ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、TikiTaka Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
出金をリクエストしたのはいつですか? このカジノでの確認プロセスに合格しましたか?
And may I ask when exactly you requested the withdrawal, please? Did you pass the verification process at this casino?
アカウントを閉鎖する理由を明確に述べましたか? ギャンブルの問題がある場合は、必ずサポートに明確に書き込むことが非常に重要です。
This doesn't sound good to me at all.
Have you clearly stated the reason for closing your account? It is really important to do whenever there is a gambling problem, to clearly write it to the support.
If there is anything we can do, please let us know.🙏
I have browsed the information on the casinos side and found this:
Did you request the self-exclusion in accordance with it?
Just, please, if you see that the casino is unresponsive, let us know so we can try to help you out with this situation.🙏
I had a small win had trouble like you, but withdrew using bank transfer ?
I'm sorry, but did you clearly stated the reason of closing the account?
It should always be written if the reason is gambling problems. In this case, the casino has to react right away and close the account.
I imagine it may be confusing, but if a player wants the account to be appropriately closed, especially due to a gambling issue, the reason must be stated as gambling issue, compulsive gambling, or gambling addiction.
That's the point of the "clearly stated" reason.
Many players closes their account for many various reasons, and the casino actively tries to convince those players to stay. Yet an addicted player is at risk, and his account must be closed as soon as possible to reduce further negative gambling impact. Thus, especially vulnerable players must express the true nature of their request, otherwise, the result may not be accurate.
As far as I understand though, the problem seems to be a lack of communication from their site, is that so?
これは、私の意見では、一部の人が一種のシェル システムと呼んでいるものです。カジノは、通常、英国のような問題のある (非常に制限の多い) 国からの購入を可能にするために、サードパーティの販売業者を使用することがあります。このスレッドを自由に閲覧してください。このトピックに関するものです。
This is what some have referred to as a sort of shell system, in my opinion. The casinos will occasionally use third-party merchants to enable purchases, typically from troublesome - heavily restrictive - countries like the UK. Feel free to browse this thread; it is about that topic:
Would you say it is the same situation?
Trustpilot を見ると、この会社は理由もなく入金を受け付け、出金を取り消しています。これは、ここに投稿されている内容とまったく同じで、私にもまったく同じことが起こっています。
Looking at trustpilot this company are taking deposits and cancelling withdrawals for no reason, exactly the same as the posts on here and exactly the same happening to me.
You withdraw wait 3 days then the email comes saying withdrawal cancelled, then resubmit it and be told by chat it's my bank (clearly it isnt)
Reading on here and everywhere else I think it's a scam site. I looked into the sister companies and they are doing exactly the same thing.
I'm suprised it's rated 6.8 for safety here
私も同じ状況で、3日間の完全検証後に彼らから引き出しがキャンセルされました。最終的に支払いを受けることができましたか? もしそうなら、デビットカードまたは銀行振込に戻されましたか? 100%二度と利用しません。
I'm at the same point withdrawal cancelled by them after 3 days fully verified etc, did you manage to get paid in the end ? If so was it back to debit card or bank transfer ? , 100% won't be using them again.
はい、姉妹サイトの 1 つに Fat Pirate があります。このサイトでプレイするのは詐欺です。
Yes one of there sister sites is Fat Pirate played on this site SCAM !!!
I kept trying to card, then tried bank transfer which did go through, did not win anymore after this small win !!
Trustpilot を見ると、この会社は理由もなく入金を受け付け、出金を取り消しています。これは、ここに投稿されている内容とまったく同じで、私にもまったく同じことが起こっています。
Looking at trustpilot this company are taking deposits and cancelling withdrawals for no reason, exactly the same as the posts on here and exactly the same happening to me.
You withdraw wait 3 days then the email comes saying withdrawal cancelled, then resubmit it and be told by chat it's my bank (clearly it isnt)
Reading on here and everywhere else I think it's a scam site. I looked into the sister companies and they are doing exactly the same thing.
I'm suprised it's rated 6.8 for safety here
ただし、出金を再送信しようとしましたか? または、別の支払い方法を使用しましたか? 現在、お金を受け取るまでどのくらい待っていますか?
Hi, I'm sorry to hear that you haven't had the best experience with this casino. I see that your withdrawal was canceled as in the case of other players.
However, did you try to resubmit your withdrawal? Or did you use some other payment method? How long are you currently waiting for the money?
このチェックアウトの規模を知りたい場合は、trustpilot を参照してください。文字通り、誰もが同じ問題を抱えています。
I resubmitted it again , it got cancelled again for the 2nd time , so resubmitted as bank transfer today , I originally withdrew last Thursday.
There's something clearly wrong with the casino and the more im reading the less likely I think i will receive my funds.
If you want a view of the scale of this checkout there trustpilot , litterally everyone having the same issues.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com