私はここにmystake-casinoに対して苦情を申し立てます。mystake-casinoはrolletto-casinoとともに、OnyxioN BV(登録番号:151296;キュラソーに登録)によって所有および運営されています。
2022年4月28日、私はギャンブル依存症のために即時禁止をRolletto livechatに申請しましたが、これはすぐに許可されました。残念ながら、4月28日以降のRollettoでの禁止後も、姉妹カジノのmystakeに5000ユーロ以上を入金し、負けることができました。
mystakeカジノとRollettoカジノは1つの同じチャットを使用します。 mystakeチャットとRollettoチャットを同時に開くと、チャットの会話が同期して表示されます。したがって、チャットの背後にあるサポートは、ロレットチャットとmystakeチャットの両方を同時に担当します。両方のライブチャットの背後にいるのは1人の同じ人物です。
"拝啓 お客様、

Good day
I hereby file a complaint against mystake-casino, which together with rolletto-casino is owned and operated by OnyxioN B.V. (registration number: 151296; registered in Curaçao).
On April 28, 2022, I applied to Rolletto livechat for an immediate ban due to gambling addiction, which was granted immediately. Unfortunately, after the ban at Rolletto after April 28th, I was still able to deposit over 5000 euros at the sister casino mystake and lose.
I feel like I should have been banned from both casinos. This for the following reason:
The mystake casino and the Rolletto casino use one and the same chat. If I open mystake chat and Rolletto chat at the same time, the chat conversations are shown synchronously. The support behind the chat is therefore responsible for both the rolletto and the mystake chat at the same time. It's one and the same person behind both livechats.
When I confronted mystake casino with this fact, I was lied to or the chat was terminated.
On May 12, 2022, a Mystake employee wrote to me:
"Dear Customer,
Please be informed, that according to the Terms & Conditions of the website Privacy Policy, we do not share or receive personal information from our customers. Accordingly, as an independent brand, MyStake do not hold information which is kept by other brands.".
For the reasons mentioned, this is not true. When I write to Rolletto Casino via live-chat, the message also appears in mystake-chat at the same time. The fact that you do not exchange any information with each other can only be viewed cynically, since one person is available and responsible for both the rolletto and the mystake chat in the live chat. If I write to the support in the Rolletto chat that I want to be blocked immediately, then this should also apply to the mystake casino for the reasons mentioned.
I would be happy to submit various documents that prove this. But before you answer, I would ask you to do the following: Open the Rolletto-chat and the mystake-chat and write something. You will be amazed.
The fact that the respective sister casinos have no information about what was written in the other chat (e.g. game ban for gambling addiction) is just ridiculous.
I would like to send you a PDF, but I couldn't upload it here.
I hope for your answer.
Best regards
