Thanks a lot boots I reckon they know they failed hence the quick reply and refund its not massive but £500 back today compared to what ive been losing makes me feel a bit better at least im still waiting on my bank replying to my complaint im not sure if no news is good news as it was raised last Thursday maybe it is as they are taking longer 1st rejection last time was very quick like a day later
No chance boots im deffo done with it now too sickened by it im hoping my gamcare meeting helps me tomorrow 2pm after my referral was completed and im deffo not using those sites ever again would be amazing to get the big amount back but im a bit doubtful and also stressed a bit waiting on the reply
今日、銀行から電子メールで最新情報を受け取りました。私の苦情はまだ調査中であり、返答までにさらに 5 週間かかる可能性があるとのことです。もう一度苦情を申し立てるべきか、このまま放置すべきでしょうか。
Got a email update from the bank today, they are saying my complaint is still under investigation and it can take another 5 weeks to hear back, shall i raise another complaint or let this ride out.
元の電子メールには 15 営業日以内と記載されていましたが、今日が 15 日目でした。
original email stated no longer then 15 working days which the 15th day was today.
Ok they actually replied ! That is the Kinghills chain ive never had a peep out of them !
まず最初に、このトピックで読んだ投稿に基づいて、このフォーラムが本当に役に立ち、サポートしてくれると感じたことを述べさせてください。明らかに、私たち全員にギャンブルという共通点がありますが (おそらく、私たち英国人のほとんども GamStop を利用しています)、本当に役立つコミュニティのように感じます。
2 番目 - 以前の投稿に続き、さらに詳しく読んでみると、これでは何も得られない可能性が高いことを完全に認めています。可能性は 1% かもしれませんが、とにかく試してみたいと思います。誰か、明細書に記載されているこれらの支払い処理業者/販売業者を特定するのを手伝ってくれませんか? 連絡先の詳細も教えてください。
Zpaympf ザプラチナ
First of all can I say what a genuinely useful/supportive forum this feels based on the posts I've read in this topic. Obviously we all have the gambling in common (probably most of us UK people are on GamStop too) but feels like a real helfpul community.
Second - following on from my previous posts and reading more into it - I fully accept I am likely to get NOWHERE with this, maybe 1% chance but I want to give it a try regardless. Can anyone help me identify the payment processor/merchant for these on my statement please? And contact details?
Nikotpf Pokerprosonlin
Zpaympf Theplatinum
Have you actually googled them?
They all look like Elegro to me, email Elegro.
I would say ask the bank to do them if passible try contacting anyway
最後の手段として、最後の手段として、FOS に自分でクレームを申し立てて、残りの 400 ポンドを取り戻そうと思います。とにかく試してみる価値はあります。私は、最初に支払い処理業者/会社から直接払い戻しを受けた幸運な人の 1 人でした。どうなったか、皆さんにお知らせします。
I’m going to raise a claim myself with the FOS in a last ditch attempt to get the last £400 back. Worth a try anyway, I was one of the lucky ones at the start who got refunds directly from payment processors/companies. Will let you all know how I get on.
(したがって、FOS でエスカレートすることはできません)
Cheers guys. Bank not an option unfortunately as well over 120 days for chargeback.
(Therefore can't esclate with FOS)
I do know it's probably not going to result in a refund - but any advice on what exactly to say in my email?
受信フォルダーを確認し、下記メールアドレスへ送られたリンクをクリックしてください。 youremail@gmail.com