volevo accedervi mi da problemi di server, come se li avessero chiuso o magari anche sospesi per manutenzione, riuscireste a contattarli e chiedergli spiegazione in merito?
こんにちは。まだページの読み込みに問題がありますか? 試してみたところ、正常に進みました。ページに到達できたかどうか教えてください。
Hi, are you still having trouble loading the page? I tried it and it went normally. So try to tell me if you got there or not.
I'll be waiting for a reply.
Nothing happens when it runs as it should again and everything is fine.
Anyway, do you play in this casino and do you like it here?😀
注意: 重大な影響があるため、この会社のすべてのスレッドにこの警告をリンクしています。
事前通知なし EW: 低い最大勝利限度額
Caution: I am linking this warning in all from this company threads here due to its significant impact.
こんにちは。お金が受け取れないのではないかと心配している理由は何ですか? 何か理由があるのですか? どのくらい待っていますか?
Hi, and why are you afraid you won't get your money? Is there a reason? How long have you been waiting?
はい、合法です。私は 1 年以上 smokace でプレイしていますが、お金を受け取る際に問題が発生したことはありません。ちょうど 2 日前に、23/12/24 の 3:30 に 500 ユーロを引き出しましたが、同じ日の 11:00 にはすでに口座にお金が入っていました。問題が発生したことはなく、書類の確認も常に簡単でした。何か問題が発生したことはありますか?
Legitimate yes, I have been playing on smokace for over a year and I have never had problems receiving the money, just 2 days ago I withdrew €500 at 3:30 on 23/12/24 and at 11:00 the same day I already had the money in my account, I have never had problems, even verifying the documents has always been easy, have you encountered any problems?
Legittimo si, gioco da piu di un anno su smokace e non ho mai avuto problemi a ricevere i soldi, proprio 2 giorni fa ho prelevato 500€ alle 3:30 del 23/12/24 e alle 11:00 del giorno stesso avevo gia i soldi sul conto, io non ho mai avuto problemi, anche a verificare i documenti ho sempre fatto facilmente, hai riscontrato qualche problema?
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com