ゲーム、ボーナス、決済方法、お客様のアカウントに関する問題、責任あるギャンブルなど、Winshark Casinoに関連することについて話したい場合は、ここでディスカッションすることができます。
出金処理と確認にどのくらい時間がかかるのか、とても気になっています。昨日、カジノに書類をアップロードし、ライブ ID チェックを無事完了しました。しばらくすると、アカウントに書類が表示されなくなりました。ライブ チャットでは解決できず、KYC 部門に連絡するように言われたので、そのとおりにしました。残念ながら、まったく応答がありませんでした。処理に 24 時間かかると言われたことも、72 時間かかると言われたこともあり、今後数日で何が起こるか様子を見ることにします。出金待ちの 500 ユーロがあります。
I'm very curious how long it will take to process the withdrawal and verify it. I uploaded the documents to the casino yesterday and successfully completed a live ID check. A short time later I couldn't see any documents in my account. The live chat couldn't help me and I was told to contact the KYC department, which I did. Unfortunately, they didn't respond at all. I'll just wait and see what happens in the next few days, because one time it said it would take 24 hours to process and another time it would take 72 hours. I have 500 euros waiting for the withdrawal.
Bin sehr gespannt wie lange die Bearbeitung der Auszahlung und Verifizieren dauert. Habe gestern die Dokumente im Casino hochgeladen, auch eine Live Id Prüfung hatte ich erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Kurze zeit später sah ich in meinem Konto keine Dokumente mehr. Der live chat konnte mir nicht weiter helfen, ich solle mich an die kyc abteilung wenden, was ich auch tat. Nur leider kam von denen überhaupt keine Antwort. Dann warte ich mal ab was die nächsten Tage passiert, denn einmal heißt es 24 Std bearbeitung dann wieder 72 std. Ich habe 500 Euro in der Auszahlung stehen.
Hey, I saw that this casino is still fresh, so we don't know much about it. Anyway, thank you for coming here and telling us what you're going through.
As far as verification is concerned, it's a shame that the casino can't answer you and therefore share important information. I hope that they don't come with the fact that you are still not verified and reject your withdrawal.
Anyway, let's be surprised and see if your money comes without any problems or not. Did you use any bonus here as well or not ?
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. 🤞
I have the same exact problem!
it has been 10 days since my withdrawal request..
4 日前に、アカウントが確認されたというメールが届きました。確認プロセスが完了するまでに 6 日かかりました。
They sent me an email 4 days ago claiming that my account is now verified. It took 6 days to complete the verification process.
Now that the verification is over, my withdrawal of 500 is still pending and no one from finance is replying to my emails
I received an email today saying I should upload some documents. I did that and shortly afterwards I received an email saying my account had been verified. I then sent another email and asked how long it would take to process my withdrawal. No answer yet. I also played without a bonus.
Ich bekam heute eine Email das ich noch einige Dokumente hochladen soll, hab ich getan und kurz darauf kam eine email das mein Konto nun verifiziert sei. Ich habe dann nochmal eine email gesendet und gefragt wie lange jetzt die bearbeitung meiner Auszahlung dauert. Bis jetzt noch keine Antwort. Ich habe auch ohne Bonus gespielt
Today my account was verified after I uploaded a few more documents. Now I'm curious how long the payout will take. I played without a bonus
Heute wurde mein konto verifiziert, nachdem ich nochmals ein paar dokumente hochgeladen hatte. Nun bin ich gespannt wie lange die Auszahlung dauert. Ich habe ohne Bonus gespielt
苦情を提出されたことを確認しました。弊社のチームは、追加の質問への回答をお待ちしています。回答していただけますか? ご希望の場合は、このリンクを使用してください。
Is your account fully verified at this casino, or is this your first withdrawal request?
I've seen that you have submitted the complaint and our team is waiting for you to answer some additional questions there. Could you please do that? Just use this link if you wish so.
4 日前に、アカウントが確認されたというメールが届きました。確認プロセスが完了するまでに 6 日かかりました。
They sent me an email 4 days ago claiming that my account is now verified. It took 6 days to complete the verification process.
Now that the verification is over, my withdrawal of 500 is still pending and no one from finance is replying to my emails
ああ、わかりました。アカウントの確認が完了して良かったですね。うまくいけば、すぐにお金が手に入るでしょう。通常、カジノには支払い手続きに 14 日間の猶予を与えています。引き続き最新情報をお知らせください。
Oh, ok. That is good that your account is verified now. Hopefully, you will get the money soon. Usually, we give casinos 14 full days to proceed with the payment. Make sure to keep us updated, please.
Just now, it's already in my account
Bei mir auch gerade eben, ist auch schon auf meinem konto
I did not like the fact that I had to make a complaint here for them to actually pay me.
i will close the account for a while and make up my mind later.
Sometimes you have to do whatever it takes to get the money. I'm not even happy if players have to make complaints and it can't be solved without that, but unfortunately that's the way it goes sometimes.
However, would you be able to write the fact that you got the money to Tomas in the complaint so that he can close it ?
Of course I understand that you want to take a break from them and I am not at all blaming you. It's probably the best thing you can do for now.
Good luck and have a good time.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com