Mydateは、helpersmと同じgrotobookです。すべて85 portland stに登録されています。duckduck goを使用してください。
Mydate is grotobook same as helpersm all registered at 85 portland st use duckduck go
Mydateは、helpersmと同じgrotobookです。すべて85 portland stに登録されています。duckduck goを使用してください。
Mydate is grotobook same as helpersm all registered at 85 portland st use duckduck go
Pixeleum と grotobook が私の支払いを拒否したため、銀行が返金を拒否しました。
My bank have prevented me from charging back because Pixeleum and grotobook declined mine!
204 avenue de Colmar、ストラッツブール、フランス。 67100
204 avenue de colmar, Stratsbourg, France. 67100
Only reason I know is they made 1 refund and the payment address is visable on my account and shows a map and address
I have emailed Pixeleum yes. Grotobook did the exact same as you. I will lodge a complaint with action fraud and I also have informed someone in the metropolitan police I know who works there and they are aware of the area
According to my Intel the building in question may be derelict and vacant. So why do they use this address? 🤷♂️🤷♂️
You managed to get 1 refund? Was that through the bank? Email is on their website ewave.live
興味深いですね。Google で検索すると、そのアドレスが transac として表示されます。支払いの処理業者です。
Interesting, when I googled that address transac comes up. The processor of the payments!
These people declining the chargebacks. I have wrote an email to the bank and last time they contacted me!
I have no clue what the evidence was just had a letter from the bank saying anymore fraud transactions my account will be closed down
つまり、ロンドンに拠点を置く mydates とエディンバラに拠点を置く helpersm です。
helpersm については使用できるメールを見つけましたが、mydates については何も見つけられませんでした。
Just to be sure
I mean mydates based in London and helpersm Edinburgh.
For helpersm I found a email to use, but for mydates I was unable to find something.
Don't know that's what is on my bank statement saying where the transaction has come from
They are definitely the same companies. Owned by the same person. What was the email for helpers please?
They asked me for this I provided it, they wrote back to say it’s been escalated then I never heard from them again
They do facilitate fake transactions. My chargebacks were declined they said about the 3DS and they literally sent serial numbers of the art I purchased I looked them up and some were weird as hell
見つかりませんが、duckduckgo を使って grotbooks を検索し、その Web ページの下部に移動すると、登録された住所が表示され、my date の大きな Fat lol ロゴも表示されます。その後、英国の会社情報にアクセスします。Mydate は、Web ポータルとして登録されているのと同じ住所に登録されています。そこで何が起こっているのかは神のみぞ知るところですが、私が知っているのは、ロンドンの巨大なオフィス スペースです。さまざまなビジネスが多数あります。私は探しましたが、実際のビジネスは見つかりません。
You won't, but if you use duckduckgo to search grotbooks and go to the bottom of their Web page you will see their registered address you will also see a big Fat lol logo for my date. If you then go to company house in UK. Mydate is registered to same address which is registered as a Web portal . So God only knows what is going on there all I know its a huge office space in London. With loads of different businesses. I have looked but can't find the actual buissness.
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com