ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Tumblewins Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
こんにちは。私もこのカジノに悲しんでいます。メールに返信してくれないし、引き出しもできません。合計 280 ユーロを失いました。本当に支払わないのでしょうか? 🙁
Hello, I'm also sad about this casino. They don't answer my emails, and I don't have my withdrawals. A total of 280€ lost. Are they really not going to pay? 🙁
Olá.. também estou triste com este casino. Não me respondem aos e-mails, e não tenho os meus levantamentos. Total de 280€ perdidos. Será que não vão pagar mesmo? 🙁
私たちが助けることができるかどうかを知るために、この状況についてもう少し詳しく教えていただけますか? 🙂
Hey, how long have you been waiting for your money? Did the casino explain why you don't have it yet? Verification was not necessary?
Can you tell me a bit more about this situation so I know if we can help? 🙂
こんにちは。27日から待っています。長くはないことはわかっていますが、メールに返信がないので心配です。サイト側から何も求められなかったので、確認が必要だったかどうかはわかりませんが、支払いを処理できるようにすべての書類を送ったのに、返信がありません。🙁 何も言われないということは起こり得ることだと気づき、10通以上のメールを送信しましたが、返信がないので心配です...
Hello, I've been waiting since the 27th. I know it's not long, but as I've had no reply to my emails I'm worried. I don't know if verification was necessary because the site never asked me for anything, but I sent all the documents so they could process the payments, but I haven't had any response. 🙁 I'm worried because I've realized that what can happen is that they never tell me anything, I've sent more than 10 emails and I've had no response...
Olá! Estou a espera desde dia 27. Sei que não é muito tempo porém como não tenho resposta aos meus emails estou preocupada. Não sei se foi necessária a verificação pois o site nunca me pediu nada, porém eu enviei os documentos todos para puderem processar os pagamentos, mas não tive qualquer resposta. 🙁 estou preocupada pois já percebi que o que pode acontecer é nunca me dizerem nada, já enviei mais de 10 emails e nenhum tive resposta...
I know that if the casino doesn't answer you, it's not pleasant. If you go 4 days without a response, I understand why you feel that way. But if you've made a withdrawal and nothing happens in the next few days, definitely let me know. I saw that you already have a complaint filed so we'll see what we can do and Kristina told you that we give casinos two full weeks to pay the player. We'll see if they get in touch and need something or not.
I'll be here if they do.
Thank you very much for your help. I'll wait for the casino to reply to my emails and let you know. Or if I receive my payments.
I hope it has a happy ending but from what I read about this casino I don't think I'll be that lucky. 🙁
Muito obrigada pela sua ajuda, pela vossa ajuda. Ficarei a aguardar se o casino responder aos meus emails e vos aviso. Ou se receber os meus pagamentos.
Espero que tenha um final feliz mas pelo que leio deste casino acho que não vou ter essa sorte. 🙁
The casino is straight up scam, so probably you won't get cashout. Sorry to say it
Thank you very much for your help. I'll wait for the casino to reply to my emails and let you know. Or if I receive my payments.
I hope it has a happy ending but from what I read about this casino I don't think I'll be that lucky. 🙁
Muito obrigada pela sua ajuda, pela vossa ajuda. Ficarei a aguardar se o casino responder aos meus emails e vos aviso. Ou se receber os meus pagamentos.
Espero que tenha um final feliz mas pelo que leio deste casino acho que não vou ter essa sorte. 🙁
Probably only in time will we know how it will be. I hope, like you, that it will have a positive ending and you will be able to enjoy the money. 🙂
間違っているかもしれませんが、私が見つけたPDF tumblewins-license.pdfを添付しました。
I think this casino is licensed by C.I.L. CURAÇAO INTERACTIVE LICENSING N.V.
I might be wrong, but I have attached the pdf I found tumblewins-license.pdf
Will it be any worth if I contact the licensing authority?
このドキュメントを共有していただきありがとうございます。データ チームの同僚たちは、実際のライセンスの詳細に簡単にアクセスできるこのドキュメントに感謝すると思います。
Thank you for sharing this document. I imagine my colleagues from the Data Team will be grateful for such a shortcut to actual licensing details.
Forwarding it immediately. How did you come across this certificate anyway?
One of my friends shared it with me, but don't know if its right or not. But hopefully this comes in help for me and many others.
なるほど!以前、この公式情報を入手するのがかなり大変だったことを思い出したので、質問しました。今でもそうですけどね 😀。ですから、私の感謝をあなたの友人にも伝えてください。
I see! I was asking because I recall getting this official information was quite a pain in the past. Perpas it still is 😀. So, send my thanks to your friend as well, please.
Any additional information that you or your friend may have in the future would also be greatly appreciated.
ウェブサイトの利用規約にはすべて説明されていますが、何も履行されていません。🙁 本当に悲しいです。そのお金は本当に必要だったのに、二度と手に入らないでしょう。
The site hasn't given me any feedback, there have been no payments and no replies to emails.
I'll probably never see that money.
There is no longer any way to force the casino to fulfill its duties
They have everything explained on the website in the terms and conditions, but they don't fulfill anything. 🙁 I'm really sad. That money was really needed and I'll never see it.
O site não me deu nenhum feedback, não houve pagamentos e não houve respostas aos emails.
Provavelmente nunca vou ver esse dinheiro.
Não existe mais nenhuma forma de obrigar o casino a cumprir os seus deveres
Têm tudo explicado no site nos termos e condições, mas não cumprem nada. 🙁 estou realmente muito triste. Esse dinheiro estava mesmo a precisar e nunca o verei.
Listen don't rage bet it and loose all. I would suggest you keep your calm and wait, even if its only 1% chance of getting your and my money. It is worth to take the time to wait
Yes, I'll keep hoping... But it's best not to get our hopes up. Did you also lose out to this casino?
Sim vou continuar a esperar... Porém o melhor é não termos muita esperança. Você também ficou lesado com esse casino?
Really... Let's hope so! I don't know how this casino still has its page open, they should block it so that more people don't get scammed 🙁
Realmente... Esperemos que sim! Não sei como esse casino ainda tem a página aberta, deviam bloquear essa pagina para não haver mais pessoas a serem enganadas 🙁
That is exactly my opinion. Unfortunately, I am addicted to gambling and wanted to have my account blocked, but I didn't receive a reply even after 14 emails and there was no response to inquiries from guru. Unfortunately, due to my illness (and after I had already requested closure), I still paid 299 euros. The casino definitely took advantage of my illness and deliberately delayed the deletion of my account. In my opinion, that is deliberate fraud and criminal. This casino really should be closed.
Genau dieser Meinung bin ich auch. Ich bin leider spielsüchtig und wollte mein Konto sperren lassen, aber selbst auf 14 Emails habe ich keine Antwort erhalten und auch auf Nachfragen von guru gab es keine Reaktion. Leider habe ich aufgrund meiner Erkrankung (und bereits, nachdem ich die Schließung beantragt hatte) noch 299 Euro gezahlt. Das casino hat definitiv meine Krankheit ausgenutzt und die Löschung meines Kontos bewusst verzögert. Das ist in meinen Augen vorsätzlicher Betrug und kriminell. Dieses Casino sollte wirklich geschlossen werden
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com