15 年が経ち、これらの詐欺師たちに計り知れないほどの損失を被った後、ようやく、彼らは詐欺師であり、これまでもそうであり、これからもそうあり続けるだろうと悟りました。このことに気付いたのは恥ずかしいことです。
これがなぜ問題なのか、例を挙げて説明します。仮に、サインアップ時に誤って郵便番号を間違えて入力したとします。サイトでプレイして 1,000 ドル負けました。その後、もう一度入金して運よく 2,000 ドルを獲得しました。出金をリクエストし、書類を提出しました。サイト側はサインアップ時に間違った郵便番号を入力したことに気づき、セキュリティ上の理由から、このため勝利金は無効だと言います。
この例の問題点は、1) 私たちの多くが、同じように些細な、あるいは非常識な理由で同様の経験をしたことがあり、2) つまり、最初に負けた 1,000 ドルは、勝つ可能性がまったくなく、勝ったとしても最終的には失格になるため、実際にはギャンブルではなかったということです。つまり、支払ったサービスを受けられず、入金したドルはすべて没収されることになります。
After 15 years and untold amounts of losses to these crooks, I finally realize that they are, always have been, and alway will be scams. It's embarrassing to have come to this realization.
Fighting back by challenging their shady payment practices is fair play, so long as you are honest. But, shady payments is only tip of the iceberg and, by themselves, do not scratch the surface as to why these casinos are scams. In fact, you can have shady payment practices and still run an honest casino.
The cancellation of winnings for any reason they can contrive is the wildest and most crooked part of the scam. What I resent the most, and am most embarrassed about, is how they gaslight the player. You win, they don't pay you, and they act like you have done something wrong.
Here's an example of why this is so problematic. Suppose, for arguments sake, you enter the wrong zip code by accident when you sign up. You play on the site and lose $1000. Then, you make one more deposit and get lucky hitting for $2000. You request a withdrawal, submit your paperwork. They notice you used the incorrect zip code when you signed up, and say, for security reasons, that your wins are nullified because of this.
The issue with this example is, 1) many of us have had similar experiences for equally as minor or insane reasons and, 2) this means that you were never really gambling at all with the first $1000 you lost because there was never the possibility of winning as any win would eventually be disqualified. So, you did not get the service you paid for, every dollar you deposited was always going to be forfeited.
If these casinos were operating in the US, they would be subject to a massive class action lawsuit for such practices. They are scams.