I have now Grant its too late ive done about £13000 now im not sure I will see it again
I have now Grant its too late ive done about £13000 now im not sure I will see it again
しばらくここに潜んでいましたが、返金が成功したというこのスレッドに投稿した最初のユーザーの 1 人でした。数か月前に私のお金を受け取った 2 ~ 3 社の販売業者がいて、何度もチャージバックを試みた後も追跡できません。オンブズマンに訴える価値はあるでしょうか? その時は銀行が助けてくれず、合計金額は約 700 ポンドになりました。
Hi guys.
been lurking here a while, I was one of the first users to post in this thread for successful refunds. There are 2/3 merchants whom months ago took my money and I can’t track them down after numerous chargeback attempts etc. worth raising with the ombudsman? My bank couldn’t help me with then and the total up to about £700.
so happy to see more people getting refunds slowly but surely.
Paul you honestly need to stop and give funds to a family member immediately you've been fortunate enough to be credited back and your just giving it back to these sites and the amounts your losing is crazy.
Hi Elija I know its sad im not right I have deffo stopped now im not going to win transactions are ending up in Lithuainia it says it must be rigged I feel sick
I do not have anyone to help me its all on me ive only got about £4000 left now thanks for the help
You definitely need to stop mate. Your bordering on pushing this into freerolling territory by continuing to use recovered funds to play elsewhere. Get gamban installed asap would be my advice.
今日 gamcare に電話したら 1 時間もかかって悲しいし、苦労している。今回銀行が助けてくれるかどうかわからない。銀行は本当に助けてくれるはず。口座を閉鎖するかもしれない。本当に助けになるのかはわからない。何よりも必要なのは、bern が紹介してくれた 1 対 1 のサポートだ。
I called gamcare today was on for an hour sad im struggling im not sure the bank will help me this time they should really they might do it and close the account im not sure really its help I need more than anything bern referred to places one on one help
今日 gamcare に電話したら 1 時間もかかって悲しいし、苦労している。今回銀行が助けてくれるかどうかわからない。銀行は本当に助けてくれるはず。口座を閉鎖するかもしれない。本当に助けになるのかはわからない。何よりも必要なのは、bern が紹介してくれた 1 対 1 のサポートだ。
I called gamcare today was on for an hour sad im struggling im not sure the bank will help me this time they should really they might do it and close the account im not sure really its help I need more than anything bern referred to places one on one help
やあ、試してみたけど削除できるよ。パスワードを設定する人が必要だよ。私にはそんな人はいないし、携帯を売買していて、家には使えるiPhone 11proと13 miniがある。
Hi mate i tried it i can just delete it off it needs someone to set a password ive not got anyone like that plus I buy and sell phones and have an iphone 11pro and 13 mini in the house I could use
わかりました。確認してみます。ありがとうございます。iPhone 11 Proに切り替えます。おそらく明日です。他の電話を使うとは思えません。助けてくれる人がいないので、助けになるかもしれません。Gamcareは誰かを割り当てると言っていますが、オンラインか電話だと思います。
Ok I will take a look thanks I am switching to an iphone 11 pro probs tomorrow I doubt I would use the other phones it might help me ive got no one to help gamcare said they are allocating me someone but its online or telephone i think
私たちが GamStop でブロックされたら、彼らはどうやってそれを逃れることができるのでしょうか。ストレスフリーのはずですが、まったく正しくありません。
How do they manage to get away with it anyway once we are blocked on gamstop that should be it stress free its not right at all.
問題は、Gamstop が英国ライセンスのカジノのみを対象としていることです。そのためには、Gamstop は優れたツールです。ストリーマーは、これらの「オフショア」サイトの宣伝にも責任を持つ必要がありますが、デビット カードやクレジットカードによる支払いを受け付け、それを他のものとして隠しているストリーマーは最悪です。彼らの行為はまさに犯罪です。
Problem is Gamstop only covers UK licenced casinos - its a great tool for that. Streamers need to take some responsibility for advertising these "offshore" sites as well, but the ones taking debit/credit card payments and hiding them as other things are the worst - just criminal in what they are doing.
Yes Crypto so I cannot see why my bank will not support me again as my credit card Zopa did it twice will see how it goes anyway it would not cause them any hassle its clear fraud and preying on people, they should be taught a lesson with full refunds issued even after payouts have been made. Im still waiting to hear from Kinghills its possible no support at weekends but would be surprising
Yes Crypto so I cannot see why my bank will not support me again as my credit card Zopa did it twice will see how it goes anyway it would not cause them any hassle its clear fraud and preying on people, they should be taught a lesson with full refunds issued even after payouts have been made. Im still waiting to hear from Kinghills its possible no support at weekends but would be surprising
まあ、それは彼らには独自の決済ベンダーがあるということなので、彼らに勝つことはできない。私は昨夜、5000ポンド以上の支払いをするために銀行からRevolutに送金したが、すべての送金がリトアニア宛てであることを確認して、Revolutはすぐにチャージバックを拒否した。彼らはMonzoと同様にサイト上の支払い方法であり、彼らが詐欺師と協力しているのは悲しいことだ! まあ、カジノチェーンにはリトアニアに独自の決済会社Piatrixもある。私は何年も前にNationwideで失敗したことがあり、自分でやろうとした
Ok well that means they have their own payment vendor you cannot win them I ended up last night transferring money to Revolut from my bank to make payments over £5000 worth and i checked its all money transfers going to Lithiainia and Revolut quicky rejected the chargebacks they are a payment method on the site as is Monzo which is sad they are working with the crooks ! Very Well casino chain they have their own payment company Piatrix in Lithuania as well i had some failed with Nationwide years ago then I tried to do it myself
私は彼らに 1 万ドル以上失ったと思いますが、私の銀行 (Monzo、Barclays、First Direct、National) はどれも私をまったく助けてくれませんでした。多くの取引にオープンバンキング (Payop と Falcora Finance) も使用しました。
Hi if anyone has any info getting money back from the following sites please let me know.
i reckon I have lost over 10k to them and none of my banks (Monzo, Barclays, first direct and nationwide( are helping me at all. I used openbanking (payop and Falcora finance) for a lot of the transactions too.
no one is helping me get my money back.
someone please help me. I want to get on with my life now and I think this is wrong for
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